The irony of listening (and watching) Bernie and Hillary on the same stage


Platinum Buffalo
Feb 22, 2010
Couldn't help but laugh as I watched these videos of Bernie and Hillary day before yesterday. Here you have a man (who will be walking away personally with 10s of millions in campaign $$$$) bemoaning the wealthy and income inequality........endorsing a person who made $21 million last year, and whose personal wealth exceeds $200 million, despite having done little to earn it, outside of public speaking gigs. What a "public servant" these hacks are. They are laughing all the way to the Wall St banks for their deposits after leaving this campaign behind.
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For those that actually thought the old Jew would actually die in poverty, some of us actually told you his God given instinct of $$$ making would kick in. It was inevitable. And because he was willing to look at his annuity providers and blow smoke up their arses one more time on stage with one of the biggest political frauds of all time; he will be allowed to survive just a little while longer and enjoy some of his earnings. Off shore we come!!!!

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