RIP Coal Industry - Thanks Libs!

More coal miners lost their jobs under Reagan than Obama. Thanks Ronnie.
Now that so many WV's can get a job at a call center or Wal Mart we apparently no longer need good paying union jobs in the coal industry. The Environmental wacko's have taken over and guess who is getting crushed?
Great article on the subject.

Thank Obama next time you see your Uncle sitting on his porch with nothing to do

Maybe that Uncle needs to improve his job prospects or get back and learn a trade instead of being so reliant on a dying industry and cursing Obama.

See I don't get it, you guys will lay blame on the inner-city folks who lost their blue collar job but will blame Obama because all the coal jobs are being shipped to China and poor ol Pawpaw is out of a job
Maybe that Uncle needs to improve his job prospects or get back and learn a trade instead of being so reliant on a dying industry

I agree with this. Its a shame you give the ghetto dwellers a pass on making the same effort to better their lives.

See I don't get it, you guys will lay blame on the inner-city folks who lost their blue collar job but will blame Obama because all the coal jobs are being shipped to China and poor ol Pawpaw is out of a job

Don't you normally blame Repubs for sending jobs overseas? Why should Obummer get a pass here. And next time, show a little consistency. You don't ever blame the inner city folks for their acceptance and non effort to get out of mediocrity.
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Obama has openly shown a disdain for coal from day one. It's unrealistic to pin coal's problems entirely on him but his administration is certainly to blame for actions & rules put into place under his watch. And blaming coal miners for not being better prepared for a West Virginia that doesn't mine coal is kind of insane because our energy infrastructure isn't anywhere near a point we should be abandoning coal - yet under this administration here we are.
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I agree with this. Its a shame you give the ghetto dwellers a pass on making the same effort to better their lives.

Don't you normally blame Repubs for sending jobs overseas? Why should Obummer get a pass here. And next time, show a little consistency. You don't ever blame the inner city folks for their acceptance and non effort to get out of mediocrity.

Actually I have laid blame on inner-city folks for allowing themselves to remain stagnant and accepting their place in life. Also Obama has come up with plans to replace the Coal Jobs with Alternative Energy. So instead of sitting and waiting for coal, maybe they need to be more open to developing a new trade
It's 50/50 the Libs and coal operators themselves for the loss of coal. Mine operators were told years ago the price of coal was entirely too high and they failed to listen. At the time there was no alternative to coal, then NG showed up. When Obama told them to convert to clean coal technology (which they had help with funding) instead of using the money to convert they put it in a Super PAC to vote him out. When that failed Obama basically said fvck you, I'll shut you down. In the meantime natural gas got much cheaper and the rest is history.
Actually I have laid blame on inner-city folks for allowing themselves to remain stagnant and accepting their place in life. Also Obama has come up with plans to replace the Coal Jobs with Alternative Energy. So instead of sitting and waiting for coal, maybe they need to be more open to developing a new trade
I'm calling bullshit on your first sentence.
Had a conversation with a CSX official last week and he said they are done with the coal industry in terms of large line upgrades they have invested in years past. The huge capital improvements needed to haul coal buckets are over.
Had a conversation with a CSX official last week and he said they are done with the coal industry in terms of large line upgrades they have invested in years past. The huge capital improvements needed to haul coal buckets are over.

I am a CSX official and that's putting it very, very lightly
You are saying the govt didn't manipulate that market?

Lord Obama told everybody what he was going to do.

"The first was highlighted by the railroad giant CSX in its quarterly earnings call on Tuesday. The company announced that shipments of coal, which remains the most common product shipped by rail in the US, dropped by 31% in the first quarter from the same period last year.

Most of this is due to the price of natural gas, CSX CFO Frank Lonegro said, which is being used more and more by energy providers as its cost has gone down.

"Domestic coal will continue to be unfavorably impacted by low natural-gas prices, currently around $2.00, and high levels of coal inventory at the utilities," Lonegro said."
Extra what would happen to the cost of your cabinets if the govt made the cost of nails go up by making it hard to produce said nails.
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Extra what would happen to the cost of your cabinets if the govt made the cost of nails go up by making it hard to produce said nails.

No effect at all. I don't use nails. :)
But seriously, yes price goes up unless I can replace nails with something else. Which is what coal is going to have to do or they cease to be in the game.
How long until CSX closes the Huntington shop? That will hurt. WV was idiotic for putting so much stock in coal. Coming from a family that had coal miners, its tough to see but that's reality.

What I don't get is Obummer hasn't said one word to China regarding pollution. They burn 52% of the worlds coal.
So you're confirming what I was told over the weekend? Thanks.

What he told you was correct but he didn't scratch the surface of what's really going to happen and just how deep it'll get. But hey, be a smartass that always works well for you.
How long until CSX closes the Huntington shop? That will hurt. WV was idiotic for putting so much stock in coal. Coming from a family that had coal miners, its tough to see but that's reality.

What I don't get is Obummer hasn't said one word to China regarding pollution. They burn 52% of the worlds coal.

Shops not closing its a heavy shop where revuilds are sent. Those just can't go to any old shop in the system.
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What he told you was correct but he didn't scratch the surface of what's really going to happen and just how deep it'll get. But hey, be a smartass that always works well for you.

You misunderstood the "?" I was asking you if you were confirming what was told to me. Sorry for the confusion.
No effect at all. I don't use nails. :)
But seriously, yes price goes up unless I can replace nails with something else. Which is what coal is going to have to do or they cease to be in the game.
What would you do if you had to get a permit to use the wood and you could not get such permits and/or they were delayed by years and then there were regulations put on cusomters who purchased wood based cabinets.
What would you do if you had to get a permit to use the wood and you could not get such permits and/or they were delayed by years and then there were regulations put on cusomters who purchased wood based cabinets.

Here's what I'd do. After having been given a 40 year heads up, I'd more or less disregard the warning that my wood is killing people in more ways than one. And I would spend a lot of money getting officials elected that would whitewash those deaths and how my wood was polluting the air and water. And when push came to shove, I'd blame it on the people that warned me 40 years ago. And finally I'd file bankruptcy, get the courts to free me from pension obligations, and pocket all the money.
No wonder Greed is laying off half of his 4 man business. He's admitting one just needs to quit and go away when a govt bureaucrat tells you to, no matter how many employees you have, or the economic destruction it would have caused. Idiots like Greed are more dangerous to society than any lump of coal has ever been.

How much $$$$ has Greed pocketed over all these years of paying his staff peanuts with no benefits?

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