

Platinum Buffalo
Aug 17, 2011
Brewpub w/coeds
Do you know some moron named WhiteTailEer?

Not sure why, but he, along with Doom continue to trash you.

Must be something that goes back several years?

You're from New York, right? But yet they keep saying that you argued with them that Maryland was located North of New York.
i think what they are trying to say speaks for itself. i was born and raised in NY. i lived in DC for eight years. i could correctly name every state on a blank map, let alone know where maryland and NY are.

the real story is that some wvu poster lived in maryland. i mocked him for being a redneck from southern maryland (calvert county area, where the hicks live). he ended up saying he lived in some other county which was in western maryland near the west virginia state border. he then took that to mean i thought the western part of maryland was southern maryland. new york was never mentioned. they have a wonderful imagination. only because i have a freakish memory does it allow me to remember things like this.

i dont recall whitetail. a lot of those guys are like a rookie NBA bench player getting to play against jordan. they will run their mouth to jordan repeatedly as he rains threes and takes them to the hole over and over. jordan isnt bothered by it as he puts up 40 points through three quarters. finally, in the closing minutes, while the rookie is still talking, jordan laughs at the player and says "nice job, kid. you just gave up 50 points to me."

the player then, after being out of professional basketball two years later, tells everyone for the next two decades that jordan hated him the most of any player because he always shut jordan down. some of those guys lived for trying to get me to acknowledge their existence. they obviously still do.

years ago, they made a name over on their boards pretending to be me. they went on for quite a while like that. then, one of them made another similar name and started arguing that the first imposter wasnt really me, but that this guy (the second imposter) was the real me. they went back and forth for months with each other both pretending to be me.

before i became bored with them, i terrorized them on here. they all then ran back to their boards, where they knew i had no desire to go to, and ran their mouths in safety. one of them, a kid from new jersey, posted here for one day. he ran his mouth for less than 24 hours, i posted a picture of his mother, and he apologized relentlessly and promised he would never return. he wasnt heard from since.

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