Chalk one more up to the Independent & Republican members of this board for pointing out how terrible the democrat party has become. The so-called "party of hope" is almost completely devoid of it. According to a piece in today's Washington Post, "recent polls show the [democrat] party is more unpopular than it has been in nearly two decades."
From the article:
From the article:
A Quinnipiac University poll released Wednesday had this stunning finding: While Americans were about evenly split in their views of the Republican Party (43 percent favorable to 45 percent unfavorable), negative views of the Democratic Party outpaced positive ones by 26 points — 31 percent favorable to 57 percent unfavorable. That’s not only a huge imbalance but also an unprecedented one.
In fact, Democrats’ 57 percent unfavorable rating is their highest ever in Quinnipiac’s polling, dating back to 2008, while the GOP’s 43 percent favorable rating is its highest ever.
Similarly, a CNN poll released last week showed that a record-low 33 percent of Americans had a favorable view of the [democrat] party.
That’s four points lower than in any CNN poll since 2006. And if you expand the dataset to earlier CNN, USA Today and Gallup polls, it’s the party’s worst since at least 1992.