The Big Cheat Has Started

i am herdman

Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Mar 5, 2006
It started by the coup against Mush Brain. There is that. Installing a woman who they hated months prior and they didn't want her in a primary.

Anyway, the cheat has started with media manipulated enthusiasm and media being in bed with the leftist and big govt machine. It us a psychological warfare tactic used on the American people.

They want to the vote to be perceived as being close and then when they ballot stuff and fill out ballots and have the mystery stop counting at 1am it looks plausible.

PA has already stated they might not be able to gave the votes counted for an election in November they knew was coming 4 years ago...hell they knew 50 years ago...100 years ago.

Same shit different year.

It is a leftist takeover and they are going to do it worse now. They are going to do anything to save power. To save their Dept of Education. Their big mass machine and leftist agenda.

They are even hiding it anymore. Kamala Harris is an installed puppet.

This country is on a road to destruction. Our children and grandchildren are hosed.
It started by the coup against Mush Brain. There is that. Installing a woman who they hated months prior and they didn't want her in a primary.
i don't believe the overwhelming majority thought they would end up with the laughing hyena, they damn sure didn't want her. now that they're stuck with her, it's like they're chewing on a big ole pile of dog shit, grimacing at the taste, while telling everybody it's wagyu ribeye.
i don't believe the overwhelming majority thought they would end up with the laughing hyena, they damn sure didn't want her. now that they're stuck with her, it's like they're chewing on a big ole pile of dog shit, grimacing at the taste, while telling everybody it's wagyu ribeye.
They are fine with her now. They actually believe that she has changed her mind on her past views.

Whatever the liberal media tell these people to believe they do so without thought. The proof is how they parrot everything the liberal media says. Look how fast they all started saying Trump and Vance are weird.
I still think it is closer than the polls are saying, dont believe it's a runaway race yet for Kamala, but I do find it typical that virtually every Trump headline in my news feed (usa today, cnn, huffpost, AP, NYT...etc) is all negative. While at the same time, gaslighting or completely made-up positives for her, despite her giving no access to the media.

Perfect example, yesterday I happened to watch ~30 minutes of the Trump speech in Asheville NC. The speech went well over an hour by all accounts. His speech was all encompassing...yet the USA Today article this morning intentionally misrepresented it as a "rambling, incoherent speech." Choosing to cherry pick certain nonconsequential parts while ignoring his policy initiatives he discussed.

Today, CNBC (a supposed biz network) talking about Kamala's plan to "Federally Ban Price Gouging"....Uhhhhh, first, there already are laws in place for illegal "price gouging". Second, when you get into the story, the plan is to "ban M&A activity" of food producers/suppliers/meat suppliers/grocers etc. As if this is blindly a good thing. The economic illiteracy in this country will inevitably finish us off.

We all knew this was going to be the case when Trump became the nominee, but it is always amazing seeing just how in the tank the "news" is.
We all knew this was going to be the case when Trump became the nominee, but it is always amazing seeing just how in the tank the "news" is.
Every single news outlet should never cease to open their article by stating that your orange jesus incited an insurrection against the Constitution of the United States and illegally attempted to overturn a free and fair election. Until they do, they're failing their duty.
I don’t think anyone is calling it a runaway race for Harris. Most of the positively spun news stories I see about her campaign focus on the deltas between where Biden was and where she is now. They’ll say things like Harris has gained 10 points in NC on where Biden was. Which is true, but she’s still down there.
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I don’t think anyone is calling it a runaway race for Harris. Most of the positively spun news stories I see about her campaign focus on the deltas between where Biden was and where she is now. They’ll say things like Harris has gained 10 points in NC on where Biden was. Which is true, but she’s still down there.
I always thought, in the end, it would be close. Of course, the intentional action by the media for one candidate and against the other has no doubt helped to reduce the gap from 3 weeks ago.
I don’t think anyone is calling it a runaway race for Harris. Most of the positively spun news stories I see about her campaign focus on the deltas between where Biden was and where she is now. They’ll say things like Harris has gained 10 points in NC on where Biden was. Which is true, but she’s still down there.
I freely admit I’m not voting for Kamala. And politics is dirty business, but holy shit Kamala’s elevation & campaign just feels gross. She’s the Delta 8 of THC. Yeah, she’s a candidate but this just feels waaay off
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I freely admit I’m not voting for Kamala. And politics is dirty business, but holy shit Kamala’s elevation & campaign just feels gross. She’s the Delta 8 of THC. Yeah, she’s a candidate but this just feels waaay off
Go ahead and explain your full conspiracy theory. The board could use a laugh at your expense.
Here we go. Yesterday it was trumps gonna win now it's getting stolen because reasons.
I think he can win but won't be allowed to win. That's the point.

How does someone go from getting about 1 percent in a dem primary to becoming the second coming of the messiah in 3 weeks?

Lot of manipulation going on. They are also going to stuff ballots like no tomorrow.

In a decade or so we will be near full socialism heading towards communism.

If we make it that far. I think the civil war is coming in my lifetime at this current pace.
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I think he can win but won't be allowed to win. That's the point.

How does someone go from getting about 1 percent in a dem primary to becoming the second coming of the messiah in 3 weeks?

Lot of manipulation going on. They are also going to stuff ballots like no tomorrow.

In a decade or so we will be near full socialism heading towards communism.

If we make it that far. I think the civil war is coming in my lifetime at this current pace.
You're a lying trumptard oath breaker.

"Putin will have everything he wants in Ukraine in 30 days"
Right now, putin is being invaded by the Ukrainians. That would seem to indicate that you're stupid and/or a liar. Both is the correct conclusion. Idiot.
Ok, what are they going to do? Take over Russia? Hell they can't push Russia out of their own territory.
Ok, what are they going to do? Take over Russia? Hell they can't push Russia out of their own territory.
Right now, putin is being invaded by the Ukrainians. That would seem to indicate that you're stupid and/or a liar. Both is the correct conclusion. Idiot.
Right now, putin is being invaded by the Ukrainians. That would seem to indicate that you're stupid and/or a liar. Both is the correct conclusion. Idiot.

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