So they want to drug test Pedo-Joe before the debate..

It's amazing to watch the 180 degree turn the Trump crime syndicate has taken regarding Biden. For years, we heard about how he can't put together a coherent sentence, gets confused about where to walk, has no stamina, etc.

And I don't necessarily disagree with some of those, yet the crime syndicate is taking a different position now. To them, over the last two weeks, Biden is:

- "This guy has got the ability – and we’ve seen it, we’ve seen him in debate four years ago. We’ve seen him in the State of the Union this year – that when he needs to, he can step up.”
- “The guy’s run for office more than a dozen times. He’s run for president four times. He’s been campaigning since President Nixon was in office. This guy has got the ability.”- "
“He beat Paul Ryan. I’m not underestimating him. I assume he’s going to be somebody that will be a worthy debater.”

So why is the Trump crime syndicate suddenly changing their stance? Just as important, many of you morons said the last State of the Union was awful by Biden, showcased many of those negative traits, and tried arguing with me about how it was a very good showing by Biden. Now, we have the Trump crime syndicate supporting what I said about that appearance. So are you guys disagreeing with Trump now or just don't know what to say?
Who could hack that cult following bunch of weirdos? Give Hubbard 30% of your money to help out phoney sick kids, and then combine that with bidenomics inflation taking another 20% of your income.
He's a bum that lives off government dime anyway. That's another reason he's all for Bidenomics. It puts more money in his monthly payments.

Hey @extragreen since you and Rifle have become such good friends, have you done your due diligence and invited him to church?

Let us know the weekend he plans to attend so we can all watch the service on FB.
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He's a bum that lives off government dime anyway. That's another reason he's all for Bidenomics. It puts more money in his monthly payments.

Hey @extragreen since you and Rifle have become such good friends, have you done your due diligence and invited him to church?

Let us know the weekend he plans to attend so we can all watch the service on FB.
Greed has a new bull? You may be onto something?
Wouldn't want to hack those cult members taking my money and trying to brainwash me. Not wanting to be a part of that bunch of fruit loops.
You're a cult member, you're already brainwashed, and you're a trumpchum sucking Godless lying oath breaker.

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