The Future Of America-IHOP Fight

I see you couldn't find any videos of white people fighting. I bet you looked hard for some. I'm glad this didn't happen previous to the obama presidency.

Were you born an A-Hole? This was a top news feed on yahoo yesterday. So, hence, the reason I linked it yesterday.
If that fight was a top news feed then it must have been a slow news day. I've seen much worse on Jerry Springer.
Just a few more folks to add to the unemployment line in which we will foot the bill for.

Well considering Unemployment is paid for by all the business in the state and not our tax dollars. Not sure what your getting at
Well considering Unemployment is paid for by all the business in the state and not our tax dollars. Not sure what your getting at

How about the welfare line? More govt handouts for people too stupid to hold down a job and not turn a place of employment into a scene from Springer
Well considering Unemployment is paid for by all the business in the state and not our tax dollars. Not sure what your getting at
Where do businesses get the money to pay for their taxes? Do you think that business just eat that expense? Hell no that is built in to the price of goods and services so if their costs go up then their prices go up. So yes it is the tax payers that foot the bill
Where do businesses get the money to pay for their taxes? Do you think that business just eat that expense? Hell no that is built in to the price of goods and services so if their costs go up then their prices go up. So yes it is the tax payers that foot the bill

This requires a deeper understanding than he has.
I would bet that greed doesn't have any black friends, heck, may not even be on a first name basis with any. Can't really blame him, you have to know almost 200 people in Wayne County to statistically have a chance of knowing someone who is black.
I would bet that greed doesn't have any black friends, heck, may not even be on a first name basis with any. Can't really blame him, you have to know almost 200 people in Wayne County to statistically have a chance of knowing someone who is black.

Look ^^^, it's the moron again.
Ok, how many friends of all colors do I have? I'll take your answer and just add one to it.
Greed has no black friends. Has probably never had a black in his house.
"I know you are so what am I?"

"Oh yeah...that's what your momma said!"

"If brains were dynamite you couldn't blow your nose!"

Sorry...just trying to get in the conversation late...