The morning rant for Oct 18


Platinum Buffalo
Dec 25, 2007
I looked out my window this morning to see heavy frost on the rooftops. My outdoor thermostat said the temperature was 31 degrees. The last of the summer annuals were dead or dying. I felt like Demeter must have felt when her daughter Persephone had to go back to Hell for six months. Depressing.

I know this isn’t the sports forum, but I’m sure one line won’t hurt. The stadium looked empty last night. Hard to get people out for a weekday game. I know I finally gave up my season tickets when Marshall started playing games during the week. I couldn’t get back from Huntington at 3am and then be ready for work a few hours later.

I am still puzzled that Rifle won’t eat a Subway sandwich, but raves about a 7-11 pizza. I won’t even buy factory wrapped foods from a 7-11. Nasty places.

This election can’t be over soon enough. I’ll be glad when I can at least smile and say a fake “good morning” again to the people who politically disagree with me. That is all.
tell me your political affiliation without telling me your political affiliation.
I’ll be glad when I can at least smile and say a fake “good morning” again to the people who politically disagree with me.
tell me your political affiliation without telling me your political affiliation.
Actually, I have none. I’m fairly moderate, have a wide range of beliefs, and I have been known to change my mind on major issues.