slvt advice


Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Dec 8, 2004
I met this little slvt from around the way (shoutout to 1990s LL Cool J). I've gone out with her a handful of times. Messed around with her yesterday for the first time. But, I have absolutely no idea what her name is. Now, that isn't an unusual occurrence for me. But, when I hook up with a girl without knowing her name, it is usually a one night thing; I meet 'em and play that night with no follow up communication. However, with this one, I actually hung out with a bunch of times before getting her naked. It is way past the point of me being able to apologize and explain I didn't catch her name.

I'm friends with her on Facebook, but her name on there is a joke (i.e., "Alotta Shaken"). I've read through the comments on her Facebook pics/page to see if her friends have used her name. Nope. I've Google searched her cell number. Nope. While she was showing the waitress her ID at lunch yesterday, I think they thought I was having a seizure trying to contort myself to be able to read the name on her ID without it being obvious. When she went to the bathroom, I thought about going through her purse to look at her license, but was scared she would come out or another patron/worker at the restaurant would see me rummaging through her purse and would look extremely shady. She is an interpreter for the federal government, so I can't exactly track her down through her employment.

It's gotten so bad that I had to make a cheesy joke and claim I was going to make that her nickname now, so I used that all day.

Besides asking her what her name is after she has already swallowed millions of my future Heisman winners, what can I do?
You challenge her to a game of darts, or something similar, where she has to write her name on the score card.

If she writes 'allota dick shaken' then you call her dick.

If she has a job, perhaps she's on linked-in. You can do multiple searches in hopes of finding her there, by company name, zip code, etc. I've perved a few girls that way in the past, as well as using Facebook. I almost went out with a hog once, but fortunately, found her Facebook page the morning of our date. She had a gorgeous face on the pictures I had previously seen, but nothing below the neck. That's always a sure red flag. Luckily, I was able to see the whole thing on FB, just in time to come down with a mysterious illness.
Been in this boat before. Have a buddy call her, make it a random call like a telemarketer and ask to speak to someone of any name, when she says you have the wrong number make sure he presses her into giving her name so she can be removed from their database. Hopefully, the chick isn't rude and just hangs up, mine wasn't so it worked great. If it does, he can give you the info.
You have to get her to fill out something with her name. A form of some sort.

Pay someone. To walk her and they went to high school together. Like hey I know you alice. Alice? Maybe she will say her real name.

Get a charity contribution sheet of some sort. Get.her to fill it out and tell her you are going to make a contribution of some sort in behalf of her name.

Print of.a boy scout popcorn order.form. tell her it is for your coworkers son. Have her fill in the name. Or some fake school deal of some sort. You know candy or how they walk so many laps for a dime.

That or call her by the wrong name in bed. You have a one in million chance of getting it right. If not she will tell you quickly or at worst call you a bastard. Or she could be into role playing. Either way you win.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
The next time she texts you ask who it is and explain that you just got a new phone and haven't imported your contacts yet. That's worked for me, keep it simple. That could backfire if she uses the nickname you gave her though.
Introduce her to someone you know. Say "hey, I'd like you to meet Tom." Then step out of the way and let Tom say his full name and then ask for for hers if she doesnt immediately give it. That way she will say her name in full to him.

Of course, be sure he knows whats going on beforehand.
Does she have a signature line at the end of her e-mail? Maybe find a way to get her to send you/someone an e-mail from her work e-mail.

You're really in trouble if the name she goes by (or nickname) is different from that listed on a license or form.
I always use: "what is your name again?"

Then they act all offended and say "SARAH?!?"

Then you say, "no silly I ment your last name of course I know you are Sarah."

Works best at a party or something with someone you should know.

Probably won't work here.

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