I like and support Mike, I know he made a faux pas when he was quoted as essentially saying that if you don't donate to the Big Green your opinions don't matter but he attempted to clarify that mistake. However , we'll all be watching to see what he does with Doc after the 2020 season if we don't really accomplish much on the gridiron this year! I hope we win them all and that's an easy call but that wouldn't be the way I'd bet! Tough decisions on the horizon, IMHO.
Is he wrong? Plenty of big movers and shakers determine how a program acts. Its on every level...the big boosters at Bama have Nick Saban over for yacht races. Its no different on the G5 level.
Bwahaha people acting all offended that (if it even WAS Hamrick) a tweet revealing what everyone constantly posts on here but selectively chooses to accept when they want to complain, that college sports is about NOTHING ELSE except money.
Even if it was a momentary lapse of insanity that Hamrick actually DID tweet that, its become evident in whats going on that the NCAA is worried about the mass amounts of money they're standing to lose if they don't play this season.
Thats nothing for them, they exploit the athletes enough as it is, so exposing them to a potentially fatal virus is par for the course.
Hamrick will do what every G5 AD and any FBS AD would do...and follow...at least I think he will.
So, if you don't donate, why should you matter? Honest question...its like those idiots who don't fill out the census then complain about lack of funding for programs or for the state as a whole.
Same with morons who don't vote.
It has been expressed how affordable it is, Hamrick's not difficult to reach, and the BG board are all listed.
How are you going to be able to measure success in this season anyway? Considering the limitations the P5 has been facing, its 100x worse for the G5. We don't know how badly this has affected MU's AD...and MU having limitations and already a lack of resources, we really can't be sure what sort of measurement to use.
Oh wait...a Conference title...yeah, I'll supply you with what the board will say,
"Well, if COVID hadn't hit and weakened everyone else, MU would sooooo have lost like every game!!"
I will say this, for those wanting optimism.
MU has always acted very conservative in terms of funding and spending. Its probably a shame that MU doesn't paint its goal posts every week, but at least Hamrick isn't wrecklessly spending whatever money he gets.