You have Shepard Smith.77, can you imagine living to be that old? Sounded like a terrible death, too. Fell, blood clot.
But Fox News died to me the day they fired Bill O'Reilly. Tried to watch Tucker Carlson last night at 8:00 to replace the old routine. No good. He's got a kid's voice. I'm a grumpy old man. I want to listen to other grumpy old men talk. Not kids.
Are you going to stick with Mark Foley?He's not on in prime time and even if he was, I wouldn't watch him now. He's against us. I could overlook the gayness if he was still rooting for our side to win elections. He went over to Team Democrat. So to hell with him. Him and Megyn Kelly don't belong on what was supposed to be our channel.
It's pretty simple. This is our channel. It's the only one we got. Why the hell would we stand to have a liberal bashing our own on our only channel? Fortunately I work, so I don't have to see him, but yet I know he's on there bashing my teammates.I don't get the hatred for Shep Smith simply because he's gay. I rarely watch FoxNews but what does he do that bothers people? Constantly deepthroat bananas during the broadcast? Does he do the broadcast while constantly yelling "Girrrl!"
I don't get the hatred for Shep Smith simply because he's gay. I rarely watch FoxNews but what does he do that bothers people? Constantly deepthroat bananas during the broadcast? Does he do the broadcast while constantly yelling "
I don't get the hatred for Shep Smith simply because he's gay.
For me it has nothing to do with gay or his political leanings. His style is off putting and he has transformed into a first class jerk.
^^^^after voting for the biggest jerk on the planet^^^^
Stated here several times I didn't vote for DT or HC. Left it blank. You make some valid points from time to time but you're such a jack ass I would never back you up.
Scaredy cats leave it blank. At no time on this board have I asked someone to back me up. I don't need the help, particularly from a con.
My decisions are not your concern, you need to move on toots.
*ourThey can be when your decisions affect my country. You move on.
They can be when your decisions affect my country. You move on.
Just stick to glueing together particle board Out Echo comrade. Capiche?