The Interview Sony hack and N Korea


Platinum Buffalo
Feb 4, 2007
What is everyone's opinion of all of this? Personally I think its bullshit that they gave into what the North Koreans wanted
Originally posted by herdfan429:
What is everyone's opinion of all of this? Personally I think its bullshit that they gave into what the North Koreans wanted
What do you expect these days. We cave in the North Koreans and the Cubans.

Look who is charge. The great community organizer.

Nation of vaginas. Should have told the bastards to go **** themselves.
Herdman, Sony is a Japanese company. Have you went full retard?

**** these zipperheads. Sony is afraid they will fire a didlo missile at Tokyo, I guess. Threatening's an idea, release it to gun clubs. Bring it on, gooks. Come try some terrorism. I'll be in the front row with the goddamn Bushmaster.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Let me just put this out here. What Sony just did, canceling the release of their new movie The Interview, will likely go down as a very negative event and inflection point in this country's history.

Cyber terrorism has now been proven to be an effective tool for rogue countries and organization. I expect that we will now see its use grow exponentially.

Thanks Sony, you freaking cowards!

This post was edited on 12/18 9:26 AM by WiiWii
I, for one, had plans to see that movie specifically to support Sony. Now I may boycott all of their shitty movies. Fvck them!
Posted from Rivals Mobile
This was already delayed almost a year. I think it was scheduled to release March of 14. It's a MOVIE that looked kind of funny. Release it straight to DVD if your scared or grow a set and I'll go watch it in the theaters.
I agree. Screw NK. We should parachute copies of the movie on DVD all over the country ASAP but have the DVD attached to a bundle of food for the starving citizens. Maybe that would lead to the peasants over throwing the NK army and then the country in an attempt to keep the food.

Sony should have struck a deal with every on demand service available to release the movie now at the very least.
Originally posted by mubaseballking:
I agree. Screw NK. We should parachute copies of the movie on DVD all over the country ASAP but have the DVD attached to a bundle of food for the starving citizens. Maybe that would lead to the peasants over throwing the NK army and then the country in an attempt to keep the food.

Sony should have struck a deal with every on demand service available to release the movie now at the very least.
better make it vhs.