Supreme Court question for Raoul...


Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Dec 31, 2020
Is this really the Supreme Court that you want?

"Justices Sotomayor filed a dissenting opinion, joined by Justices Kagan and Jackson."

Sotomayor- Obama
Kagan - Obama
Jackson - Biden

But yeah, you're always right. It's the conservatives that are the problem...


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Unreal how stupid someone is here...

"In a dissent joined by her liberal colleagues, Justice Sonia Sotomayor said that denying citizens the right to seek specific reasons about why their spouses are denied entry, “gravely undervalues the right to marriage in the immigration context.”"
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I'm not going to spend all morning reading this decision.

And the two news articles you linked to leave me with questions. Was she suing because she thinks the State Department should tell her and him WHY he was denied? That's how the second article reads. Well hell yes they should say why, that's part of what due process is.

Of course the government should have the right to deny entry. But I can't agree with Justice Barrett's opinion right here:

"And while Congress has, on occasion, extended special immigration treatment to marriage … it has never made spousal immigration a matter of right. "

It's really odd to read an Originalist say Congress can give rights. Rights are not granted by man, rights are inalienable.

"Originalism" as practiced by this Court is simply a ruse to allow them to rule however they wish and not give one solid fvck about what the law or history really is. Don't believe me? Here's an article detailing her twisting and bullshitting of history in this case:

Much like Alito in the Dobbs decision. It's full of bullshit.

I've yet to see an article with a solid breakdown of the dissent, how can I answer your question without that? And honestly, if you don't know what is in the dissent either your question is illogical.
Let's see. The way libs wanted it many US Presidents could be tried as war criminals...As well as generals and troops.

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That would not be possible, as I've never said that.

Hmmm... but you've certainly seemed to be implying that with your desire to eliminate borders and insistence that protection of US culture is racist and is no better than those of other nations...

As do I, even if philosophically I believe in global open borders (but that doesn't work in real life).

Your dude told me these immigrants are poisoning our blood. Surely he doesn't mean white immigrants are poisoning our white blood.

I just told you humans suck, all nations, races, whatever, it's in our genetics.
but you've certainly seemed to be implying
In your feeble mind, perhaps.

My brother in Christ, "poisoning the blood" doesn't have anything to do with culture. It's a eugenics thing. There was a dude with a funny mustache that first talked about this, you might want to check out one of his videos, or that book he wrote. I'd call it a dog whistle, but it's too obvious to be that.

The Bible is clear, humans are messed up. History is also clear on this,, in case you don't believe. This is one of the primary reasons we have government: to protect the collective from those humans that don't have the willpower to not be assholes.

And let's also be clear about this: Americans have also assaulted homosexuals. In American culture there has always been this yin and yang between an ideal of minding one's business and hellfire and brimstone religion. That's the difference between us and some Islamic cultures, they don't have an ideal of minding one's business. I'll take our yin and yang over that, any day.
My brother in Christ, "poisoning the blood" doesn't have anything to do with culture. It's a eugenics thing. There was a dude with a funny mustache that first talked about this, you might want to check out one of his videos, or that book he wrote. I'd call it a dog whistle, but it's too obvious to be that.

Jimmy the Greek got fired for discussing eugenics. Primitive cultures practiced it. Planned Parenthood was founded on it. But yeah, dog whistle conservatives with Hitler...

The Bible is clear, humans are messed up. History is also clear on this,, in case you don't believe. This is one of the primary reasons we have government: to protect the collective from those humans that don't have the willpower to not be assholes.

In the last 200 years how many deaths can be attributed to governments rather than religion?

As we celebrate Independence Day let's remember the Bill of Rights protects the individual from the government, not the other way around...

And let's also be clear about this: Americans have also assaulted homosexuals. In American culture there has always been this yin and yang between an ideal of minding one's business and hellfire and brimstone religion. That's the difference between us and some Islamic cultures, they don't have an ideal of minding one's business. I'll take our yin and yang over that, any day.

Americans have also assaulted straights. But nice deflection from a culture that condones and even champions the assaults on gays...

Speaking of the Middle East...

Genesis 16:12
New International Version
12 He will be a wild donkey of a man;
his hand will be against everyone
and everyone’s hand against him,
and he will live in hostility
toward[a] all his brothers.”
Nice work
Jimmy the Greek got fired for discussing eugenics. Primitive cultures practiced it. Planned Parenthood was founded on it. But yeah, dog whistle conservatives with Hitler...

In the last 200 years how many deaths can be attributed to governments rather than religion?

As we celebrate Independence Day let's remember the Bill of Rights protects the individual from the government, not the other way around...

Americans have also assaulted straights. But nice deflection from a culture that condones and even champions the assaults on gays...

Speaking of the Middle East...

Genesis 16:12
New International Version
12 He will be a wild donkey of a man;
his hand will be against everyone
and everyone’s hand against him,
and he will live in hostility
toward[a] all his brothers.”
nice Job. Confused is a real piece of work
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