So, 'American' is no longer politically correct?


Platinum Buffalo
Aug 17, 2011
Brewpub w/coeds
This has been the case forever if you're dealing with an international audience.
Oh horse shi*. I have dealt with people from all over the world. When the term American is used everybody know where you are talking about. This is political correctness.
The guide is stupid anyway if it says to use "North American" for the USA because then you're doing the exact thing to Canada and Mexico that you're trying to 'fix.'

I didn't say I thought it was good or necessary, just that I was taught that in the professional writing class I had to take. Especially if you're writing something to someone in South America.
United States of North America


The new chant come the next olympic games. You say U-S-A, and some Peruvian will jack you up.
What is funny is if you travel international they either call us "The states" or "America"
Fever, you ever go back to the home land? I was only in Montego Bay once, but had a hell of a good time. Stayed at the Sandals there, but went down to the street carnivals pretty much every night. They partied hard and all night long. I'm probably too old to handle that now, but back then I was in my prime.
I haven't been to the motherland since 2003 but Im due to plan something soon to see family. Montego Bay is not as nice anymore, its like the only place Gays can feel safe in Jamaica now without being beat up, stoned, or even killed. But the next time you go, I would recommend staying in Ocho Rios or Runaway Bay its more laid back then Negril and Montego Bay
I haven't been to the motherland since 2003 but Im due to plan something soon to see family. Montego Bay is not as nice anymore, its like the only place Gays can feel safe in Jamaica now without being beat up, stoned, or even killed. But the next time you go, I would recommend staying in Ocho Rios or Runaway Bay its more laid back then Negril and Montego Bay

I understand you are Black Jamaican American. I am Black Irish. We might be cousins or something.
United States of North America


The new chant come the next olympic games. You say U-S-A, and some Peruvian will jack you up.
When you visit Peru, make sure you do not take pictures of their airport...
I call BS on this whole thing. Other countries tend to know more about US geography than US citizens. There is no country in South America named "America". Does anyone, other than Australians say what continent they are from or does everyone say what country they are from? I've never met a person from another country that said "I'm from Europe". It's Germany, Ireland, etc. we are the only country that is called America.
I'm considering visiting Peru someday. Can you elaborate?
Things may have changed sine 98 as Lima's airport did not even have Jetways, that is correct, you had to exit the 757 via a stair car and security flipped at anyone that attempted to take pictures from the top of it as they exited the plane (or anywhere else for that matter).

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