What in the world does this actually accomplish? If you want to cut government size, fine. It needs done. I've said for years that about 30% of the people do about 95% of the work. But go back and see (1) who is productive based on their output, and (2) who has outstanding performance reviews. They're using an axe when they need a scalpel.
Here is the issue. They are attempting to see who is there.
I just heard the director of the Small Business Administration say 90% of the workers never returned to their offices after Covid. The supervisors, directors, and Mush Brain never made them. There are people literally lost in space and the American taxpayer is paying for it.
Warning. Here comes a controversial herdman post.
I have a good friend that works for the postal service. Not as a carrier but at a major regional center. Where they run operations, IT, human resources, etc. Large office with hundreds and hundreds of employees.
He ran a group of about 10 t0 15 people at any one time. His words. 2 to 4 worth worth a shit. one or two more might be halfway worth a shit. The rest were useless and did nothing. You couldn't do anything to them. He said it is so bad that the few do the work of all of them because it is easier and the others literally hang out and do zero. Can't do anything because well, they are minorities for the most part.
When Covid hit they went remote. He said they had employees that literally disappeared for months. Not checking emails, not doing anything. The supervisors and the ones worth a shit would do the work. There was little to no accountability. For months and years that went on. Nobody would uspet the apple cart because the politicians(Mush Brain admin especially) would not upset the union and minorities. That is just the way it is.
This is at our taxpayer expense. By one account the US Postal service loses 9 billion in some years. Billions.
Frankly, you all can get mad if you want, he says the only reason in his opinion that office exists is to play grab ass with the federal union and give the 80% of minorities there a job. He said for every 100 employees there 70% are not worth a shit and they could easily cut the payroll in half and do the same thing.
How does he know? He played the game. I know what he did during Covid. He got up and ran a report at 7am. Did emails until 730am. At breakfast and took a nap until 11am. Check emails at 11am. Then the rest of the day did what he wanted which was either chase women or play golf. He did for at least a year. He did the work for his staff and most everyday had it done by noon. He had two or three employees he didn't hear from for 6 months. He said it was better that way and he didn't have to put up with them. These are just some of the stories he tells.
Now we can all keep paying for this shit or we can try to fix it. These people actually get their feelings hurt over a simple email request?