Syrian UN ambassador spilling the beans on "O" admin arming "ISIL"


Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Sep 1, 2007
what if the previous admin was reluctant to dick-stomp Assad for fear of certain information getting out...
unrelated, but not . . .

"When dictators commit atrocities, they depend upon the world to look the other way until those horrifying pictures fade from memory." the words of President Obama about his Syrian policy, from a 2013 national address delivered in the aftermath of an earlier chemical attack sanctioned by Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad.

In 2012, Obama stated that the use of chemical weapons would constitute a "red line" for the United States, and that if Assad crossed that line, "there would be enormous consequences."

sounds like Assad had one thing for Obummer . . .


"oh, but, but, but, trump told barry he shouldn't do anything, that's why nothing was done!"

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and then there's the entire notion that he didn't require any authorization from Congress to launch Tomahawks.
senate was controlled by dems and he didn't have votes there either

You don't know that.......
and yes, it was partisan:

Yes/Leaning Yes: 26 (17 Democrats, 9 Republicans)
No/Leaning No: 20 (14 Republicans, 6 Democrats)
Undecided/Not Clear: 54 (29 Democrats, 23 Republicans, 2 Independents)


Yes/Leaning Yes: 31 (21 Democrats, 10 Republicans)
Undecided/Not Clear: 92 (71 Democrats, 21 Republicans)
No/Leaning No: 144 (109 Republicans, 35 Democrats)
He didn't have the votes in the senate and he was to big of a pussy to make a decision which he himself said he could have made. He didn't want to take responsibility.
He didn't have the votes in the senate and he was to big of a pussy to make a decision which he himself said he could have made. He didn't want to take responsibility.

You don't know that.......
and yes, it was partisan:

Yes/Leaning Yes: 26 (17 Democrats, 9 Republicans)
No/Leaning No: 20 (14 Republicans, 6 Democrats)
Undecided/Not Clear: 54 (29 Democrats, 23 Republicans, 2 Independents)


Yes/Leaning Yes: 31 (21 Democrats, 10 Republicans)
Undecided/Not Clear: 92 (71 Democrats, 21 Republicans)
No/Leaning No: 144 (109 Republicans, 35 Democrats)
Even analysts on NPR were criticizing Obama's weak Syrian foreign policy for basically necessitating this strike.
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So we should have a Foreign policy on how a country to treat it own people in the midst of a civil war?

We should have NEVER got involved in the first place. Too be honest with you, since WWII, America has failed each and every day we tried to get involved in other countries Civil Wars.
Being the world's police have been a Foreign Policy failure over the last 60 years.
He didn't have the votes in the senate and he was to big of a pussy to make a decision which he himself said he could have made. He didn't want to take responsibility.

I would like to think he respected the fact he didn't have Constitutional authority to attack a soverign nation without a clear and immediate threat to national security. I believe he did not, and Trump did not. Trump himself said the same at the time. And I would personally like to launch a missile right up Assad's ass for the shit he has done. I get how Trump feels. But feelings do not change the Constitution.

Anyway, claiming the US armed ISIS is ridiculous. To believe such shows a lack of understanding of the Syrian conflict. Has some US supplied arms ended up with ISIS? Sure. Because there are many players and their individual alliances have shifted many times. And that's the problem with sticking your nose in Muslim business, there is no clear cut division in what people who are willing to fight want. Some want western democracy, some want a new Shia leader, some want to overthrow the Shia dictator to have a Sunni government, some want a harsh caliphate, some are willing to play multiple sides. Our fvck-up is seeing this in the same old Russia bad, Iran bad view. That's why we wanted Assad out, we don't give a fvck about human suffering. And that's Trump's issue now, he let human suffering cloud his judgement and he just might dig a deeper hole.
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What idiots like Fever fail to understand is that a strong US military presence around the world permits his ability to prosper regardless of his ignorant babble.

In no way do I think all US foreign policy is perfect, but I can say that without it over the last "60 years", we most certainly would have been reduced to the likes of Jamaican banana tree climbers scouring for food with only the politically connected citizen living with the potential for abundance.
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I would like to think he respected the fact he didn't have Constitutional authority to attack a soverign nation without a clear and immediate threat to national security. I believe he did not, and Trump did not. Trump himself said the same at the time. And I would personally like to launch a missile right up Assad's ass for the shit he has done. I get how Trump feels. But feelings do not change the Constitution.

Anyway, claiming the US armed ISIS is ridiculous. To believe such shows a lack of understanding of the Syrian conflict. Has some US supplied arms ended up with ISIS? Sure. Because there are many players and their individual alliances have shifted many times. And that's the problem with sticking your nose in Muslim business, there is no clear cut division in what people who are willing to fight want. Some want western democracy, some want a new Shia leader, some want to overthrow the Shia dictator to have a Sunni government, some want a harsh caliphate, some are willing to play multiple sides. Our fvck-up is seeing this in the same old Russia bad, Iran bad view. That's why we wanted Assad out, we don't give a fvck about human suffering. And that's Trump's issue now, he let human suffering cloud his judgement and he just might dig a deeper hole.

I do agree with a lot of this. However, the idea that Obumma gave two shits about constitutional authority when deciding to "draw red lines" is hilarious.

i just don't think we can allow a dictator to start lobbing chemical weapons around when we have assets and allies in the region. We left a lot of people hung out to dry over the last 8 years, regardless of the "failures" of previous admin.

Interesting too is all the talk of Russia hijacking our election as if they should never be trusted, but.....we "trusted" them to police Assad and eliminate their chemical weapons??? The hypocrisy is rich.
I do agree with a lot of this. However, the idea that Obumma gave two shits about constitutional authority when deciding to "draw red lines" is hilarious.

i just don't think we can allow a dictator to start lobbing chemical weapons around when we have assets and allies in the region. We left a lot of people hung out to dry over the last 8 years, regardless of the "failures" of previous admin.

Interesting too is all the talk of Russia hijacking our election as if they should never be trusted, but.....we "trusted" them to police Assad and eliminate their chemical weapons??? The hypocrisy is rich.

I don't think Obama anticipated Republicans being against bombing some more Muslims. That's the shit that usually unites us lol.

I believe the Constitution may be a little outdated for how quickly events now happen. We might want to consider a way to hold such votes without being in session, it would be as easy as a computer or smart phone. No need to end their spring break to OK a limited strike, and the intent of the Framers is honored. Or maybe a select committee trusted to authorize such a strike when everyone is out of town. That would make for a limited but spirited debate and quick action, just a conference call with a dozen Senate members split by whoever controls the Senate would work for me. Let the House vote on which Senators are on the committee to make it cover both chambers.

And we are going to have to trust Russia to end this Syria mess. They are not giving up their naval base. Hopefully this is the incident that convinces Putin that Assad is a jerkoff. Beyond that, who knows. Syria is going to get carved up.
What idiots like Fever fail to understand is that a strong US military presence around the world permits his ability to prosper regardless of his ignorant babble.

In no way do I think all US foreign policy is perfect, but I can say that without it over the last "60 years", we most certainly would have been reduced to the likes of Jamaican banana tree climbers scouring for food with only the politically connected citizen living with the potential for abundance.

Nobody will ever affect the way I wake up and breath and go about my life each and every day. Keep believing that ridiculous propoganda that what people do to their own people will affect me.
What idiots like Fever fail to understand is that a strong US military presence around the world permits his ability to prosper regardless of his ignorant babble.

In no way do I think all US foreign policy is perfect, but I can say that without it over the last "60 years", we most certainly would have been reduced to the likes of Jamaican banana tree climbers scouring for food with only the politically connected citizen living with the potential for abundance.

America prospered greatly when we was a neutral country.
What idiots like Fever fail to understand is that a strong US military presence around the world permits his ability to prosper regardless of his ignorant babble.

In no way do I think all US foreign policy is perfect, but I can say that without it over the last "60 years", we most certainly would have been reduced to the likes of Jamaican banana tree climbers scouring for food with only the politically connected citizen living with the potential for abundance.

Oh and if America was reduced to a 54 year old 3rd world country, nobody would be to blame but the government.

America was a World Power long before the British even batted an eye about giving Jamaica it's independence. Only an idiot would think otherwise. But keep sipping that Propaganda Kool-Aid.

No country will ever come to America and threatened my or your freedom.
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I do agree with a lot of this. However, the idea that Obumma gave two shits about constitutional authority when deciding to "draw red lines" is hilarious.

i just don't think we can allow a dictator to start lobbing chemical weapons around when we have assets and allies in the region. We left a lot of people hung out to dry over the last 8 years, regardless of the "failures" of previous admin.

Interesting too is all the talk of Russia hijacking our election as if they should never be trusted, but.....we "trusted" them to police Assad and eliminate their chemical weapons??? The hypocrisy is rich.

What Allies do we have? We have the pussy parasite Israel? The back stabbing Turks. The fake Saudis, and the weak Egyptians. We have the Kurds but they aren't even sovereign. Everyone hates us BECAUSE OF OUR OWN ACTIONS. Shit most of our Muslim allies don't do shit when we ask them to take control if their own region.
What Allies do we have? We have the pussy parasite Israel? The back stabbing Turks. The fake Saudis, and the weak Egyptians. We have the Kurds but they aren't even sovereign. Everyone hates us BECAUSE OF OUR OWN ACTIONS. Shit most of our Muslim allies don't do shit when we ask them to take control if their own region.

yes, we know you are an imbecile. No need to keep rambling.
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I'll say this, what has Israel provided for us. Even the veterans in my church group who served in Iraq laugh at the thought of Israel being an ally.

To quote one he said "Israel is like the little brother you hate that always starts shit but never does shit and expects big brother to back him up each and every time." He called Israel and it's military a joke and the root of many of the evils in the Middle East.
I'll say this, what has Israel provided for us. Even the veterans in my church group who served in Iraq laugh at the thought of Israel being an ally.

To quote one he said "Israel is like the little brother you hate that always starts shit but never does shit and expects big brother to back him up each and every time." He called Israel and it's military a joke and the root of many of the evils in the Middle East.

Cool story.

Listen you racist bastard, there are quite a few other countries in the world other than Israel, and they all need us. I know this frustrates you, but those are the facts.
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Nobody will ever affect the way I wake up and breath and go about my life each and every day. Keep believing that ridiculous propoganda that what people do to their own people will affect me.

This from a bigot who cries racism at every opportunity. You are a bigot who whines and moans about this country continually. Clearly others have affected you, and continue to do so.
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By design, Israel operates differently than any western military or police. Israel is surrounded by enemies and is attacked daily, even hourly. If someone has issues with their policy go be Israeli for a day.
By design, Israel operates differently than any western military or police. Israel is surrounded by enemies and is attacked daily, even hourly. If someone has issues with their policy go be Israeli for a day.

Israel is attacked Daily lmfao, that's a lie. Israel supposbily has the strongest military in the region but yet still can't defend themselves?? I guess more wasteful spending by our Government.
Cool story.

Listen you racist bastard, there are quite a few other countries in the world other than Israel, and they all need us. I know this frustrates you, but those are the facts.

Please give a valid reason why another country needs us. And where was I being racist??
This from a bigot who cries racism at every opportunity. You are a bigot who whines and moans about this country continually. Clearly others have affected you, and continue to do so.

What does my statement have to do with racism??

This may be the best one yet in Herdnation history. I assume he intended to spell it "supposibly," but with this genius, it is anyone's guess. Supposibly. Christ. And this guy goes around telling everyone that he has a degree from Marshall.

That led me to seeing if he can form a single grammatically correct sentence with no errors. Just one. I will go back and start from the beginning in this thread:

So we should have a Foreign policy on how a country to treat it own people in the midst of a civil war?


Nope. Many errors with this one. Foreign should not be capitalized. The rest of the sentence doesn't make sense. It should read " . . . on how a country treats its own . . . "

Too be honest with you, since WWII, America has failed each and every day we tried to get involved in other countries Civil Wars.

Nope. It should be "to," "countries'" (note the apostrophe), and "civil wars" should not be capitalized. Further, it makes far more sense to have said "failed each and every time" instead of "every day."

Syrians cries would have fell on deaf ears if I was President.

Nope. It should be "would have fallen" and "if I were."

Being the world's police have been a Foreign Policy failure over the last 60 years.

Nope. It should be "has" instead of "have" and "foreign policy" should not be capitalized.

Nobody will ever affect the way I wake up and breath and go about my life each and every day

Nope. It should be " . . . the way I wake up, breath, and go about my life . . . "

Keep believing that ridiculous propoganda that what people do to their own people will affect me.

Nope. Propaganda was spelled wrong.

America prospered greatly when we was a neutral country.

Nope. It should be "were" instead of "was."

America was a World Power long before the British even batted an eye about giving Jamaica it's independence.

Nope. World power should not be capitalized and it should be "its" instead of "it's."

No country will ever come to America and threatened my or your freedom.

Nope. It should be "threaten" instead of "threatened." It should be "your or my" instead of "my or your."

What Allies do we have?

Nope. Allies should not be capitalized.

What Allies do we have? We have the pussy parasite Israel? The back stabbing Turks. The fake Saudis, and the weak Egyptians. We have the Kurds but they aren't even sovereign.

Nope. He switches from simply naming a country ("Israel") to then referring to the descriptive term of the nationality of people from each country. He should have used "Israelis" to stay consistent.

He didn't need a comma after "Saudis," but he did need one after "Kurds."

Christ, read a fvcking book. Seriously, in your first nine attempts at writing a sentence, eight of them were wrong. Get off of message boards and read a book . . . a legit, scholarly book, not one of your conspiracy theory bullshit articles.

I am being serious. You communicate at a third-grade level. I have no idea how you even made it through the help program at Marshall. You owe a lot to affirmative action, quotas, and workplace diversity requirements or else you would be climbing trees for bananas like was referenced earlier.
Cool Story Bro

It's nice to see you took time out of your morning before noon on a Sunday to Bash me. Atleast you're not in a Pagan Church.

And you honestly think and feel you are hurting my feelings. I laugh how much hate I filled you up with. You seriously hate me, yet you have NEVER met me. You have a lot of Devil in you bro. Bro you don't affect me at all because it's clear you have some inner hate that you mask by your lifestyle. I'm good I'm happy in my life.

But yes Rifle aka R. K. Let the hate inside you out.
Hate? Don't confuse my mocking of you as hate. Hate is you getting so mad that you repeatedly challenge a person to take days out of their life to travel across the country to fight you. Hate is you trying to sabotage a person's career simply because they got you so mad on a message board by mocking you.

Over the last 16 years, there have been a couple of other posters on your level of intelligence, but I didn't mock them for being incredibly stupid because they seemed like decent people. You, on the other hand, are not only one of the dumbest to have ever posted on this board, but you are also one of the most despicable.

I am not trying to hurt your feelings. If I wanted to do that, we could talk about your wife and your life. I am trying to shame you into not embarrassing Marshall alums anymore by getting you to stop exhibiting how worthless the Marshall degree is with your posts.

Let the hate inside you out.

Huh? You may want to try that one again, moron.
Up until the Spanish-American War when it was learn the Business of War is big business. We haven't been Neutral since.

Someone needs to read a history book. Better yet, just do a quick search on the internet to look at the number of conflicts the U.S. was involved in, most with international ramifications, prior to the Spanish-American.

This country has been involved in international issues since its founding.

The irony regarding your opinion on this topic: our most prosperous period happened during the time of slavery. You advocating we go back to that too?

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