Remember when liberals didn't know what coyotes are???


Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Dec 31, 2020

No he’s right it’s the animal. We’ve started outfitting the coyotes with saddles to make it easier. They also eat outdoor cats so we like them even more.
No he’s right it’s the animal. We’ve started outfitting the coyotes with saddles to make it easier. They also eat outdoor cats so we like them even more.

Well they have been known to transport Haitians...

"Police authorities arrested three Honduran "coyotes" in Choluteca region of southern Honduras who were illegally transporting 16 illegal migrants to the United States, including 12 Haitians, 3 Cubans and 1 Peruvian."

Wonder where these "immigrants" were going to be working once they got to the US...

I notice these coyotes are Honduran. Any from Haiti have already been eaten...
Haiti is an island how the hell are we going to get the saddled coyotes down there? Think.

And also do you sleep? It’s like 2:30 am your time.
Haiti is an island how the hell are we going to get the saddled coyotes down there? Think.

Coyotes are a canine. Haitians eat canines. No coyotes in Haiti. Think...

And also do you sleep? It’s like 2:30 am your time.

Not much. I'll take a couple power naps during the day - 5-10 minutes will give me 4-5 hours. I might sleep 3-4 hours at night. One night a week I might crash and sleep 8-9 hours.

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