Terror attack

Now being investigated as a terror attack. Suspect drove 6 blocks through a bike lane
Isolated incident forged from an organized ideology.

The same could be said of some of the dark corners of Christianity.

The thing here is inspired acts that are easy to do. AQ liked big attacks, which fits their identity as primarily a political way of thinking (scare the West out of the Middle East). This ISIS-inspired shit is just do as much mayhem as possible. I really think this is the new normal. It doesn't need a real organization, just electronic propaganda to get new followers.
Should we ban trucks, or just Home Depot trucks? Maybe reduce the number of wheels on trucks? The payload?

C'mon, lefties, tell us how Islam isn't responsible for any of this, and how we should ban the instrument used to cause the harm instead of the individual.
Hey wingnuts, ever compare number of homicides by gun to homicides by truck?