Stadium question


Silver Buffalo
Aug 18, 2006
Does anyone know if portable propane heaters are allowed in the Joan?
I'm reminded of my brother-in-law and his buddies going to a MLB game. The sign said no bottles, cans, etc. allowed. So they took a small beer keg...and got it in. Signs were updated shortly thereafter.
Does anyone know if portable propane heaters are allowed in the Joan?

I went to The JOAN mention of portable propane heaters NOT being allowed. Probably, this question has NEVER been presented to the powers to be!

I'm no expert on what you can or cannot bring into a stadium, but I'm about 100% confident a propane heater is something you're not allowed to bring in. Probably more luck in politely asking if you can bring in a fifth of Jim Beam.

It would probably fall under "explosives" which are prohibited.

I'm reminded of my brother-in-law and his buddies going to a MLB game. The sign said no bottles, cans, etc. allowed. So they took a small beer keg...and got it in. Signs were updated shortly thereafter.

Bring in a 12 Volt electric blanket and a battery pack.
I think OP rolled the dice because I saw a guy leaving his seats late in the 4th with one of these.
