
i am herdman

Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Mar 5, 2006
are the democrats that desperate they have to go around touting that nonsense? Just to get black voters? Are they afraid Trump is pulling just enough black voters they have to go kiss ass to the likes of Al Sharpton and promise reparations.

Here's you hand out? Vote for us?

Lunatics. Reparations. Here is a $150 for each of you for what? $500? $5,000? $100,000? $5,000,000? What if you are part slave descendant? Divide by some number? What if you are 98.92% non slave descendant? What if Thomas Jefferson was your great, great, great, great, great, great, great, grandfather? What if your lineage was a slave bought fought for the South?

What about if you were Irish and your forefathers who children who worked in a steel mill up North. Child Labor?

How they hell do they propose that people prove they are some slave descendant?

Desperation has set in. Go promise people free stuff so the vote for you.
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black unemployment at all time low under a republican president. more people looking for jobs than are jobs available. they need to buy the votes they know their going to lose.
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black unemployment at all time low under a republican president. more people looking for jobs than are jobs available. they need to buy the votes they know their going to lose.

Black unemployment rate dropped almost 9 points under obama. It's dropped 1 point under cheetos.

FFS learn to spell. You are so f'ucking stupid, you proudly display your stupidity for everyone to see. You are like the extremely overweight chick wearing yoga pants.
What about if you were Irish and your forefathers who children who worked in a steel mill up North. Child Labor?

What about if you are illiterate and can't put together a coherent sentence? Should you really be posting on a message board?

FFS learn to spell. You are so f'ucking stupid, you proudly display your stupidity for everyone to see. You are like the extremely overweight chick wearing yoga pants.
and, yore the moose knuckle of a vagina hanging between her thighs.
I'm out of my league here but I *think* a lot of this "new" discussion on this topic was because Ta-Nahesi Coates essay in The Atlantic that got a lot of attention. I read that essay but not his book which also got a lot of attention.

I've listened to and read other black thought leaders including John McWhorter, Glenn Loury, and Coleman Hughes (more up and coming) who oppose such reparations in contrast to Coates.

If anyone wants to read about it in more depth those are some names that have well thought out arguments for and against.
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What about if you are illiterate and can't put together a coherent sentence? Should you really be posting on a message board?
Shut up you half ass nit wit ambulance chasing stupid ****er who can't figure iut how to collect $100. How do you practice law when you cant even collect $100.

Now why dont you discuss the topic ? Half assed matlock want to be. Can you even represent your way out of a wet paper bag?

F it. I am not even going to go change it.
Shut up you half ass nit wit ambulance chasing stupid ****er who can't figure iut how to collect $100. How do you practice law when you cant even collect $100.

Now why dont you discuss the topic ? Half assed matlock want to be
see, that's where you're wrong. he's no half ass nit wit. motherf'r is full blown nit wit.

and, the reason he won't discuss a topic and that 95+% of his posts consist of drive-by "LOL" "LMAO" "GTFO" "HAHAHAHA" type posts is he's actually clever enough to realize that when he does post, he typically knows nothing about which he speaks. see "debt vs. deficit".
see, that's where you're wrong. he's no half ass nit wit. motherf'r is full blown nit wit.

and, the reason he won't discuss a topic and that 95+% of his posts consist of drive-by "LOL" "LMAO" "GTFO" "HAHAHAHA" type posts is he's actually clever enough to realize that when he does post, he typically knows nothing about which he speaks. see "debt vs. deficit".

_______metal fab guru
No, moron, it was YOU who defended the idea that your brothers metal fab shop improved by the repeal of regulations that weren't repealed.
you keep calling me metal fab. i'm not metal fab, he is. they grossed over $1.5 million last year, up by over 10% from prior year which was up even more from 2016. how'd your cabinet business do?

and, it was repeal plus the general outlook of the industry which caused it. before you ask, i've posted that which was repealed in the past. you didn't like it. just an fyi reminder for ya before your head explodes.
Need the Hispanic vote? Let all the illegals in. Need the black vote? Reparations!

Heaven forbid they ever need a white man’s vote, but I guess it’s a lot harder to buy those.
Heaven forbid they ever need a white man’s vote, but I guess it’s a lot harder to buy those.
They get those sap headed young worthless school kids vote by promising them a bunch of free shit. Hope Rifle doesn't read, cuz lots of grammar mistakes in my first sentence.
and, it was repeal plus the general outlook of the industry which caused it. before you ask

No, it was not "repeal" at all. Nothing had been repealed when you spewed that garbage. You're still trying to pass it off as true when it's a bare faced lie.
No, it was not "repeal" at all. Nothing had been repealed when you spewed that garbage. You're still trying to pass it off as true when it's a bare faced lie.
i've never seen a grown man (questionable use of term) cry this long. which is it that has you so ass-hurt the worst, the fact that you never came close to $1MM in sales or the fact that trump is still your president?

as i've indicated, it was all about the outlook business would benefit from the below. i'm not so sure why it's so difficult for a sloped forehead like yourself to grasp this concept . . . oh wait, you're a failure. explains a lot.

Water Pollution from Coal Plants:
On April 25, 2017, the Trump Administration halted, indefinitely, certain compliance deadlines in the 2015 Steam Electric Effluent Limitations Guidelines (“ELG”) Rule, which set, for the first time, limits on toxic water pollution from coal-fired power plants. EPA issued the regulations on September 30, 2015 in response to a lawsuit by the Environmental Integrity Project and other environmental groups, and the rule went into effect on January 4, 2016. Power plants are the largest industrial discharger of toxic water pollution, yet prior to the ELG rule there were no federal limits on any toxic pollutants from this industry. The ELG rule sets limits on discharges, requiring zero discharge from certain coal ash wastewaters and requiring limits on toxic pollutants including arsenic and selenium in the wastewater from air pollution control devices called “scrubbers.” The rule required that discharge permits incorporate the new requirements “as soon as possible beginning November 1, 2018” and “no later than December 31, 2023.” However, on September 18, 2017, EPA Administrator Pruitt finalized a rule postponing the earliest compliance dates for the ELG rule from 2018 to November 2020. This postponement creates uncertainty for regulatory agencies that have to issue new permits, as many plants have already received permits and taken steps that incorporate the rule’s pollution-reducing requirements and deadlines. here. EPA also announced, on August 14, 2017, in a filing with the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, that it was planning to re-write the limits on wastewater from bottom ash, scrubbers, and coal gasification plants, further signaling its intention to gut the limits on these waste streams.
They get those sap headed young worthless school kids vote by promising them a bunch of free shit. Hope Rifle doesn't read, cuz lots of grammar mistakes in my first sentence.
He needs to realize we rednecks don't care. Especially when we are here on this forum to have fun. I am not writing a term paper.
He needs to realize we rednecks don't care. Especially when we are here on this forum to have fun. I am not writing a term paper.
He also needs to realize we don't give a shit. I was born a deplorable prick, and I'll die a deplorable prick.
On April 25, 2017, the Trump Administration halted, indefinitely, certain compliance deadlines

So, idiot, you are stupid enough to expect us to believe that a regulation halted in late April caused your brother's metal fab shop's income to be "up YUGE year to date" by late June. Must've been an incredible 2 months. moron
So, idiot, you are stupid enough to expect us to believe that a regulation halted in late April caused your brother's metal fab shop's income to be "up YUGE year to date" by late June. Must've been an incredible 2 months. moron
actually, it was. just looked at their QB file and gross was up by over $233K in comparison to the same period of the prior year.

why so bitter?
What are the Democrats desperate for? Blacks are not voting for you racist bastards anytime soon.

Blacks are so predictably predictable Democrats they are likely the reason Hillary got the nomination. Thanks a lot, fvckers.

There's two sides here. Us honkeys have been some no-good SOBs for hundreds of years. I don't think we should pay for the sins of our fathers, but goddamn they were some big sins. Which side is more right? Beats me.

Then I think about all the hillbillies, Okies, poor white trash that got screwed. Who all do we have to pay?

I'd suggest we all agree to go forward and sin no more....but that's not how humans work.
What are the Democrats desperate for? Blacks are not voting for you racist bastards anytime soon.

Blacks are so predictably predictable Democrats they are likely the reason Hillary got the nomination. Thanks a lot, fvckers.

There's two sides here. Us honkeys have been some no-good SOBs for hundreds of years. I don't think we should pay for the sins of our fathers, but goddamn they were some big sins. Which side is more right? Beats me.

Then I think about all the hillbillies, Okies, poor white trash that got screwed. Who all do we have to pay?

I'd suggest we all agree to go forward and sin no more....but that's not how humans work.
heard a black guy say, more or less, "motherfvckers talk about sending me home to africa. want to send me home, send my ass to loozianna, my black ass ain't never been to africa and i ain't never been a slave nor picked cotton in the south."
actually, it was. just looked at their QB file and gross was up by over $233K in comparison to the same period of the prior year.

why so bitter?

I'm not questioning whether the income was up, idiot, I'm stating your claim that it was due to deregulation is idiocy.
videos of a big dummy

Really? It's a sad day this dumb bitch is even in front of Congress. Then again, it's all a circus these days.

I'll give her credit: she is smart enough to know the white nationalists would pay money to "claim" a black woman. Same as they did the gay-as-fvck Milo. "Gotta look less Klannish". They'd throw both into the ovens first chance they got.

I don't know why she thinks her answer is taken out of context; what context is needed for saying something really stupid and uneducated? She sounds like a black Marge Schott talking about Hitler.
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Really? It's a sad day this dumb bitch is even in front of Congress. Then again, it's all a circus these days.

I'll give her credit: she is smart enough to know the white nationalists would pay money to "claim" a black woman. Same as they did the gay-as-fvck Milo. "Gotta look less Klannish". They'd throw both into the ovens first chance they got.

I don't know why she thinks her answer is taken out of context; what context is needed for saying something really stupid and uneducated? She sounds like a black Marge Schott talking about Hitler.
you should seriously take a break from posting. when you post something asinine like this, you come back with "dohhhh, it was sarcasm." if nobody calls you out, then i guess it's suppose to be serious?

i'll give you one thing, though, it was definitely a fvcking circus watching your heros chase their tail the way barr made them earlier today.
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you should seriously take a break from posting. when you post something asinine like this, you come back with "dohhhh, it was sarcasm." if nobody calls you out, then i guess it's suppose to be serious?

i'll give you one thing, though, it was definitely a fvcking circus watching your heros chase their tail the way barr made them earlier today.

My heroes? I didn't know Johnny Bench and Pete Rose were in Congress. Sweet.

You gave time to watch entire Congressional hearings? Are you on the welfare too, like EG?

And I'm 100% serious. She's a dipshit. But if you are a fan of hers, she's smarter than you.
My heroes? I didn't know Johnny Bench and Pete Rose were in Congress. Sweet.

You gave time to watch entire Congressional hearings? Are you on the welfare too, like EG?

And I'm 100% serious. She's a dipshit. But if you are a fan of hers, she's smarter than you.
lol, you have time to post here but not stream a video? or, is it slightly too complex for you to work and do something else at the same time. some call it multitasking. i'd tell you to try it sometime, but don't want to confuse ya.

she may be a dipshit and i really don't know much about her, nor do i care. however, just because someone's a dipshit doesn't mean they're in the wrong. if that was the case, you and a bunch of other idiots around here should change your names to wrong.1, wrong.2, wrong.3, and so on.
some call it multitasking

I was already working two monitors worth of work today as it was. You want to drop by and set up a third one for me?

however, just because someone's a dipshit doesn't mean they're in the wrong.

I'm sure if Alex Jones said it was sunny today he'd be right, but he's still too stupid to be testifying to Congress if the universe wasn't as backwards as it seems to be these days.

Farrakhan at the White House, this woman in front of's all a shit-show.
I was already working two monitors worth of work today as it was. You want to drop by and set up a third one for me?

I'm sure if Alex Jones said it was sunny today he'd be right, but he's still too stupid to be testifying to Congress if the universe wasn't as backwards as it seems to be these days.

Farrakhan at the White House, this woman in front of's all a shit-show.
2 monitors? Cool, welcome to 20 years ago. Why stop at 3?

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