Terrorists love the liberals

M u slims want the biggest branch of ***** the country has to b offer. The demo wacky party
other than the statement at the end, he didn't say anything that's not common knowledge.
See. Yet another liberal not speaking up against the horrors and demented acts enforced by Sharia Law.
^^continues to ignore his orange jesus incited an insurrection against the Constitution of the United States and illegally attempted to overturn the results of a free and fair election.
^^continues to ignore his orange jesus incited an insurrection against the Constitution of the United States and illegally attempted to overturn the results of a free and fair election.

^^Continues posting the same lie(s) over and over again^^

Speaking of Orange

^^Continues posting the same lie(s) over and over again^^

You're a LYING stupid trumptard.
Did the cuck pick up a third religion? some of those Muslims are sexual deviants too.
We all dont hide in BFE like greed or raoul. The muslim population is growing by the day where I live. And I'm seeing more evidence of their intentional acts of not assimilating to becoming a US citizen/values/principles. Add in almost weekly nonpermitted "river to the sea" protests drives/marches across many of our areas most populated gathering locations meant to disrupt and intimidate. Its not going to end well. England is reaping what their govt has ignored for a decade.
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We all dont hide in BFE like greed or raoul. The muslim population is growing by the day where I live. And I'm seeing more evidence of their intentional acts of not assimilating to becoming a US citizen/values/principles. Add in almost weekly nonpermitted "river to the sea" protests drives/marches across many of our areas most populated gathering locations meant to disrupt and intimidate. Its not going to end well. England is reaping what their govt has ignored for a decade.
Exactly, and, by the time the shit hits the areas those two hayseeds live, our country will be in deep shit like the UK is now. Combine that with Leftist politicians being in power, the country is fvcked.

Rubes like Raoul and Greed will continue voting them into office with blind faith.
We all dont hide in BFE like greed or raoul.
Yet you and others are the pussies who are afraid of anyone remotely unlike yourselves. And crybabies to boot.

Then again, maybe if the Native Americans had killed them first honkies instead of showing them how to grow corn they'd be in better shape now. Perhaps you are on to something....

Me, I just like quiet. I can hear coyotes at night. I can drive a few minutes and see the Milky Way with the naked eye. Beats hearing the city and jets all night.

I figure @WV-FAN is much the same. Ain't scared, but likes his peace and quiet. You city slickers ought to give it a try.

Really, the thing is you city slicker Cons also look down on the rural American. Trump does. JD called them shiftless. Your tech bro heroes, same. You couldn't stand rural America and moved to the big city. The real elitists.
Have you seen what's been going on in the UK?
Do you know what the queers are doing to the soil?

Here's the thing: if Britain had any balls they'd lock up the asshole ones. I believe in prisons for violent people. My mantra is you do you, but harm no others. Once you harm, fvck off.
What the stated goal of Islam is?
Not much different than what the Christian Nationalists goal is. All theocrats should die and go to Hell.
Yet you and others are the pussies who are afraid of anyone remotely unlike yourselves. And crybabies to boot
Strawman, we aren't afraid of someone who is "remotely unlike" ourselves.

We are concerned with people who are radically different, and who's beliefs include horrific doctrines which push for the extinction of Christianity, taking child brides, throwing gays off rooftops, etc.

You're so into trying to be part of who you think are the 'anointed and elite' of society that you no longer see the forest for the trees.

Pull your head out of your ass or get a glass stomach installed.
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push for the extinction of Christianity
This is fine as long as they use only words.
taking child brides
They should be shot.
throwing gays off rooftops
Probably OK if they are trans, right?

Seriously, I don't lie awake at night and worry about this shit. Pedos come in all colors and creeds. Plenty of gays have been killed right here in America by non-Muslims. Bad people should all be dealt with harshly.

We are concerned with people who are radically different
Yet in reality it ends up as painting with a very broad brush. That's the problem.
Here's the thing: if Britain had any balls they'd lock up the asshole ones.

If Britain had any balls they wouldn't have let the invaders in to begin with... Or allow themselves to be disarmed...

You do realize there is a quota system for British cops... And they are taking sides...

Not much different than what the Christian Nationalists goal is. All theocrats should die and go to Hell.

Please quantify the number of Christian Nationalists vs. Muslims... And yet you think WV is warped for being concerned about Sharia Law??? Nice play...
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Yet you and others are the pussies who are afraid of anyone remotely unlike yourselves.
Says the guy who moved to sticks...solely for the "quiet". Laughable.

You're so into trying to be part of who you think are the 'anointed and elite' of society
He's a hypocrite.

You couldn't stand rural America and moved to the big city. The real elitists.
So, living in a bigger more diverse metro area for over 25years is "elitist" and "afraid"? Tell us again why you ran from WV to go back to the louisville area, only to decide to once again flee back to Whiteyville, USA. Tell us more about those "coyotes" bigot.
It is all about socialism. All these democrat useful idiots vote for them now. Thar what they want.
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