Thank you Extra Green

i am herdman

Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Mar 5, 2006
Hey Extra Greed!

Thank you for your $500.00 donation!

This is a message from President Trump:

“From the bottom of my heart, thank you so much for always supporting me, Extra Green

Especially right now, at on of the darkest moments in American history.

The fact that you’re supporting me now means you’re a True Patriot!

If you’d like to take your support for my campaign to the next level, you can contribute again to my mission to SAVE AMERICA using this link >

If you want to visit the Official Trump Store, you can do so by clicking this link >


Finally, the BEST way you can help me win is being a TRUMP FORCE MULTIPLIER on social media.

To share a donation link with your friends on Facebook, click here.

To tell the world on X that you just donated, click here.

I want you to know one thing: I WILL NEVER STOP FIGHTING FOR YOU!”

Thanks again!

Donald J. Trump

45th President of the United States
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Hey Extra Greed!

Thank you for your $500.00 donation!

This is a message from President Trump:

“From the bottom of my heart, thank you so much for always supporting me, Extra Green

Especially right now, at on of the darkest moments in American history.

The fact that you’re supporting me now means you’re a True Patriot!

If you’d like to take your support for my campaign to the next level, you can contribute again to my mission to SAVE AMERICA using this link >

If you want to visit the Official Trump Store, you can do so by clicking this link >


Finally, the BEST way you can help me win is being a TRUMP FORCE MULTIPLIER on social media.

To share a donation link with your friends on Facebook, click here.

To tell the world on X that you just donated, click here.

I want you to know one thing: I WILL NEVER STOP FIGHTING FOR YOU!”

Thanks again!

Donald J. Trump

45th President of the United States
I’m gonna make a donation under Rifle’s real name. 😂
Much like Slumlord Sex Sinner, these guys make a donation for $5 but then claim it was for $500.
Thornton Law Firm

I think that’s only directly to a campaign. You can donate as much as you want from whoever (non foreign) to PACs
I did not know Thornton's gas stations have a law firm.

We are here bullshitting around, I don't think we need to get too technical on the law for my make-believe shout out to the FBI for Jarhead's mythical donation 🤣
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Thank you for setting the example of never making anything up.
What is made up? You didn't make a $500 donation under E.T.'s name.
Slumlord Sex Sinner did lose a bet, then to fulfill the bet, he donated to the agreed upon organization but forged the receipt to reflect the amount he was supposed to pay (when in reality he actually donated just $1) and posted that on here.
It is a federal crime to make a campaign donation in someone else's name. But hey, when your ticket is led by a felon I guess anything goes!
How long do you think that felon tag will last? It will be overturned. Your side does not care that it was a corrupt trial as long as they get to call him a felon before the election.
How long do you think that felon tag will last?
Don't know, he's got about 60 more chances to grow that tag.
Your side does
Not my side. I'm here just enjoying the shit show. Like I said, if NY wanted his ass, they should have done it long ago for truly shady shit he's done. And if Trump wasn't as crooked as his crooked, fellow felon lawyer, he wouldn't be in this pickle....I truly cannot understand his way of thinking.
Don't know, he's got about 60 more chances to grow that tag.

Not my side. I'm here just enjoying the shit show. Like I said, if NY wanted his ass, they should have done it long ago for truly shady shit he's done. And if Trump wasn't as crooked as his crooked, fellow felon lawyer, he wouldn't be in this pickle....I truly cannot understand his way of thinking.
It's you side you prove it her every day
You might want to change your party affiliation, I heard a motion was made at the convention to tell Trump to go fvck himself.
That's the beauty of being an independent thinker, I don't have to tow the party line. I don't have to agree with their stance on every issue.
  • Haha
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You might want to change your party affiliation, I heard a motion was made at the convention to tell Trump to go fvck himself.
To be fair, libertarians frequently boo each other and make silly motions. Libertarians are one of most conflicted parties that’s around, and I suppose that’s half the fun in it. It looked a lot like British parliament where you are allowed to act up jeering opponents.
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