The Dark Side of Democrats, They admit it

You really want to go tit for tat on the parties having some people who support them for the wrong reasons?
You really want to go tit for tat on the parties having some people who support them for the wrong reasons?
Democrats have basically alienated the working-class and young male.

It is a real problem having division like that.

Democrats have gone to a model where everything is based on gender, sex, identity amd you are put in a box based on that.

Hint young males are needed to work, produce, and fight wars. If they are alienated, guess what they aren't going to do that and the last one in a problem.

At some point they lash out and we all have a problem.

Jones make a solid point at least..dems have backed themselves into a corner. It is backing the country into a corner.

Don't underestimate how dangerous this is.
Hint: ^^^this is how conservatives view all people, i.e, what can you do for ME.
what? It is a demographic issue. We all have to have something that unites us? I don't care if someone is black, white, Hindu, one legged, Asian, Half Coast Guard. We are American at the end of the day, unless you are illegal and just here for the benefit economically.

The left, radical left, is boxing people into race, sex, gender, misgender. It will implode on them and the country at some point.

Hate to tell you, the people that fight and defend us are young males willing to fight or protect. That was my point. If they are alienated, we have a problem.

Demographics are showing this.

We also have a problem where 1 or 2% are doing the fighting and fat cats in DC are getting rich from it. Nobody gives a shit, because they are not effected by it.
It is a demographic issue. We all have to have something that unites us? I don't care if someone is black, white, Hindu, one legged, Asian, Half Coast Guard.
Hint: ^^^this is how conservatives view all people, i.e, what can you do for ME.