Thanks Obama


Platinum Buffalo
Mar 17, 2007
EG bragged obama got me my disability. Did Obama have someone doctor iumy medical records or did the judge make the call? The judge made the right call based on 18yrs of literally dragging my leg around and the black lung thang
Hillary and Obama bragged they would shut down mines and they did. Well Clinton gets 100 per cent of the bragging blame. Obama wouldn't have done that anyway. He had to keep up that image of being A jive turkey talking super fly for some people and just an old uncle Tom for others. Had Obama been a slave what king of slave would he be using the terminology of those terrible times A.A field ni??er or B. a house ni??er
I'm going with HN instead of FN. Let them compensate me for the rest of my life. Miners might get checks for losing their jobs over false claims and being ignored for cutting down emissions enough to have saved coal based on obama's numbers for the EPA. WE could use coal for another:100 yes. Windmills are a joke. Bunch of jobs for gay folk out at Sodom and Caligommorrah Libs get the government under their control the porn industry will explode as will peep shows and sex shops. Are we teaching 5th graders gay sex? Trump will intervene if he can on this.
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EG bragged obama got me my disability. Did Obama have someone doctor iumy medical records or did the judge make the call? The judge made the right call based on 18yrs of literally dragging my leg around and the black lung thang
Hillary and Obama bragged they would shut down mines and they did. Well Clinton gets 100 per cent of the bragging blame. Obama wouldn't have done that anyway. He had to keep up that image of being A jive turkey talking super fly for some people and just an old uncle Tom for others. Had Obama been a slave what king of slave would he be using the terminology of those terrible times A.A field ni??er or B. a house ni??er
I'm going with HN instead of FN. Let them compensate me for the rest of my life. Miners might get checks for losing their jobs over false claims and being ignored for cutting down emissions enough to have saved coal based on obama's numbers for the EPA. WE could use coal for another:100 yes. Windmills are a joke. Bunch of jobs for gay folk out at Sodom and Caligommorrah Libs get the government under their control the porn industry will explode as will peep shows and sex shops. Are we teaching 5th graders gay sex? Trump will intervene if he can on this.
ain't nothin but a thang.
EG bragged obama got me my disability. Did Obama have someone doctor iumy medical records or did the judge make the call? The judge made the right call based on 18yrs of literally dragging my leg around and the black lung thang
Hillary and Obama bragged they would shut down mines and they did. Well Clinton gets 100 per cent of the bragging blame. Obama wouldn't have done that anyway. He had to keep up that image of being A jive turkey talking super fly for some people and just an old uncle Tom for others. Had Obama been a slave what king of slave would he be using the terminology of those terrible times A.A field ni??er or B. a house ni??er
I'm going with HN instead of FN. Let them compensate me for the rest of my life. Miners might get checks for losing their jobs over false claims and being ignored for cutting down emissions enough to have saved coal based on obama's numbers for the EPA. WE could use coal for another:100 yes. Windmills are a joke. Bunch of jobs for gay folk out at Sodom and Caligommorrah Libs get the government under their control the porn industry will explode as will peep shows and sex shops. Are we teaching 5th graders gay sex? Trump will intervene if he can on this.
No need to thank Obama. Did you call Grover or visit Mr Conn’s doublewide compound?
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No my attorney was Robert Miller from Paintsville.Some people were really bad off and Conn knocked good people off their disability too. Who is Grover? I know the judge in that scandal from Huntington died. I think I came across a story where that judge was wanting more money. He picked up 15000 in cash at the birdhouse in Louisa from Conn. In another story a man in Louisa turned in 14,000 he found in a brown paper bag. He got no reward. No he got 1000. How many would have kept it?
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No my attorney was Robert Miller from Paintsville.Some people were really bad off and Conn knocked good people off their disability too. Who is Grover? I know the judge in that scandal from Huntington died. I think I came across a story where that judge was wanting more money. He picked up 15000 in cash at the birdhouse in Louisa from Conn. In another story a man in Louisa turned in 14,000 he found in a brown paper bag. He got no reward. No he got 1000. How many would have kept it?

Grover Arnett. Don’t play dumb with us. :D
EG bragged obama got me my disability. Did Obama have someone doctor iumy medical records or did the judge make the call? The judge made the right call based on 18yrs of literally dragging my leg around and the black lung thang
Hillary and Obama bragged they would shut down mines and they did. Well Clinton gets 100 per cent of the bragging blame. Obama wouldn't have done that anyway. He had to keep up that image of being A jive turkey talking super fly for some people and just an old uncle Tom for others. Had Obama been a slave what king of slave would he be using the terminology of those terrible times A.A field ni??er or B. a house ni??er
I'm going with HN instead of FN. Let them compensate me for the rest of my life. Miners might get checks for losing their jobs over false claims and being ignored for cutting down emissions enough to have saved coal based on obama's numbers for the EPA. WE could use coal for another:100 yes. Windmills are a joke. Bunch of jobs for gay folk out at Sodom and Caligommorrah Libs get the government under their control the porn industry will explode as will peep shows and sex shops. Are we teaching 5th graders gay sex? Trump will intervene if he can on this.
Great post, buddy. You speak the truth.
Back when Obama was President, you were praising him for getting you disability payments.
Sure I did but he actually didnt have one thing to do with it. You have to throw some red meat to the libs or they might blow up my housep
I am now far worse off than I was when I got my disability. They can pay me for 100 more years but nothing can replace your health
I love my freedom I can help others now