Saturday morning.

Rivals HQ is on top of this. Should see a few changes around here soon. I'll circle back around later today to see if the locals have grown nut sacks, and taken care of this matter. HQ is watching.
One of these days Chris and Coach are going to let me unleash on this board. Out patience is running out.
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One of these days Chris and Coach are going to let me unleash on this board. Out patience is running out.

rifle is just a crybaby, leggings-wearing, hypocritical puss, because he doesn't get all of the attention he thinks he deserves. He's anti-Fox News because his heros are challenged.

extralyingdumbass? Who knows? I don't know why he even wants to be here. Does anyone? He doesn’t debate, just posts the same things over and over and what he does post has no substance.

He's hating life for some reason. So full of hate and sin.
Rivals HQ is on top of this. Should see a few changes around here soon. I'll circle back around later today to see if the locals have grown nut sacks, and taken care of this matter. HQ is watching.
Michigan tell rifle that sometimes it is possible to wake up ans not know what day it is.
You can still choke on a black cock..

According to you it is still Saturday if I started counting the day at 7pm.
Really? That's the treatment I get after I try helping you out to make sure that you get in the deathmobile on time to make your sales calls tomorrow?

If you don't go to work tomorrow, you won't sell any GeoExplorer 2008 series GPS devices.

I have no desire for discussion with stupidity, ignorance, and lying. That's all you and many cons on this board offer. But it's a pleasure to expose it.
The hell you say? 😂

You lie more than anyone on this board.

The only thing you expose is how big of a dumbass you are. You are far from being all-knowing.
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The hell you say? 😂

You lie more than anyone on this board.

The only thing you expose is how big of a dumbass you are. You are quote far from being all-knowing.
You're an idiot. A lying idiot.
He defended the Ohio River from all of the bandits.
I'll give him that. In all of my 54 years of driving across the bridges into Ohio from WV, I have not encountered a single bandit. You sure he didn't defend us from windmills?