The Republican Party is Now the Party of the Average Man

i am herdman

Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Mar 5, 2006
and not the elites and self serving big whigs.

Hillary and the Democrats are bought and paid for.

The Republican party is the part of blue collar, white collar, the middle class, and proud Americans.

Time to stand With Trump and Change this country back to what made it great.

American First and Ass Kickers When Need Be.
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Lol you mad at the truth

I'm not mad. I'm not the one running around claiming America sucks, America is racists, America has screwed me over, etc. I have nothing to be mad about. You wouldn't know the "truth" if it smacked you in the face.
I'm not mad. I'm not the one running around claiming America sucks, America is racists, America has screwed me over, etc. I have nothing to be mad about. You wouldn't know the "truth" if it smacked you in the face.

Stop being racist.

Considering that Fever also acts like a whiny teenage girl half the time, you're probably being a bit sexist too.
Fever has proven on multiple occasions he is a racist and not too intelligent either.

He was a better man in mommy's basement watched by her consistently. Mother's know best for unstable individuals. If anything he may be a getting a little Mexican tang now. She will eventually ditch him too. Just like mommy did.
that and actually saying "LGBT" at the convention. probably not going to be as big a deal this election but certainly paves the way for the future.
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Lol you mad at the truth
Fever, you are beyond a doubt the most ill informed person on this board. Your comments are the basic progressive talking points, nothing more. You ever check out the government facts I provided you on police shootings. If you did, you would not acknowledge it because they don't fit racist talking points.
One of Trumps favorite Apprentices was a Black woman. And keeping illegal immigrants out and banning travelers from nations with terrorist issues is not racist. Its just smart.

Are we going to ban travel for Saudi and Yemeni's?
My friends? I am pretty sure I was a registered Republican then, although I did vote for Perot in 1992.
sorry. I didnt mean to imply that you liked the DNC or that they were your actual friends. More like the DNC is a friend to the people in a similar way to the North Korean government is for the people there.

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