The Only People libs Hate More Than Trumpers Are Undecideds


Platinum Buffalo
Aug 16, 2015
Not sure why (other than their mental illness) being an undecided voter somehow makes liberals more angry than telling them you're voting for Trump. I rarely if ever talk politics outside of this board. Most of the women I date are in their early 30's (along with a lot of my teammates in different intramural sports.) Maybe it's because I don't talk politics everyone assumes I share their political beliefs. But once you tell a lib you honestly have no idea who you're voting for, why does that trigger such a truly unhinged response? I've honestly never had a Trump supporter lose their shit & tell me not voting for Trump is somehow the same as voting for Kamala. I thought it was insane four years ago but it's even worse this time.
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Not sure why (other than their mental illness) being an undecided voter somehow makes liberals more angry than telling them you're voting for Trump. I rarely if ever talk politics outside of this board. Most of the women I date are in their early 30's (along with a lot of my teammates in different intramural sports.) Maybe it's because I don't talk politics everyone assumes I share their political beliefs. But once you tell a lib you honestly have no idea who you're voting for, why does that trigger such a truly unhinged response? I've honestly never had a Trump supporter lose their shit & tell me not voting for Trump is somehow the same as voting for Kamala. I thought it was insane four years ago but it's even worse this time.
Because Liberals are EVERYTHING they accuse others of being.

Rifle displays the most intolerant, deplorable behavior on this board, and he will never agree with anything a Conservative says purely based on the source.
Because Liberals are EVERYTHING they accuse others of being.

Rifle displays the most intolerant, deplorable behavior on this board, and he will never agree with anything a Conservative says purely based on the source.
Meh, he's just trolling. Granted, the accident seems to have really downgraded the quality of his work though.
That^^is a nothing burger. It won't do anything for inflation. But trumponomics would make inflation worse...tariffs, tax breaks for the rich, and crack down on immigration.
Just so you contards know...the reason F-35s do so well in fights is because you can't see them. Literally, you can't see them.
Imagine being Joe Biden standing there watching her attempt to speak, knowing your party coup'd you for her.
You're a liar. Want proof?? You're here.
Sheep Eating GIF
It is hard to believe a dingbat like that is remotely near the oval office. Woke is going to get our asses blown off the face of the Earth.
As an undecided voter, the left is doing literally nothing to convince me they should get my vote. In fact, it’s this type of bullshit that keeps reasonable people away from their party
Libs also don't like straight people, normal children,white people even if most of them are white and jews Don't like normalcy. They stick up for perverts hamas and if Obama endorses Harris I lose all respect for his black ass
Libs also don't like straight people, normal children,white people even if most of them are white and jews Don't like normalcy. They stick up for perverts hamas and if Obama endorses Harris I lose all respect for his black ass...and I'm voting for the convicted felon.