The Baltimore Mayor


Gold Buffalo
Jan 21, 2006
If she instructed the police to "Stand Down" and went on to say "Let them Loot, its only property", as it is being suggested/reported, what do you guys think should (notice I do not say will) happen?

To me, if true, this is right along with the lowest of scum on this earth. These actions show this lady is more interested in other agendas than doing what is right and commanded of her when she took her oath of office. This is right out of the same playbook as Benghazi. We don't know anything about this guy that is dead. But she (if her reported statements are accurate) viewed the race message greater than the security of her police that protect her, greater than the taxpayer and business owner that pay taxes that pay her, and greater than the security of the very people she is elected to govern. The message, the violence, the streets on fire is more important.

I truly believe Obummer and Hillary allowed our people to die in Benghazi so Obummer could become re-elected. This to me is the real story out of Baltimore. Hopefully the black community wakes up and can see how they are being played as pawns and their ignorance and fears stoked purposely.
All you need to know is that she INVITED Al Sharpton in to help when things got rough.
Her lack of professionalism is what stands out to me. Cameras were rolling right before she took the mic at a press conference. Hours earlier, her city looked like shit. Yet, there she was laughing it up with her back turned to the cameras with other local leaders. Then, with all of the microphones on, you could clearly hear her say, seriously and in a stern voice, "y'all simmer down now" like she was a mother scolding children even though she was just as much a part of it. She then turned and put on a serious face as she addressed the media.

Another reporter claimed that she arrived at a location where the governor was. They stood next to each other but did not shake hands, say "hi," or acknowledge the presence of the other. The reporter stated it was obvious that there were major issues in that relationship.
If she instructed the police to "Stand Down" and went on to say "Let them Loot, its only property", as it is being suggested/reported, what do you guys think should (notice I do not say will) happen?

I think some hidden cameras should be placed so we can watch it on TV. You know, like they do on National Geographic with the bears. They plant these little cameras out in the woods and we get to see the bears or the lions killing their prey at night.

If you're worried about it getting vandalized, put it out in front of a vacant building with a sign that says "Job Agency" on it. Nobody will want anything to do with that.

Or maybe you should put out some fake Nikes with a disposable camera. We could watch them fight over the shoes. Put some Doritos there. How about even some bags of weed?

French Creek Game Farm's got nothing on all this.

As far as what should happen to the mayor? She's a pretty good zoo keeper. She deserves more respect, and I believe a couple lipstick commercials.
It's just a continuation of incompetence and corruption within Baltimore's administration.

When the protests turned violent and you had to ask 30,000 Orioles fans to shelter in place, you knew things were only going to get worse from there. Yet nothing was done.

With the curfew and the continuing threat of violence, businesses in Baltimore are already struggling. Just imagine the economic impact of moving this weekends Orioles-Rays series to Florida. Concerts at the Pier Six Pavillion have had to be postponed/cancelled as well.

It's going to be a long tough Summer in Baltimore.
I think some hidden cameras should be placed so we can watch it on TV. You know, like they do on National Geographic with the bears. They plant these little cameras out in the woods and we get to see the bears or the lions killing their prey at night.
"Baltimore [not 'Bar'] Rescue"

business owners should loot the Baltimore City Office.
While it certainly sounds alarming, I am curious to hear in what context this was given. Two officers walking the beat and coming across 100 looters is different than an entire contingent of officers coming across those looters. In this example, those two officers are far out numbered and would be at a severe disadvantage to do anything to stop it, at that point, my opinion is that they should ensure that human life is not at risk (assault, battery, someone being held up with a weapon, etc).

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