They are cheating the vote in NC-Probably Democrats

i am herdman

Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Mar 5, 2006
Neighbor went to early vote in our town and they said you can't vote you already voted in another town up the road. She had not voted in another town.

Guess where they said she voted. In a big city that is important to the election.

Cheaters are cheating again.

Democrats are something else. Coming through the neighborhood and acting like jack asses when they find Trump supporters. Cops having to tell their poll workers to calm down and stay off private property and stop harassing home owners.

They are hell bent on power. Bunch of brown shirts. Had to throw one out of the neighborhood yesterday.
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Why do you believe anything a woman says? They are all liars.

Because democrats are known to cheat during elections.

Everybody knows it goes on. You can go in and claim to be anybody during these early elections and since you don't have to show ID first person in wins.
Because democrats are known to cheat during elections.

Everybody knows it goes on. You can go in and claim to be anybody during these early elections and since you don't have to show ID first person in wins.

Maybe your Republican legislature should have worried more about voter ID laws than the bathroom.

It must suck to be a Republican, everyone is against you poor guys...the media, the Dems...everything is fixed.
Maybe your Republican legislature should have worried more about voter ID laws than the bathroom.

It must suck to be a Republican, everyone is against you poor guys...the media, the Dems...everything is fixed.
Where can I get my victim card?
Hey extra, I went ahead and voted for you today so you don't have to worry about going to the polls.
Maybe your Republican legislature should have worried more about voter ID laws than the bathroom.

It must suck to be a Republican, everyone is against you poor guys...the media, the Dems...everything is fixed.

They did pass voter ID laws. Got shot down in court.

There is your answer.
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Hey extra, I went ahead and voted for you today so you don't have to worry about going to the polls.

You would need to vote several times to vote for me. Early and often I say. I'll do my part to rig the election so trump loses. After they count the votes I want to see the cons melt down when trump says the election was rigged. Some things are too priceless to miss.
It must suck to be a Republican, everyone is against you poor guys...the media, the Dems...everything is fixed.

It is pathetic. After all this time, we're still trying to win by being like Democrats. Democrat lite. Being promised jobs that won't be coming back. Being told we may lose this or lose that. It's nothing but scare tactics.

We need a real leader who's sick and tired of the fake fear in America. Tell people we've got what it takes right now, just get out there and get it. Tell these bums they don't have to live that way. Too many people scared out of productivity.
They did pass voter ID laws. Got shot down in court.

There is your answer.

Should had just copied Indiana's. Ours is legally cool, apparently. But Indiana Repubs are not as crazy as NC ones, hell they didn't pass a bathroom law here...I guess we like our NCAA tournament sites and hosting Super Bowls.

On a side note, a Super Bowl in Indianapolis was a terrible idea. It's cold enough here in January, I don't venture even a 100 miles north unless I have to.
Should had just copied Indiana's. Ours is legally cool, apparently. But Indiana Repubs are not as crazy as NC ones, hell they didn't pass a bathroom law here...I guess we like our NCAA tournament sites and hosting Super Bowls.

On a side note, a Super Bowl in Indianapolis was a terrible idea. It's cold enough here in January, I don't venture even a 100 miles north unless I have to.

Well, I am not going to argue about the bathroom thing. They really had no choice because the weirdos in charge in Charlotte forced their hand.
Well, I am not going to argue about the bathroom thing. They really had no choice because the weirdos in charge in Charlotte forced their hand.

Maybe you never opened your eyes to reality, but the transgenders have been using "their" bathrooms for years...hell, probably since Roman times. It never bothered me. Now you will have dudes with beards taking squats in the ladies room and chicks with dicks at the urinals, and that's a hell of lot weirder than what you all seemed afraid of.
Raoul, unfortunately the trannies aren't happy with something that works, they want full acceptance. I yearn for the days of "what we do in the privacy of our bedroom is nobodies business."
Raoul, unfortunately the trannies aren't happy with something that works, they want full acceptance. I yearn for the days of "what we do in the privacy of our bedroom is nobodies business."

Being transgender in and of itself has nothing to do with bedroom activities. I don't think anyone is asking for the legal right to give a tranny a rusty trombone in public. I'd rather a law wasn't needed myself, and everyone did actually mind their business. But they never have. Those folks shouldn't be harassed and fired from jobs for just living their life. It's the fact that people actually could NOT mind their own business that such laws are sadly needed. Now, like I said, you are going to have to allow truly weird looking shit, and there's not a damn thing anyone can do about it. Seriously, if a dude goes into the ladies room to take a dump while there are women in there I think those women should pepper spray him and hit him in the junk with a ballbat, should one be available...when we knew for sure it was a dude who is either a weirdo or a predator. Well, that assumption just went out the window.

We have a transgender male at work. Born a she, now lives as a guy, so I will call this person by male pronouns. I don't care one bit that he uses the men's room. Why the hell should I care? I'm just going to go in there and stink it up every morning like I do anyways.

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