Republican Policies are Destroying the Country

The weather isn't a Republican policy.

Florida isn't near as bad as California either

However, I agree. Republicans suck. They just suck a lot less than Democrats, who are destroying our country.
The weather isn't a Republican policy.

Florida isn't near as bad as California either

However, I agree. Republicans suck. They just suck a lot less than Democrats, who are destroying our country.
You're a lying idiot.
Florida is a mess.

“It wasn’t the utopia on any level that I thought it would be,” said Jodi Cummings, who moved to Florida from Connecticut in 2021. “I thought Florida would be an easier lifestyle, I thought the pace would be a little bit quieter, I thought it would be warmer. I didn’t expect it to be literally 100 degrees at night. It was incredibly difficult to make friends, and it was expensive, very expensive.”

Imagine that a person from Connecticut not having anything in common with a southerner.
If you attempt to tell me I can't determine the condition of Donald Trump's soul, then you're a lying idiot.

You can't. Your interpretation of the Bible is different from mine, on this topic. In your judgement, Trump may live a life you want nothing to do with, based on your interpretation, but you have no clue, as to the condition of his soul. You can't see his heart. You're not God, nor do you have the power of God.
You can't. Your interpretation of the Bible is different from mine, on this topic. In your judgement, Trump may live a life you want nothing to do with, based on your interpretation, but you have no clue, as to the condition of his soul. You can't see his heart. You're not God, nor do you have the power of God.
It has nothing to do with whether I approve of someone's life. It has entirely to do with whether God approves or not. ALL people have been concluded under sin. You MUST believe that God IS and is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. You must believe in Jesus as the Savior because you cannot access God except through Jesus. You MUST honestly and humbly repent of your sins. If you say you haven't sinned, you're a liar and the truth is not in you.

Conclusion: your orange jesus stated that he hadn't done anything for which he needed to repent, therefore he has not repented, and he is a sinner and headed for a devil's hell if he doesn't change his ways.
It has nothing to do with whether I approve of someone's life. It has entirely to do with whether God approves or not. ALL people have been concluded under sin. You MUST believe that God IS and is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. You must believe in Jesus as the Savior because you cannot access God except through Jesus. You MUST honestly and humbly repent of your sins. If you say you haven't sinned, you're a liar and the truth is not in you.

Conclusion: your orange jesus stated that he hadn't done anything for which he needed to repent, therefore he has not repented, and he is a sinner and headed for a devil's hell if he doesn't change his ways.
The above poster particpated in Scientology and has not denounced Scientology or his decision. Take what his says with less than a grain of salt.
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The above poster particpated in Scientology and has not denounced Scientology or his decision. Take what his says with less than a grain of salt.
You're a Godless liar, idiot, trumptard, and oath breaker. You're a great source for the rest of the board cons.
It has nothing to do with whether I approve of someone's life. It has entirely to do with whether God approves or not. ALL people have been concluded under sin. You MUST believe that God IS and is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. You must believe in Jesus as the Savior because you cannot access God except through Jesus. You MUST honestly and humbly repent of your sins. If you say you haven't sinned, you're a liar and the truth is not in you.

Conclusion: your orange jesus stated that he hadn't done anything for which he needed to repent, therefore he has not repented, and he is a sinner and headed for a devil's hell if he doesn't change his ways.

First, link to Trump saying that?

Second, you don’t know the destination of Trump's soul. You're not God, nor do you have the power of God.

Third, we are all sinners. I believe Trump knows what he needs to do and God knows Trump's heart, just as he knows everyone's.

Additionally, you call many on here followers of satan and tell us God doesn't listen to us.

Stop playing God.
If you aren’t intelligent enough to know that already, then use Google.

Knowing whether or not someone said something in particular, is not a measure of intelligence. I thought you were intelligent enough to know that.

For you, I Googled it and he says he has, in his way. Is he wrong? I don't know his personal relationship with God. I think he is a person of faith. He says he is.

I do know God knows his heart and none of us know where he's headed in the afterlife.
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Does it say know them by their fruits or judge them by their fruits?
You think, or pretend to think that there is one definition of judge. Here, let me help you out...


2 of 2
judged; judging
transitive verb

: to form an opinion about through careful weighing of evidence and testing of premises
: to form an estimate or evaluation of

What part of the following do you not understand?...

Conclusion: your orange jesus stated that he hadn't done anything for which he needed to repent, therefore he has not repented, and he is a sinner and headed for a devil's hell if he doesn't change his ways.

Now, a question for the conclusion above Biblically correct?
First, link to Trump saying that?

Google it.
Second, you don’t know the destination of Trump's soul.
I know how it stands at present time. No one is asking you to take my word for it, you are being told to take God's word for it.
Third, we are all sinners.
I am not. You are.
I believe Trump knows what he needs to do and God knows Trump's heart, just as he knows everyone's.
Additionally, you call many on here followers of satan and tell us God doesn't listen to us.
Stop playing God.
Stop being a God hater.
Anyone have some extra trump chum?
Google it.

I did and I can see how a hater would look at it.

I know how it stands at present time. No one is asking you to take my word for it, you are being told to take God's word for it.

You don’t. You 100% don’t.
I am not. You are.

We were all born sinners amd van be saved by the grace of God. Saved, we are saints who still and always will struggle with sin. You've lied on here many times and lying is a sin. So you do sin. We all do.

It's awful that you accuse me of worshipping satan and hating God. What makes ypu think that is good in God's eyes, is beyond me.

Stop being a God hater.

I don't hate God. He knows that. I've repented, I've been baptized and ultimately saved, by the grace of God.

You continuing to lie about people can not change that. One day, you may have to answer to those lies.
I did and I can see how a hater would look at it.
I don't hate your orange jesus. But I absolutely despise his ways. He's a liar, fraud, cheater, America hater, unrepentant, faithless sinner.

You don’t. You 100% don’t.
You're a liar, and idiot enough to state that you believe your orange jesus is a man of faith.

You've lied on here many times and lying is a sin. So you do sin. We all do.
You're a lying idiot.

It's awful that you accuse me of worshipping satan and hating God.
Then stop.

I don't hate God
Yeah, you do. I know all I need to know about your "religion" when you state you believe your orange jesus is a man of faith. You don't understand any of the Bible.
I've been baptized and ultimately saved, by the grace of God.

How do you know you're saved?
I don't hate your orange jesus. But I absolutely despise his ways. He's a liar, fraud, cheater, America hater, unrepentant, faithless sinner.

Are you good with Pedo-Joe’s ways?

You're a liar, and idiot enough to state that you believe your orange jesus is a man of faith.

He believes in God. Without faith, how is that possible?

You're a lying idiot.

You lie on here more than anyone I've seen.

Then stop.

Haven't and never will. It's an outright lie you tell, when you say anyone on here worships satan and hates God.

For instance. riflearm has mocked God's word and makes fun of people of faith on this board. Are you saying he hates God and worships satan?

Yeah, you do. I know all I need to know about your "religion" when you state you believe your orange jesus is a man of faith. You don't understand any of the Bible.

I have no religion. Religion is man-made.

How do you know you're saved?

God's promise to me. I'm saved by his grace. You're a peon, no better than me or anyone else.
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Are you good with Pedo-Joe’s ways?
apples and orange jesus
He believes in God.
So does satan.
Without faith, how is that possible?
It's not. And your orange jesus doesn't have any.
You lie on here more than anyone I've seen.
You're a liar.
Haven't and never will. It's an outright lie you tell, when you say anyone on here worships satan and hates God.
The more you post on this subject, the stupider you prove yourself to be. You serve satan.

No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other.
For instance. riflearm has mocked God's word and makes fun of people of faith on this board. Are you saying he hates God and worships satan?
Absolutely. moron.
I have no religion. Religion is man-made.
You're an idiot. And now you're calling God a liar just like your orange jesus. It's right there in the Bible. moron.

James 1:27
Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.
God's promise to me
Wrong answer. Here it is again...How do you KNOW? The Bible tells you how you can KNOW.

I'm saved by his grace.
Didn't ask what you claim saved you. I asked how do you KNOW you're saved.
apples and orange jesus

How do you figure? Pedo-Joe lies constantly. So lying and supporting the mutilation of children is okay?

So does satan.

He absolutely does and he's terrified of what's going to happen to him

It's not. And your orange jesus doesn't have any.

You don’t know. God does.

You're a liar.

You lie a lot.

The more you post on this subject, the stupider you prove yourself to be. You serve satan.

For instance, this is a lie.

No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other.

Telling us we can't love God and wealth, but one or the other, has nothing do with you telling people they worship satan and hate God.

Absolutely. moron.

What makes you think riflearm worships satan? How can he worship something he thinks doesn't exist? Unless you know him personally, how do we know he's not just stirring the pot? You're not God. Stop playing God.

You're an idiot. And now you're calling God a liar just like your orange jesus. It's right there in the Bible. moron.

James 1:27
Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.

You know what I'm talking about. For instance: Are you Catholic? God didn't create that religion. Man did. If I'm asked of what religion I am, I tell them I am non denominational.

Wrong answer. Here it is again...How do you KNOW? The Bible tells you how you can KNOW.

How do you know I'm not? You can't know, because you lie and I know I am. You're nothing but a stumbling block. God is not the author of confusion. That's satan's job. I know Jesus, the Son of God, came here in the flesh, died for our sins and rose again.

9 If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.

Didn't ask what you claim saved you. I asked how do you KNOW you're saved.

Because God promised me.
“It wasn’t the utopia on any level that I thought it would be,” said Jodi Cummings, who moved to Florida from Connecticut in 2021. “I thought Florida would be an easier lifestyle, I thought the pace would be a little bit quieter, I thought it would be warmer. I didn’t expect it to be literally 100 degrees at night. It was incredibly difficult to make friends, and it was expensive, very expensive.”

Imagine that a person from Connecticut not having anything in common with a southerner.
CT is number 9 on Forbes highest cost of living, FL is 21. If she thinks FL is expensive she wouldn’t believe what prices are now in the NE.

And it’s only difficult to make friends in FL if you are a stuck up, liberal, northern Karen.
Pedo-Joe lies constantly.
You're a lying idiot. Your orange jesus told 7 times more lies in his first 100 days than Biden. In a single day on Nov 2, 2020 your orange jesus made 504 false claims. Apples and orange jesus.
So lying and supporting the mutilation of children is okay?
He absolutely does and he's terrified of what's going to happen to him
That's^^^who you serve.
You don’t know. God does.
I know. Your orange jesus is unrepentant, and therefore faithless. And without faith it's impossible to please God.
You lie a lot.
You're a liar.
For instance, this is a lie.
You're a liar.
Telling us we can't love God and wealth, but one or the other, has nothing do with you telling people they worship satan and hate God.
You cannot serve 2 masters. It's one or the other. You and your orange jesus serve satan.
What makes you think riflearm worships satan?
You cannot serve 2 masters is the point being made. It's one or the other. If you serve mammon, you serve the devil is an example.
How can he worship something he thinks doesn't exist?
By default. If you don't serve God, there's only one other choice.
Unless you know him personally, how do we know he's not just stirring the pot?
I'll take the word of rifle over that of your orange jesus every time. I've not seen rifle lie.
You're not God. Stop playing God.
You're not a Christian.
You know what I'm talking about. For instance: Are you Catholic? God didn't create that religion. Man did. If I'm asked of what religion I am, I tell them I am non denominational.
Summary: You were wrong.

How do you know I'm not?
**By your fruits.
9 If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.

Because God promised me.
Didn't ask you how you allege you were saved. I asked (3rd time now) how do you know you are saved.
You're a lying idiot. Your orange jesus told 7 times more lies in his first 100 days than Biden. In a single day on Nov 2, 2020 your orange jesus made 504 false claims. Apples and orange jesus.


That's^^^who you serve.

I know. Your orange jesus is unrepentant, and therefore faithless. And without faith it's impossible to please God.

You're a liar.

You're a liar.

You cannot serve 2 masters. It's one or the other. You and your orange jesus serve satan.

You cannot serve 2 masters is the point being made. It's one or the other. If you serve mammon, you serve the devil is an example.

By default. If you don't serve God, there's only one other choice.

I'll take the word of rifle over that of your orange jesus every time. I've not seen rifle lie.

You're not a Christian.

Summary: You were wrong.

How do you know I'm not?
**By your fruits.

Didn't ask you how you allege you were saved. I asked (3rd time now) how do you know you are saved.
How do you know you are saved?

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