Thought we couldn't drill our way to cheaper gas

Walden Pond

Platinum Buffalo
Oct 8, 2007
What happened to all of that? The hippies aren't happy with lower prices at the pump. Burning up the precious earth for needless weekend trips to Tennessee. That's what it's all about.

Originally posted by Walden Pond:

That's what it's all about.
Yep, back to Sunday drives in the country. The old lady wanted to go for a drive yesterday afternoon. It's been awhile since we took one. At $2.52 a gallon, I didn't even bitch about it. I just agreed and said let's go. Drove out to Fine Lake, circled it a couple of times. I even looked at a few old shacks that were for sale. Drove around the lake for damn near an hour, and probably didn't burn $10.00 worth.

You're right though. The dope smoking tree huggers don't like this. They want $6.00 a gallon, and people riding a bicycle built for two queers.
And just think, Obama's too afraid of the hippies and environmental zealots to take any credit for this. He could. Not that he's done much to allow for it, but a lot of people would think so if he just declared it.

Obama was supposed to be about ending the war and making the oceans quit rising. Fighting rages on and with gas only 3 cents higher than it was when I took this job over 7 years ago, I feel the need to get out there and burn up the gas. If it was real high, I'd just use it as an excuse to stay home and be lazy.
I did the math already, and I'm going to save almost $70.00 to make a round trip to the hollers and back here in a couple of weeks. That's enough right there to go over to the new KFC in Oak Hill, and bring home a few buckets of the 'Original' recipe.

Might even have enough left over to go to Cracker Barrel. That sampler dinner platter is hard to beat, especially when you choose corn bread to go with it. Country Ham, Chicken & Dumplings, Meat Loaf, with two sides. I go for either the pinto beans or green beans, and cole slaw. The corn bread makes it complete though. I just wish they would stop bringing the damn butter out hard as a rock, as it makes it hard to spread. Other than that, I have no complaints. They also have some good country classic CDs in that place, if you can get beyond the junk and fat hogs that are out there shopping. They usually put the CD display out in one of the corners, so you have to fight the hogs to get to it. It's worth the fight though. I bought a good Conway CD in there a few weeks back.
Lease me a drill walden that can drill a 10'000 hole. Only need to go 7000 but we would enjoy that extra 3000'. I will fin.d us some gas. U get rich walden and open a pay lake Need a few helpers. Eyeballs and teeth eyeballs and teeth.
Originally posted by sistersville:
Lease me a drill walden that can drill a 10'000 hole. Only need to go 7000 but we would enjoy that extra 3000'. I will fin.d us some gas. U get rich walden and open a pay lake Need a few helpers. Eyeballs and teeth eyeballs and teeth.
I imagine at this point Mich and Walden may have run into a local Build a Bear store with their ass cheeks clinched terrified they may want to take you up on your offer.
I downloaded most of my 50 CDs worth of hick music off of kazaa and other shady audio sharing applications back when they were going. Most of this was about 10 years ago. Nowadays if I hear something I want, I can usually go to youtube and convert the file to an mp3 to burn onto a CD.

I've never bought music. Only blank CDs to burn it on. Hell, I've lived here over 7 years and never bought a garbage can. Still just put it in a bag in the floor.

Back in '94 I had blank tapes and sat in the kitchen with my Magnavox radio recording songs off of WTCR.

This post was edited on 12/8 7:24 PM by Walden Pond
Originally posted by MichiganHerd:

Originally posted by Walden Pond:

That's what it's all about.
Yep, back to Sunday drives in the country. The old lady wanted to go for a drive yesterday afternoon. It's been awhile since we took one. At $2.52 a gallon, I didn't even bitch about it. I just agreed and said let's go. Drove out to Fine Lake, circled it a couple of times. I even looked at a few old shacks that were for sale. Drove around the lake for damn near an hour, and probably didn't burn $10.00 worth.

You're right though. The dope smoking tree huggers don't like this. They want $6.00 a gallon, and people riding a bicycle built for two queers.
LMAO. Bicycle built for two queers.

Does that bike have banana hammock seats?
Originally posted by sistersville:
Lease me a drill walden that can drill a 10'000 hole. Only need to go 7000 but we would enjoy that extra 3000'. I will fin.d us some gas. U get rich walden and open a pay lake Need a few helpers. Eyeballs and teeth eyeballs and teeth.
Don't pay Raleigh no attention, Sisters. He hasn't been right since that cop was let off killing that 300 lb child. Besides, he probably hasn't a clue what you're even talking about. This young bunch these days have never worked a real man job. He's probably a pencil pusher cheating people out of term life insurance premiums.
Originally posted by MichiganHerd:

Originally posted by sistersville:
Lease me a drill walden that can drill a 10'000 hole. Only need to go 7000 but we would enjoy that extra 3000'. I will fin.d us some gas. U get rich walden and open a pay lake Need a few helpers. Eyeballs and teeth eyeballs and teeth.
Don't pay Raleigh no attention, Sisters. He hasn't been right since that cop was let off killing that 300 lb child. Besides, he probably hasn't a clue what you're even talking about. This young bunch these days have never worked a real man job. He's probably a pencil pusher cheating people out of term life insurance premiums.
Actually have some shared ownership on a couple of wells in WV. Know more than most. Yes I push a pen too. I push a pen when I sign the bottom of my company checks. You probably know about that. You wait for one to be given to you every couple weeks after being signed by someone else. I am appreciative there are folks like you who do go out and work hard. I wouldn't be able to take vacations without my employees.

That 300lb child got what he was asking the universe to deliver. Its a shame it had to end up that way though. Hate to see anyone die in that way.
Originally posted by raleighherdfan:

Actually have some shared ownership on a couple of wells in WV. Know more than most. Yes I push a pen too. I push a pen when I sign the bottom of my company checks. You probably know about that. You wait for one to be given to you every couple weeks after being signed by someone else. I am appreciative there are folks like you who do go out and work hard. I wouldn't be able to take vacations without my employees.
This isn't exactly 'breaking news'.

I knew you were high fluent when you tossed away your hick outfit, and started looking down on those of us that maintain that holler pride of being a true redneck. That's okay though. You're simply doing what they tell you you're supposed to be doing in order to maintain your PC card.

I continue to work and bitch away at the man in the corner office that signs the checks. I won't go up there and kiss his ass though. I see plenty of people making the long stroll up the hall to smooch his ass cheeks. I'm proud to say I'll never be one of them though. I think he respects me for that, or perhaps he feels sorry for me due to maintaining my sense of hick pride.

I don't change my clothes when I venture over to the other side of the tracks. I can sleep well knowing I haven't caved in.

I'm proud to say after 54 years on the planet, I can still call a spade a spade, and don't have to wipe the shit off my lips at night.
Yeah, they keep hinting around that I need to be promoted to this damn position that "may require supervisory tasks." Huge mistake. If I have any say so in it, I will refuse the hell out of that. If I can't refuse it, then I'll be looking for somewhere else to go if they force this on me.

More money is not worth being responsible for other people. Imagine getting bitched at over some underling not performing well. I could never get a night's sleep knowing my job depended on somebody else being good. I don't trust people. Most of them suck and are stupid, lazy, etc. I have absolutely no interest in this kind of shit.
Originally posted by Raoul Duke MU:

Originally posted by MichiganHerd:

two sides. I go for either the pinto beans or green beans, and cole slaw.
What is this shit? Get the greens, man, and put some vinegar on it. Cracker Barrel has some damn good greens.


Love their pinto beans too.
Sheee-it. I feel sorry for you boys that think Cracker Barrell is good home cookin'.
Originally posted by Raoul Duke MU:

Originally posted by wvkeeper(HN):
I'm so glad I live in the deep South where I can go get greens from a big ole black momma the way nature intended.

And real grits, not that instant shit.
Them southerners take pride in their grits. Why does this sound like a clip from My Cousin Vinny

This post was edited on 12/9 5:56 AM by GK4Herd
You want to start a brawl, go to eastern NC and tell them vinegar based bbq is not good. You talk about taking something seriously. They had a bbq argument on sports radio down here for at least a day over bbq. Some guy from Texas called in and said it was better in Texas and a guy called in and challenged him to a fight and he wasn't joking.

For the record, I love it. That stuff is incredible.
This post was edited on 12/9 7:23 AM by i am herdman
Just to clarify my position on greens, I love them. I'm particularly fond of the Collards. Imagine that. I love Collards, but yet some of you call me racist. I would opt to go with the greens on the meat platter as well, but sometimes they give me the runs, and that's not a good thing when you have a goal of having sex later on in the evening.

With that said, I always get the greens when I opt for the veggie platter at Cracker Barrell. Pinto Beans, Collards, Mac & Cheese, and the potato casserole. Corn bread for the bread choice. Good stuff right there.


This post was edited on 12/9 8:16 AM by MichiganHerd
Originally posted by Walden Pond:
Yeah, they keep hinting around that I need to be promoted to this damn position that "may require supervisory tasks." Huge mistake. If I have any say so in it, I will refuse the hell out of that. If I can't refuse it, then I'll be looking for somewhere else to go if they force this on me.

More money is not worth being responsible for other people. Imagine getting bitched at over some underling not performing well. I could never get a night's sleep knowing my job depended on somebody else being good. I don't trust people. Most of them suck and are stupid, lazy, etc. I have absolutely no interest in this kind of shit.
You just laid out the cause for higher pay among CEO's and other management positions.
Originally posted by MichiganHerd:

Originally posted by raleighherdfan:

Actually have some shared ownership on a couple of wells in WV. Know more than most. Yes I push a pen too. I push a pen when I sign the bottom of my company checks. You probably know about that. You wait for one to be given to you every couple weeks after being signed by someone else. I am appreciative there are folks like you who do go out and work hard. I wouldn't be able to take vacations without my employees.

I knew you were high fluent when you tossed away your hick outfit, and started looking down on those of us that maintain that holler pride of being a true redneck. That's okay though. You're simply doing what they tell you you're supposed to be doing in order to maintain your PC card.

I continue to work and bitch away at the man in the corner office that signs the checks. I won't go up there and kiss his ass though. I see plenty of people making the long stroll up the hall to smooch his ass cheeks. I'm proud to say I'll never be one of them though. I think he respects me for that, or perhaps he feels sorry for me due to maintaining my sense of hick pride.

I don't change my clothes when I venture over to the other side of the tracks. I can sleep well knowing I haven't caved in.

I'm proud to say after 54 years on the planet, I can still call a spade a spade, and don't have to wipe the shit off my lips at night.

Its clear that you and Walden are now fully self pity filled grab ass buddies. Of course you could have simplified your reply by writing a whole lot less. Actually have the courage to call a spade a spade by looking in your mirror Mich. Its the first step in figuring out the root of your inner anger and frustration in life. Let me help you simplify your response above and kick off your inner healing and transformation.

"I am a proud bigot and homophobe who continues to foster and promote ignorance by excusing my hick upbringing. No need for me to take the time to understand and appreciate anyone else's life or experience because I am actually the greedy, hate filled, selfish prick that I project everyone else to be."----Mich

(and for goodness sakes.........Cracker Barrel is horrible "southern" food)
Originally posted by raleighherdfan:

"I am a proud bigot and homophobe who continues to foster and promote ignorance by excusing my hick upbringing. No need for me to take the time to understand and appreciate anyone else's life or experience because I am actually the greedy, hate filled, selfish prick that I project everyone else to be."----Mich

(and for goodness sakes.........Cracker Barrel is horrible "southern" food)
Thanks. I couldn't have stated it better myself. The old man would be proud if he were still around.

Cracker Barrel is about as close as you can get up this way. There's a few soul food restaurants scattered around that aren't too bad, but I won't take a chance getting stabbed, shot, or robbed just for the opportunity to have some good southern cuisine.
Originally posted by HFF-SLTX:
You just laid out the cause for higher pay among CEO's and other management positions.
I just wonder what makes people want it. Is it a money grubbing wife? Are there really that many more things you want to buy?

If I made way more money than I do now, I would live exactly the same way and just be saving more for nothing. Unless something changes, I'm just going to get old and die with money I'll have never used. Nobody will probably even be able to get it. Won't make out a will since that's bragging and I'd have to meet with people to do it. Pretty much no communication with family anymore.

Some thug could rob me and get some of it I guess. The rest will just sit there. Seems like I put way too much into the pursuit of this stuff. Hell, if something ever happened where I had to use it I'd probably freak out so bad I'd have to be locked up. So it's useless.

This post was edited on 12/9 9:00 AM by Walden Pond
Originally posted by MichiganHerd:

Originally posted by raleighherdfan:

"I am a proud bigot and homophobe who continues to foster and promote ignorance by excusing my hick upbringing. No need for me to take the time to understand and appreciate anyone else's life or experience because I am actually the greedy, hate filled, selfish prick that I project everyone else to be."----Mich

(and for goodness sakes.........Cracker Barrel is horrible "southern" food)

Cracker Barrel is about as close as you can get up this way. There's a few soul food restaurants scattered around that aren't too bad, but I won't take a chance getting stabbed, shot, or robbed just for the opportunity to have some good southern cuisine.
Actually change your clothes when you cross the tracks Mich. Take off your Robert Byrd evening lynching attire, act like an appreciative, compassionate, less angry human-being for once and you wont have anything to worry about when visiting those soul food restaurants. It will change your life. Nothing better than coming together with others around authentic soul food.
Originally posted by i am herdman:

You want to start a brawl, go to eastern NC and tell them vinegar based bbq is not good. You talk about taking something seriously. They had a bbq argument on sports radio down here for at least a day over bbq. Some guy from Texas called in and said it was better in Texas and a guy called in and challenged him to a fight and he wasn't joking.

For the record, I love it. That stuff is incredible.
This post was edited on 12/9 7:23 AM by i am herdman
Carolina BBQ is godawful rot-gut.

Originally posted by wvkeeper(HN):

Originally posted by i am herdman:

You want to start a brawl, go to eastern NC and tell them vinegar based bbq is not good. You talk about taking something seriously. They had a bbq argument on sports radio down here for at least a day over bbq. Some guy from Texas called in and said it was better in Texas and a guy called in and challenged him to a fight and he wasn't joking.

For the record, I love it. That stuff is incredible.

This post was edited on 12/9 7:23 AM by i am herdman
Carolina BBQ is godawful rot-gut.

They tell me over here that Memphis BBQ is not even real BBQ. LOL

I love all of the different kinds. Man, with some Brunswick Stew. Dang. I am hungry.
Originally posted by MichiganHerd:
Just to clarify my position on greens, I love them. I'm particularly fond of the Collards. Imagine that. I love Collards, but yet some of you call me racist. I would opt to go with the greens on the meat platter as well, but sometimes they give me the runs, and that's not a good thing when you have a goal of having sex later on in the evening.

With that said, I always get the greens when I opt for the veggie platter at Cracker Barrell. Pinto Beans, Collards, Mac & Cheese, and the potato casserole. Corn bread for the bread choice. Good stuff right there.


This post was edited on 12/9 8:16 AM by MichiganHerd
I will take some good half runners over Collards.
Now there is a BBQ place off the U.S. highway on the way to New Bern that is behind a gas station where I may have had the best meal I have ever eaten.
I love that Carolina BBQ. It took me a while to appreciate it as something entirely different. To even call the different kinds BBQ is crazy. It's like calling blues and jazz the same thing.

There's a great old drive in in Norfolk called Doumar's that makes good, sloppy Carolina style, served wrapped in saran wrap. Used to pick up a couple on my way to work from time to time.

The Louisville area has some top notch eateries, but you just can't get that here. At least I haven't found it. I could really go for some Doumar's right about now.