VIDEO Students Support Green New Deal, Until...

Well....that was refreshing watch - appears young folks aren't "socialist". It's sad to hear many say they support that plan when it's clear they didn't read it. Thanks!
It's an extremely misleading and edited video. Saying they support the deal doesn't mean they support every single part of it. They support the purpose and many of the ideas in the deal.

Do you support your child? Sure. Do you support every single thing your child will do growing up? No, but you still support him/her.
It's an extremely misleading and edited video. Saying they support the deal doesn't mean they support every single part of it. They support the purpose and many of the ideas in the deal.

Do you support your child? Sure. Do you support every single thing your child will do growing up? No, but you still support him/her.
Great analogy
I agree, the students never state they're against the initiative which makes the title misleading. However, it's not beyond comprehension many would say they're for decreasing emissions without knowing the details of how that would be achieved.

It's clear interviewed students disagreed with some tenets of the deal as unreasonable, unattainable or flawed logic.
Like most mush brains they don't understand somebody has to pay for this poppycock.
It's an extremely misleading and edited video. Saying they support the deal doesn't mean they support every single part of it. They support the purpose and many of the ideas in the deal.

Do you support your child? Sure. Do you support every single thing your child will do growing up? No, but you still support him/her.

So, give us your thoughts on the Green New Deal. Should we support it as proposed, or not?
The democrat support for this is a gift! Here are just a couple of things in it.
1. “a job with family-sustaining wages, family and medical leave, vacations, and retirement security”
2. “high-quality education, including higher education and trade schools”
3. “high-quality health care”
4. “safe, affordable, adequate housing”
5. “economic security to all who are unable or unwilling to work”

The cost of this:

adds up to about $6.6 trillion a year. That’s more than three times as much as the federal government collects in tax revenue, and equal to about 34 percent of the U.S.’s entire gross domestic product.

With great ideas like this you can bet that Trump wins in 2020. Funny thing about it this idea is so bad that even Pelosi is running from it. Good thing is all of the Democrats who are running for President support it! LOL