The Oklahoma video

Walden Pond

Platinum Buffalo
Oct 8, 2007
The outrage is over the top. The guys in that video are just harmless young rednecks who would probably feel bad if a bluegill swallowed a hook and died. Whole thing is just false bravado, trying to get a rush out of engaging in risque behavior.

They'll be all right and so will everyone else. Sometimes I just have the volume turned up too loud on my TV. Roosters like to crow real loud on there, especially when they're sellin' Swiffers.
This is what its all come down to now.

Imagine the outrage had they had cell phones back on the Fayette County school buses back in the late 70's. That video was tame and exceptionally mild to what they would have captured back in the late 70's with a bus full of stoned rednecks and coal miners sons returning home from a football game played up Scrabble Creek holler.

Now we have big 6' 4", 280 lb black kids not wanting to play football for the bad ass Sooners, all because of what some nerdy frat boy sang out on a bus. I have to wonder what he and his pals sing about on the curb while masterminding their next bout of thuggery.
That is why most of these guys end up failing at life after college football. They are coddled and don't have thick skin. Let's walk out because of what some other students did. The best thing to do would be to go to work and play football and give them the proverbial finger by walking in with your head held high just like normal and not give them attention.

Instead they have to act more important than they are and give the other's attention. Stoops and the other coaches go along with it because they want to kiss their asses for recruiting reasons.

Boo Hoo. Some dill holes in a fraternity chanted bad things. You are a big bad football player and have to walk out in protest?

Grow a pair. You are more popular on campus anyway.
This post was edited on 3/10 9:24 AM by i am herdman
there is just a bit of difference than what you guys are making it out to be.

these frat kids werent just singing a song and acting like jackasses. they really do refrain from initiating blacks into the frat, just as they were singing. so, their words werent just words. they were also actions.

but, it didnt just stop there. the song also talked about hanging them from a tree. are those also actions or is that part just words? regardless, when this country had a strong history of "hanging them from a tree" as recently that many people's grandparents on this board were alive, it is more than just words.
Originally posted by Walden Pond:
The outrage is over the top. The guys in that video are just harmless young rednecks who would probably feel bad if a bluegill swallowed a hook and died. Whole thing is just false bravado, trying to get a rush out of engaging in risque behavior.

They'll be all right and so will everyone else. Sometimes I just have the volume turned up too loud on my TV. Roosters like to crow real loud on there, especially when they're sellin' Swiffers.
More faux outrage. Im not condoning what they did but the "Outrage" over it is certainly fake.
Originally posted by riflearm2:
it is more than just words
Nasty and terrible words, but they are too soft to carry anything out or even pay someone to.
Originally posted by riflearm2:

there is just a bit of difference than what you guys are making it out to be.

these frat kids werent just singing a song and acting like jackasses. they really do refrain from initiating blacks into the frat, just as they were singing. so, their words werent just words. they were also actions.

but, it didnt just stop there. the song also talked about hanging them from a tree. are those also actions or is that part just words? regardless, when this country had a strong history of "hanging them from a tree" as recently that many people's grandparents on this board were alive, it is more than just words.
You know as well as I do the football players could kick the living shi* out of the frat boys Who gives a damn if they won't let them in that fraternity? Would the black guys let me in the one where they brand the horseshoe on your arm? Why would they want to be in it anyway?

Are those big bad football players really hurt by those words? No, it is just something to protest about that has little meaning.

This post was edited on 3/10 4:12 PM by i am herdman
Just imagine the publicity possibilities for these frat members now. They could sell books, videos, interviews, etc. Probably say forget college and cash in on their 15 minutes of fame here.
Originally posted by i am herdman:

Are those big bad football players really hurt by those words? No, it is just something to protest about that has little meaning.
Again, and try to pay attention this time, they aren't just words. Their words are being backed up by their actions. It is irrelevant if some football players don't want to be a part of the frat. Did the black freshman pledge of that same frat at Cornell a few years ago want to be in the fraternity after he was hazed to death?
Originally posted by riflearm2:

Originally posted by i am herdman:

Are those big bad football players really hurt by those words? No, it is just something to protest about that has little meaning.
Again, and try to pay attention this time, they aren't just words. Their words are being backed up by their actions. It is irrelevant if some football players don't want to be a part of the frat. Did the black freshman pledge of that same frat at Cornell a few years ago want to be in the fraternity after he was hazed to death?
Now look at those guys in the frat. You think they are really going to hang a football player from a tree? No. So, what actions? Their dumb ass fraternity has probably been singing that dumb song for 100 years. They are irrelevant and really irrelevant to an Oklahoma football player.
Frats have, for the most part, always been populated by douchebags. Haven't you all watched any college movies from the late 80s through the 90s?
Posted from Rivals Mobile
My $0.02 worth ... it was my experience in the early 70's that belonging to a frat was much more popular at small colleges. Had close friends that attended WV Tech, Glenville, Shepherd, AB, and Morris Harvey (plus a few at out-of-state small colleges). Most of them joined frats or sororities. The camaraderie and social contacts resulting from membership seemed to be a good fit for most of them. Marshall and Huntington were big enough that I never felt the desire to join a frat. I can tell you there was only one I can remember right off-hand that had bi-racial membership. BUS was very popular with black students, though.
Originally posted by i am herdman:
Originally posted by riflearm2:

Originally posted by i am herdman:

Are those big bad football players really hurt by those words? No, it is just something to protest about that has little meaning.
Again, and try to pay attention this time, they aren't just words. Their words are being backed up by their actions. It is irrelevant if some football players don't want to be a part of the frat. Did the black freshman pledge of that same frat at Cornell a few years ago want to be in the fraternity after he was hazed to death?
Now look at those guys in the frat. You think they are really going to hang a football player from a tree? No. So, what actions? Their dumb ass fraternity has probably been singing that dumb song for 100 years. They are irrelevant and really irrelevant to an Oklahoma football player.
Is the football player in danger from the frat? Hell no.

They're not exactly irrelevant though. In the bigger picture, you bet your ass Johnny frat boy has a job lined up at daddy's cush firm or whatever after he drinks his way through business school. You think this frat boy would ever entertain hiring a black dude? What kind of kid thinks it's OK to say these things out loud among a bus full of people?

I can understand why the black football players are pissed - these kinds of frat douche kids still exist, and still have clout in this world. Hell, they're the politicians running things.

We need straight shooters in the race debate world. People that aren't afraid to call out the black community on things like out of wedlock child birth, thug culture, and lack of appreciation of education or lack of glorification for the blue collar/9 to 5 accountant/school teacher/cubicle worker that just lives a normal working stiff life. However, there's absolutely no place in this world for pieces of crap that would chant a song like that on a bus in 2015.

Honestly, I'd like to hear more from rifle on this topic, given that he's worked in a majority black work place. My wife was the program director at a large non profit serving almost exclusively black kids in poverty. It was eye opening, both good and bad. There are still lots of barriers for black kids, but the underlying culture there is so messed up it's hard to fathom.
Originally posted by -CarlHungus-:
there's absolutely no place in this world for pieces of crap that would chant a song like that on a bus in 2015
So he should be exterminated?

He just did himself a huge favor, IMO. Removed himself from the faux high stakes world of corporate ladder pursuits. Now he has a free ticket to bag groceries the rest of his life and every time someone pesters him with why he didn't shoot for more, he can just play back the video.
Originally posted by Walden Pond:

Originally posted by -CarlHungus-:
there's absolutely no place in this world for pieces of crap that would chant a song like that on a bus in 2015
So he should be exterminated?

He just did himself a huge favor, IMO. Removed himself from the faux high stakes world of corporate ladder pursuits. Now he has a free ticket to bag groceries the rest of his life and every time someone pesters him with why he didn't shoot for more, he can just play back the video.
Ha, not exterminated. I was using hyperbole.

I'd bet money he still ends up in the corporate world. No way he could bag groceries, that takes too much physical effort and he has the "moxy" to lead a cheer on a bus in a frat, and that kind of thing is celebrated in much of the sales/corporate world.

I'd put $10 down that he still ends up getting a business degree and becoming a "financial adviser" selling whole life insurance and mutual funds with big front loads.
Originally posted by -CarlHungus-:

Originally posted by i am herdman:
Originally posted by riflearm2:

Originally posted by i am herdman:

Are those big bad football players really hurt by those words? No, it is just something to protest about that has little meaning.
Again, and try to pay attention this time, they aren't just words. Their words are being backed up by their actions. It is irrelevant if some football players don't want to be a part of the frat. Did the black freshman pledge of that same frat at Cornell a few years ago want to be in the fraternity after he was hazed to death?
Now look at those guys in the frat. You think they are really going to hang a football player from a tree? No. So, what actions? Their dumb ass fraternity has probably been singing that dumb song for 100 years. They are irrelevant and really irrelevant to an Oklahoma football player.
Is the football player in danger from the frat? Hell no.

They're not exactly irrelevant though. In the bigger picture, you bet your ass Johnny frat boy has a job lined up at daddy's cush firm or whatever after he drinks his way through business school. You think this frat boy would ever entertain hiring a black dude? What kind of kid thinks it's OK to say these things out loud among a bus full of people?

I can understand why the black football players are pissed - these kinds of frat douche kids still exist, and still have clout in this world. Hell, they're the politicians running things.

We need straight shooters in the race debate world. People that aren't afraid to call out the black community on things like out of wedlock child birth, thug culture, and lack of appreciation of education or lack of glorification for the blue collar/9 to 5 accountant/school teacher/cubicle worker that just lives a normal working stiff life. However, there's absolutely no place in this world for pieces of crap that would chant a song like that on a bus in 2015.

Honestly, I'd like to hear more from rifle on this topic, given that he's worked in a majority black work place. My wife was the program director at a large non profit serving almost exclusively black kids in poverty. It was eye opening, both good and bad. There are still lots of barriers for black kids, but the underlying culture there is so messed up it's hard to fathom.
If someone calls out the black folks for the things you mentioned, they will be labeled racist. So, most folks keep their mouth shut.

So is Oklahoma football going to let some white guys on the team just because they need more white guys and it is not fair there are so many blacks on the team? Not, likely.

Guys like this who are not going to hire someone because of skin color are never going to. You honestly can't force it.

What I have found is that if you are good at what you do and a honest hard worker, most people don't care about your skin color.
Originally posted by i am herdman:

Originally posted by -CarlHungus-:

Originally posted by i am herdman:
Originally posted by riflearm2:

Originally posted by i am herdman:

Are those big bad football players really hurt by those words? No, it is just something to protest about that has little meaning.
Again, and try to pay attention this time, they aren't just words. Their words are being backed up by their actions. It is irrelevant if some football players don't want to be a part of the frat. Did the black freshman pledge of that same frat at Cornell a few years ago want to be in the fraternity after he was hazed to death?
Now look at those guys in the frat. You think they are really going to hang a football player from a tree? No. So, what actions? Their dumb ass fraternity has probably been singing that dumb song for 100 years. They are irrelevant and really irrelevant to an Oklahoma football player.
Is the football player in danger from the frat? Hell no.

They're not exactly irrelevant though. In the bigger picture, you bet your ass Johnny frat boy has a job lined up at daddy's cush firm or whatever after he drinks his way through business school. You think this frat boy would ever entertain hiring a black dude? What kind of kid thinks it's OK to say these things out loud among a bus full of people?

I can understand why the black football players are pissed - these kinds of frat douche kids still exist, and still have clout in this world. Hell, they're the politicians running things.

We need straight shooters in the race debate world. People that aren't afraid to call out the black community on things like out of wedlock child birth, thug culture, and lack of appreciation of education or lack of glorification for the blue collar/9 to 5 accountant/school teacher/cubicle worker that just lives a normal working stiff life. However, there's absolutely no place in this world for pieces of crap that would chant a song like that on a bus in 2015.

Honestly, I'd like to hear more from rifle on this topic, given that he's worked in a majority black work place. My wife was the program director at a large non profit serving almost exclusively black kids in poverty. It was eye opening, both good and bad. There are still lots of barriers for black kids, but the underlying culture there is so messed up it's hard to fathom.
If someone calls out the black folks for the things you mentioned, they will be labeled racist. So, most folks keep their mouth shut.

So is Oklahoma football going to let some white guys on the team just because they need more white guys and it is not fair there are so many blacks on the team? Not, likely.

Guys like this who are not going to hire someone because of skin color are never going to. You honestly can't force it.

What I have found is that if you are good at what you do and a honest hard worker, most people don't care about your skin color.
I agree what you're saying with the last exception - this kid that cheers these chants wouldn't ever consider hiring a black guy, because he'd never take the time to figure out whether or not they're a good worker.

I used to live in the deep south and the place that valued good hard work and no mistakes the most - health care - was the LEAST racist place I've ever been a part of. If you were a good worker no one gave a care about your race. When you run a busy medical practice a good worker is invaluable.

I'm not in favor of forcing his hand on it either, like you mention. I am in favor of calling him a douche though and making him very uncomfortable for acting this way. I also don't want to minimize any reaction any black people have, because it can be infuriating seeing how comfortable a bus full of people are chanting this garbage.
The people on the bus didn't know Benedict Arnold was going to send it to the news though. I don't think anyone would want every move they made subject to national scrutiny.
There's no privacy any longer. Technology has ruined life as we once knew it.

That's why its better to just have a nice comfortable couch and decent TV set. Just stay home, and remain as far away from civilization as you possibly can. Don't answer the phone, don't answer the door when someone knocks wanting a handout or money for something you don't need.

Social media sites are a playground for narcissist. I'm about done with that bullshit as well. I have folks posting daily prayers and alerting me that they've crawled their fat ass up out of bed, and are on their way to Starbucks. Like I really give a damn.
Originally posted by Walden Pond:
The people on the bus didn't know Benedict Arnold was going to send it to the news though. I don't think anyone would want every move they made subject to national scrutiny.
I'm far from a hippy and I doubt anyone would ever call me a Jessie Jackson sympathizer.

But in 2015, even without phones/cameras, it still bothers me quite a bit that an entire bus full of people would chant something like that. Even if they thought they'd never ever get caught.

This is not somebody telling a racist joke to his buddy over the phone. It's not a few guys in their house making comments to each other. It's a damn bus full of both guys and girls. That to me is crazy to think a frat can think it's OK to cheer this kind of stuff in that sort of environment.

I was never in the greek system, but I cannot ever imagine myself being in a situation where that would seem normal.

This post was edited on 3/11 11:51 AM by -CarlHungus-
I'm not surprised, mainly because every time this story runs I can hear Merle Haggard singin' Okie from Muskogee.

Sooners got some rednecks out there. I'm not sure if these kids are wannabe rednecks or wannabe preppies. They seem to be caught somewhere in the middle, something a lot of West Virginians should be able to identify with.
Originally posted by Walden Pond:
I'm not sure if these kids are wannabe rednecks or wannabe preppies. They seem to be caught somewhere in the middle, something a lot of West Virginians should be able to identify with.
Though OU isn't really SEC country, there are some parallels. It's a special mix in the south. In my experience West Virginians were too poor to demonstrate some of the special "preppy" characteristics you see, but there are some similarities.

The WVU frats were either very "Jersey" (think steroids, hair gel, etc) or just flat out focused on nothing but partying (think animal house). The southern frats it seem focus more on things like "tradition" and can be flat out racist.

I'm painting with a broad brush here, but the "typical" frat guy like this has the SEC swoosh hair cut, drives a huge expensive truck, wears exclusively Vineyard Vines attire, and majors in business. He's kind of preppy in that way.

However, they come from families with money, so they're likely to have a hunting camp that the family owns with some land on it as well and own expensive hunting and fishing gear and maybe a four wheeler or two. In that respect, they're kind of rednecks. They're also very into outdoor sports, partially because their families have been into it, but also because they aren't taking up a lot of their time playing sports like football or basketball at high levels, because the black kids are way more athletic and destroy them in those sports. So they like hunting/fishing, maybe rock climbing/bouldering, and possibly even lacrosse.
Originally posted by -CarlHungus-:

I'm painting with a broad brush here, but the "typical" frat guy like this has the SEC swoosh hair cut, drives a huge expensive truck, wears exclusively Vineyard Vines attire, and majors in business. He's kind of preppy in that way.
So, sort of just like Rifle, except for changing the pickup truck for a Benz.