SHR Pitt fires AD...Spears would like to be first in line to take over...

would they hire the former AD's right-hand man though? Doesn't seem like she's leaving on good terms, so not sure if they'd bring back someone so close to her.
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- I agree with richmondherdfan. Seems like they figured out that this gal was a loser and are moving on.

- This guy is a #2 guy. That is his problem. He might be very good at all the administrative and technical stuff. Bus has plenty of Diesel, Pepsi founts are charged, uniforms washed, airline tickets bought, payroll correct, Nike order put in, etc. He just isn't a leader. Pitt is too big an outfit to fall for a non-leader. They can find anybody to do the grunt work.

- There is such a thing as failing up. One needs look no further than Ollie (everything I touch turns to s***) Luck, who has failed at everything he has ever tried, yet keeps finding people stupid enough to hire him, but that is rare. Reality is CS has failed at every aspect of running the Marshall University athletic department. Failed totally. Pitt is too smart to fall for his act. I wish we were as well.
The Peter Principle is a concept in management theory that suggests that in a hierarchy, employees tend to be promoted based on their current job performance rather than their potential to excel in a higher role. As a result, they eventually rise to a level of incompetence, where they can no longer perform effectively. This happens because skills that make someone successful in one job may not necessarily translate to success in a more complex or different role.

The term was coined by Dr. Laurence J. Peter in his 1969 book *The Peter Principle: Why Things Always Go Wrong*. The principle highlights inefficiencies in hierarchical organizations and suggests that over time, many positions may be filled by individuals who are not fully competent for their roles.
- There is such a thing as failing up. One needs look no further than Ollie (everything I touch turns to s***) Luck, who has failed at everything he has ever tried, yet keeps finding people stupid enough to hire him, but that is rare.
That is known as the ”Peter Principle.” You rise to your own level of incompetency.
The Peter Principle is a concept in management theory that suggests that in a hierarchy, employees tend to be promoted based on their current job performance rather than their potential to excel in a higher role. As a result, they eventually rise to a level of incompetence, where they can no longer perform effectively. This happens because skills that make someone successful in one job may not necessarily translate to success in a more complex or different role.

The term was coined by Dr. Laurence J. Peter in his 1969 book *The Peter Principle: Why Things Always Go Wrong*. The principle highlights inefficiencies in hierarchical organizations and suggests that over time, many positions may be filled by individuals who are not fully competent for their roles.
You going to source where you stole that from or just continue passing that off as your own?
- I agree with richmondherdfan. Seems like they figured out that this gal was a loser and are moving on.

- This guy is a #2 guy. That is his problem. He might be very good at all the administrative and technical stuff. Bus has plenty of Diesel, Pepsi founts are charged, uniforms washed, airline tickets bought, payroll correct, Nike order put in, etc. He just isn't a leader. Pitt is too big an outfit to fall for a non-leader. They can find anybody to do the grunt work.

- There is such a thing as failing up. One needs look no further than Ollie (everything I touch turns to s***) Luck, who has failed at everything he has ever tried, yet keeps finding people stupid enough to hire him, but that is rare. Reality is CS has failed at every aspect of running the Marshall University athletic department. Failed totally. Pitt is too smart to fall for his act. I wish we were as well.
Where has CS "failed"? Please dont suggest directing traffic out of the Joan. We've already discussed how dumb that statement was.

Sam doesn't believe CS nor MU built the baseball field...

He somehow managed to ramble about a former AD at wvu while on a thread about an article regarding nothing about wvu or their AD.
It's tough to navigate his supposed logic these days.
Sam doesn't believe CS nor MU built the baseball field...

He somehow managed to ramble about a former AD at wvu while on a thread about an article regarding nothing about wvu or their AD.
It's tough to navigate his supposed logic these days.
It's all Sammy has.

Sluggo is easy to figure out. CS kicked his dog.
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