The First Humans to Live to Age 150 Are Already Alive

If history has taught us anything it's someone that drinks and smokes every day with great genetics.
Do you really believe that? I sure don't. I didn't even believe that when I was a kid. Unless he was an alien...which is possible, given his father.

Yet you believe all of the other superhero antics in that comic book? Living to be 900 years old is so bizarre, but a talking donkey and 100 (or was it 200?) foreskins in exchange for being allowed to marry a guy's daughter? Perfectly normal and believable.

150 years? That's crazy. I frequently think about how far medical treatment and technology have improved in just the last 20 years. It boggles my mind to think what normal daily activity will be in another 20.
Do you really believe that? I sure don't. I didn't even believe that when I was a kid. Unless he was an alien...which is possible, given his father.

I do. If God can send his Son to die for the sins of man and resurrect him, living to be 900+ doesn't seem like that big a feat.
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Since we've managed to derail this thread, may I ask why your God is so obsessed with penises?

They are discussed, many times in disgusting, bizarre, and perverse ways, more times in the bible than '06 thinks of them each night in his bed.
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i am happy you have confined my supposed thoughts to the evenings in my bed.
I have a theory on the longevity of man in the Old Testament. I'm sure it's not original, but my thought is that man was created pure, free of defect and disease. Of course, the fall from grace ended that, but those early generations were not far separated from that perfection. The further man dispersed from the purity granted by God, the shorter the life span became, which I believe the Bible illustrates.

Alternative theory is that man lived longer by God's design due to the need to increase the population. People lived longer and women conceived to a much older age.
. Of course, the fall from grace ended that, but those early generations were not far separated from that perfection. The further man dispersed from the purity granted by God, the shorter the life span became, which I believe the Bible illustrates.

Then, heaven wouldn't be much of s reward if those who were better on less sinful were rewarded by living longer and avoiding heaven.

Instead of finding outlandish theories in order to fit what you want to believe in, why don't you actually look at things with an open mind and then decide?
Seriously rifle? Your asking someone else to have an open mind on the subject of Christianity? That's good for a laugh.
I have a theory on the longevity of man in the Old Testament. I'm sure it's not original, but my thought is that man was created pure, free of defect and disease. Of course, the fall from grace ended that, but those early generations were not far separated from that perfection. The further man dispersed from the purity granted by God, the shorter the life span became, which I believe the Bible illustrates.

Alternative theory is that man lived longer by God's design due to the need to increase the population. People lived longer and women conceived to a much older age.
Do you believe it is a pendulum?
Seriously rifle? Your asking someone else to have an open mind on the subject of Christianity? That's good for a laugh.

This is where you struggle understanding.

I looked at it with an open mind. I was once on your side and evaluated things with as little bias as possible. Even today, if I don't have an answer, I don't rely on ridiculous answers in order to fit them into my belief system. Some things don't have an answer yet, and with my belief system, I'm not obligated to know an answer to them.

On the other hand, banker was forced to find an answer for that situation which would fit under his belief system (the bible). The only explanations that could fit under that belief system are absurd ones, such as the one he presented.
Banker didn't offer a belief, he offered a theory of his own as to why some people in the Bible lived for a much longer time than they do now. He was not being "forced" to offer an answer. No more so than you were forced to reference his theory as comic book material.
Banker didn't offer a belief, he offered a theory of his own as to why some people in the Bible lived for a much longer time than they do now. He was not being "forced" to offer an answer. No more so than you were forced to reference his theory as comic book material.

Your post and analogy makes no sense.

He, in being forced to believe what the bible says, had to find a reasonable (more like far-fetched) explanation how somebody could live that long.

Many people would use the tired excuse that it wasn't meant to be taken literally. Banker, due to having to find an excuse to stay within his belief of the bible, had to find any way to explain it. It can only be explained with ridiculous answers.
Your post and analogy makes no sense.

He, in being forced to believe what the bible says, had to find a reasonable (more like far-fetched) explanation how somebody could live that long.

Many people would use the tired excuse that it wasn't meant to be taken literally. Banker, due to having to find an excuse to stay within his belief of the bible, had to find any way to explain it. It can only be explained with ridiculous answers.

My post made perfectly good sense except, perhaps, to someone closed-minded. You're still declaring banker was forced to believe something. No Christian is forced to believe something, you can't force anyone to believe anything. Are you being forced to not believe what the Bible says? Neither of Bankers theories were far fetched. Neither were they ridiculous.
As a Christian, you are forced to believe that what the bible says is true. So, he either had to argue that particular scripture was figurative language, which opens up worse issues, or he is forced to find a ridiculous answer to how that would be possible in order to defend the veracity of the bible.
As a Christian, you are forced to believe that what the bible says is true. So, he either had to argue that particular scripture was figurative language, which opens up worse issues, or he is forced to find a ridiculous answer to how that would be possible in order to defend the veracity of the bible.

No. I, nor any other Christian are FORCED to believe what the Bible says. Banker was neither forced to argue the scripture as figurative, nor was he forced to find a ridiculous answer or any answer at all. He merely gave his theory on the matter and stated it as such. You may think your ridicule in these matters is cute, or perhaps witty. They are not, except perhaps to other atheists.
Do you believe it is a pendulum?

No, I believe that advances in medicine and sanitary living conditions are prolonging life these days.

And rifle, sorry you find my theory farfetched and forced. It's fairly sound, even in a scientific sense. It's like making an original recording. When you make copies off the original they lose a small amount of quality. If you make a copy from the copy the quality drops further. So if I believe that man was made in God's image, which I do, then he is the master recording. The further we got away from the original, both figuratively and literally, the loss in quality became greater, which was reflected in shorter life expectancy.
No, I believe that advances in medicine and sanitary living conditions are prolonging life these days.
Can one not argue that God is the driving force behind these advancements? If so, is it fair to say Good feels we are reversing course and getting closer to perfection?
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And rifle, sorry you find my theory farfetched and forced. .

No reason to apologize. I'm not the one who looks like a fool with that explanation of a 900 year old guy.

. It's fairly sound, even in a scientific sense. .

Some things just don't need a response. I'll allow your attempt at a scientific explanation to just sit here and marinate in its own tears of comedy.

The further we got away from the original, both figuratively and literally, the loss in quality became greater, which was reflected in shorter life expectancy.

So, has time now reversed since life expectancy rates have increased?

Japan and Switzerland have the longest life expectancies, so are they closer to your god in their actions/beliefs, closer in terms of time/distance, or a mix of all of those.

Please keep your answers consistent with your scientific explanations.
Rifle, when exactly did you turn into extragreen? Just belittle a person's point and then ask more questions, that's you now?

It's obvious that you have your thoughts on the subject firmly set, so I don't see a reason to carry on the conversation. Instead of explaining why you believe my analogy concerning recordings is incorrect, you chose to add nothing. You feeling stressed lately or something?
Rifle, when exactly did you turn into extragreen? Just belittle a person's point and then ask more questions, that's you now?

It's obvious that you have your thoughts on the subject firmly set, so I don't see a reason to carry on the conversation. Instead of explaining why you believe my analogy concerning recordings is incorrect, you chose to add nothing. You feeling stressed lately or something?

Got any more stories about you living poor?
Rifle, when exactly did you turn into extragreen? Just belittle a person's point and then ask more questions, that's you now?

I was a bit more of a prick than usual with my responses. i just don't understand how people can lose all intelligence and try to rationalize the most absurd things when it comes to making excuses for their religion.

The questions I asked were fair. They also gave a pretty good idea of why I don't agree with your science . . . errr, theory.

Help me understand it more by answering the questions, please. How do those two facts (life expectancy rate increasing even though we are further from your god; what does it mean when other groups full of mostly non-Christians have higher life expectancies) get explained by your science . . . errr, theory.
Well, science is why people are living longer now, that's fairly apparent. Significant reductions in infant mortality rates coupled with better medical practices and a better awareness of issues impacting health have led to higher average life expectancy. That's not in conflict with anything spiritual, man gaining a better understanding of the things that impact life expectancy is a result of the natural curiosity we were endowed with.

Keep can correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe the Bible says the average life span (Psalms 90:10) is 70 to 80 years. Until "science" pushes us past that, I believe that's a pretty good guide on our limit. The Bible also discusses ways in which some can have a longer life, but since you don't put faith in the source there's really no reason to go on.

As far as your base issue, how can someone who is otherwise intelligent seem to throw all that out the door when it comes to religion, it is faith. It is the belief that there is something greater and more powerful than man can truly comprehend. I had my doubts as would anyone with the ability to contemplate such things, but the question I could never answer if I excluded God was where did it all start? Not man, not the earth, not the universe, but everything. Where did the first particle come from? I know that argument can easily be turned to "okay, where did God come from?", but that leaves you at a simple crossroad, either God exists or he doesn't. There is no way to definitely know which is true based on a logically process. I choose to accept God and to put my full faith into the fact that the Bible is his living word.

So what if you are right? What have I sacrificed? I have tried to live my life based on a solid set of principals. The Ten Commandments are a solid basis by which to live and be a good member of society. Attempting to live as God instructed through the Bible is a noble pursuit. My belief is that you are not right, but that's a decision that is completely up to you.
I believe they lived longer. Until they sinned in the garden the body was not built to die. I believe that its possible the earth had more people before the flood than we do now. I also believe as I have said before the bible has no mistakes. Now since you all wamt to mock great men of the bible would you praise Apollyon the destroyer of the bottomless pit. Then again its impossible to discuss a book some see as a comic book without things getting very stupid quick.God Loves those folk too.
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