Scientist invents "suntan drug"...could prevent skin cancer


Aug 5, 2001

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There is a likely trade-off here - and it will be interesting to see if this comes into play and how the balance is struck.

One of the things I learned way back in 1990 when I went through my episode of melanoma is that (and esp for Caucasians), pigmentation produced via melanin through the normal process (exposure to light - nature or artificial) is characterized as an immune response. Several studies of that era and thereafter suggest that Caucasians that change the pigmentation of their skin more than a level or two had suppressed immune systems relative to those that were not "tanning" (esp. to excessive degrees).

At least one of the studies noted that Caucasians that were naturally light (but capable of tanning) that then went bronze to dark had higher frequencies and duration of colds and flu. I haven't kept up with the research - and maybe Hungus has some insights on this.

In the article, the authors (and this is probably an inch-deep and a mile-wide as far as research articles go) note that the melanin production is chemically-induced and by-passes UV exposure that naturally causes melanin production and thus by-passes the UV-inflicted damage that aggregates through light exposure. The alleged upside is that the increased melanin creates a shield against UV exposure; however, an additional concern with chemically-induced melanin production is akin to the concerns coming to light over the use of high-value SPF sunscreens and the chemicals used therein - what will be the fall-out/interactions from this melanin-producing product long-term.

Interesting stuff - esp. for a pale-face like me. :)
The newer agents in cancer care are a class of immune-modulating agents...basically "unmasking" cancer cells to your bodies immune system. They can be very effective. Sometimes the combo of these drugs and radiation can have an "abscopal effect," where the body starts killing off cancer cells that weren't targeted with radiation just because the immune modulating drugs in combo with radiation prime the immune system to start killing cancer cells.

Melanoma was one of the first, if not the first cancers that has shown good results using this type of there is definitely some role in innate immunity for most if not all cancers, but especially melanoma. I'm not aware of the whole colds/flu phenomenon though, that's outside of my area of expertise.

Not sure of the utility in taking a drug to prevent a skin cancer though...lots more research would be needed to know which subset of population may benefit and what type of long term side effects may be there.
Not sure of the utility in taking a drug to prevent a skin cancer though...lots more research would be needed to know which subset of population may benefit and what type of long term side effects may be there.
That's easy. The gingers would be the subset that could benefit the most. You know, those that are red on the head like a dick on a dog.
I took my son's friend to the beach. He is black and he burned. I told him to put that 30SPF on. He should have listened. Not sure that this stuff will work because you don't get a much better tan than he has. Their burns sneak up on them. They don't realize it and then bam, burned. You can't really see it but it hurts but it is not red.

I have that shit cut off one of my shoulders(twice, didn't get it all the first time)and they found a small place on my head and it was easy to get removed.

F skin cancer.
I was saying that before someone else claimed the same thing. I was referring to drug companies as the establishment Gk. My whole life i have heard people say that drug companies would lose to much money if they found a cure for cancer
I was saying that before someone else claimed the same thing. I was referring to drug companies as the establishment Gk. My whole life i have heard people say that drug companies would lose to much money if they found a cure for cancer

If there was a cure for cancer, I'm pretty sure the drug companies would make more money off of it than any drug in history.

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