This according to Huff in his Presser.
Reporter Question: "You say with the quarterbacks playing with the switching back and forth. Do you think this is probably going to be the new norm of the offense going back and forth between Earle and Braxton or is it later on down the road you'll try to stick with one quarterback. What's your plan using two quarterbacks?"
Huff: " Yea I think it's ummm a good question. I think it's by week. It's not's not a hey this is our plan back and forth. I do think we have a you know we we have a bye week coming up. We've got some time off coming up. We wanted to address the first three games in conference to see you know where we were at all positions. Um...during the bye we will make a decision on what way we go. It could be to continue to use both if that's the best thing to help the team win or it could be to go with one. Umm the kind of two quarterback option really came from more of the game plan and how we wanted to attack those teams. If that makes sense."
"Now as we go we'll still have that mindset, but we'll be able to assess now okay hey both of them have played in games and both for them have done some really good things and both of them have some things that they'd like to clean up. Where are we at from an offense. What. Who and what do we do well if that makes sense. that's kind of the plan."
Reporter Question: "You say with the quarterbacks playing with the switching back and forth. Do you think this is probably going to be the new norm of the offense going back and forth between Earle and Braxton or is it later on down the road you'll try to stick with one quarterback. What's your plan using two quarterbacks?"
Huff: " Yea I think it's ummm a good question. I think it's by week. It's not's not a hey this is our plan back and forth. I do think we have a you know we we have a bye week coming up. We've got some time off coming up. We wanted to address the first three games in conference to see you know where we were at all positions. Um...during the bye we will make a decision on what way we go. It could be to continue to use both if that's the best thing to help the team win or it could be to go with one. Umm the kind of two quarterback option really came from more of the game plan and how we wanted to attack those teams. If that makes sense."
"Now as we go we'll still have that mindset, but we'll be able to assess now okay hey both of them have played in games and both for them have done some really good things and both of them have some things that they'd like to clean up. Where are we at from an offense. What. Who and what do we do well if that makes sense. that's kind of the plan."