Chuck Todd, lmao. That said Clinton will mop the floor with Trump tonight if the "debate" is a policy discussion and not a food fight.
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I would hope Clinton would have the ability to pontificate about her policies. The same policies that have created much of the mess we witness in our govt daily for decades.
I would hope Clinton would have the ability to pontificate about her policies. The same policies that have created much of the mess we witness in our govt daily for decades.

I agree with you, not defending Clinton just making an observation. We're on the same page.
Hell, I've told you that for years. Could have used me as a source instead of balding Chuck.

Give him 3 years and he'll look like a fat Matt Lauer. Both of these shitheads, but more importantly Lester Holt taking over for Brian Williams is why NBC is no longer watchable.

You can't win in politics today unless you keep the checks in the mail. All this bullshit about opportunities Clinton is talking about. Who doesn't have the opportunity to go to college now? These bums don't want college. They want welfare. And she'll be there to hand it to them.
^^ Two questions. Are you Brian Williams love child? Did Lester Holt run over your dog? :)))
I wish. Then my mother wouldn't be bumming me for money, which I again told her this evening hell no. And I don't have pets. These people with paw stickers on their cars have turned me against pets.

These people drive like shit, and it's pathetic to act like you were so bad off in life that a dog or cat rescued you. Talking about a helpless animal that would starve if you didn't feed it. And it rescued you? And that gives you the right now to coast at 32 mph in the left lane of a 40 zone? And take 10 years to drift your Honda Fit into the center turn lane?

Brian Williams was a professional news anchor. Lester Holt is amateur hour, sounds like a robot and looks like Molly Shannon in a minstrel show.
Your first two paragraphs were lame and short of the high standard of parody poster you have achieved. The last paragraph was WP gold. Thank you.
not hard to win debates when you get the questions before and have 30 years worth of canned responses programed in your Cylon circuitry.
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She could just say "I don't want to answer" to,every question and be fine in the election.
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Did you all see how PISSED Killary is over Wikileaks? And now you Demtards are in real trouble, because even the moderator gave validity to them and will have the nation searching for more Wikileaks.

LOLZ @dtard and extratard!
well, you can continue to believe the liberal media polls all you want dtard. Do you promise to leave for Canada if Trump gets elected?

I didn't realize that there was a real news story about this, just thought it was a funny picture. Hitlary tour bus actually dumping raw sewage on an Atlanta street? That's just gross and so EPA unfriendly. Wonder if her campaign will be fined? I know any company that dumped raw sewage would be.
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Well extra, if a company had a "spill" like this, the area would be taped off, people would be walking around in hazmat suits, and an EPA investigation would take place, not only into this incident, but into the complete sewage dumping history of each tour bus in the campaign. Hitlary would be required to assemble copious amounts of documents and spend the next 2-3 years paying attorneys in an attempt to not have company crushing fines levied. Given the malicious intent of this purposeful dump, this would be a around a $250,000 fine with a multiplier on that for any future transgressions in the next 3-5 years.
Really nothing new here....waste and garbage is all that spews from the Clintons anyway.:)
Well extra, if a company had a "spill" like this, the area would be taped off, people would be walking around in hazmat suits, and an EPA investigation would take place, not only into this incident, but into the complete sewage dumping history of each tour bus in the campaign. Hitlary would be required to assemble copious amounts of documents and spend the next 2-3 years paying attorneys in an attempt to not have company crushing fines levied. Given the malicious intent of this purposeful dump, this would be a around a $250,000 fine with a multiplier on that for any future transgressions in the next 3-5 years.

No difference between this and the BP oil spill.
I dont think we will see a republican president for a long time. People are too lazy, or too stupid, to actually research events on their own, so they believe what the main stream media feeds them. That has caused us to have a nation that looks up to the likes of the Kartrashians and believe that they are nothing more than victims that have no need for personal responsibility.
No difference between this and the BP oil spill.

It's way different, one was an accident, potentially brought on by negligence, while the other was a blatant act, purposefully done, with disregard for anyone except those on the bus.
BP paid huge fines and cleaned up to the tune of billions of dollars.

Clinton gets elected President, gives state secrets to China, Russia, who knows who else

But no difference.
It's way different, one was an accident, potentially brought on by negligence, while the other was a blatant act, purposefully done, with disregard for anyone except those on the bus.

Clinton campaign should have to pay the same fines as BP for their oil spill since the 2 atrocious acts are of the same impact.
Can't divulge state secrets, sorry, only that WikiLeaks has determined you are an alien from Alpha Centauri.
That kind of thinking could get you a leadership position in Obama's EPA.

We need to get rid of the EPA. They're funnel vision concern with the made-up fossil fuel problem while allowing this atrocious sewage spill proves it.
I guess it would just be too hard to say, yeah, the Hillary bus spilling that raw sewage on a city street was bad and shouldn't have been done. And to be clear, dumping that sewage is a felony, a violation of the Clean Water Act, and something that many private companies have been fined for.
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I guess it would just be too hard to say, yeah, the Hillary bus spilling that raw sewage on a city street was bad and shouldn't have been done. And to be clear, dumping that sewage is a felony, a violation of the Clean Water Act, and something that many private companies have been fined for.

Not as hard as saying, "ya know, that EPA thing might not be such a terrible thing after all."

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