Three Days and 12 Posts Later


Platinum Buffalo
Feb 9, 2007
Rifle is still ignoring my question. And make no mistake, he saw the original question and the follow up.

This deserves a new thread now. Given that rifle has always insisted that abortion is merely the elimination of a “glob of cells,” I have asked him twice now if he supports the recent late-term (really it’s full term) abortion bills in Virginia and his native NY. He refuses to answer because he doesn’t want to go on record that he is ok with killing babies minutes before, and, on occasions, minutes after birth.

Let’s see how long he can avoid this thread too. Anybody else want to jump in and show your support for infanticide, or are you too afraid to show your true colors, just like our resident altruist, who loves and cares for all those less fortunate (but fortunate enough to be born)?

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Oh, they're all for whatever the current political agenda may be. This is another issue that doesn't affect them personally, so they can pretend or even convince themselves it's ok.

As long as they're not personally making the call to murder a newborn, they don't think there will be any blood on their hands.
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Rifle is still ignoring my question. And make no mistake, he saw the original question and the follow up.


I saw neither. If I had, I would have mocked Wv-fan for making a comment about my mentality while butchering basic grammar as he did.

Why would you think I would ignore it like this is some gotcha’ moment? I’ve been consistent in my argument of this since day 1. Until something is born, it has no legal rights in my mind. Arguing otherwise would meanhiu think the normal process of in vitro and the morning after pill are both examples of homicide. Good luck defending that stance.

And in the case of the NY law, you’re grossly misinterpreting it.
Not grossly misinterpreting the governor of NY and lawmakers there cheering like they had won the lottery. Disgusting.
The Virginia bill allows for an abortion, while the mother is dilating, if a doctor will say that having the baby will affect the mother's "mental health." Such a broad term...mental health. Come on libs. We know rifle and dtard support infanticide. Who else?

The Virginia bill allows for an abortion, while the mother is dilating, if a doctor will say that having the baby will affect the mother's "mental health." Such a broad term...mental health. Come on libs. We know rifle and dtard support infanticide. Who else?


A mother dilating isn’t a baby being born. Keep trying.
I saw neither.

You saw it and ignored it. Otherwise, you're trying to make us believe that you're the only person on herdnation that doesn't get alerts on a thread in which you posted. Liar. And I'm not misrepresenting anything. These bills allow, however rare, for a baby to be killed just before or just (at least in NY's case) after birth. That's murder, plain and simple, and you support it. And you have the nerve to claim ethics and the moral high ground simply because Donald Trump thinks our border laws should be respected, while you're ok with a baby being murdered right before or right after birth.

Big dumbass 90,

If a mother is giving birth, she is dilating.
If a mother is dilating, she is giving birth.

Do you believe both of those statements to be true?

WTF are you talking about? Do you have kids? Have you ever witnessed birth?
The magical vagina, where if you get your head through the cervix and enter it you somehow turn instantly sentient and have rights. But by god if you’re 38 weeks old, could easily live outside the womb, and that cervix isn’t quite dilated enough you’re fuc*ed.

We’re talking about minutes and centimeters here.
Both of those statements are true

Well, you're not big dumbass 90 but since you chose to show your ignorance, neither are unequivocally true. A woman can dilate and not be giving birth. Birth may even be delayed for weeks after dilation. And there are occasions where a woman began contractions but didn't dilate.
Well, you're not big dumbass 90 but since you chose to show your ignorance, neither are unequivocally true. A woman can dilate and not be giving birth. Birth may even be delayed for weeks after dilation. And there are occasions where a woman began contractions but didn't dilate.

There it is! Argue semantics. Next you're going to lecture us on how you don't have to believe in women having vaginas
Not surprising the resident retard keeps pictures of extreme examples saved on his hard drive

Babies born with such severe malformations won't likely survive, but that doesn't mean man gets to play God and execute them. Oh, and clearly babies nowhere near the status of your pictures are now on the chopping block.
Not surprising the resident retard keeps pictures of extreme examples saved on his hard drive

Babies born with such severe malformations won't likely survive, but that doesn't mean man gets to play God and execute them. Oh, and clearly babies nowhere near the status of your pictures are now on the chopping block.

Dtard also conveniently ignores the part about a completely healthy baby being killed simply because the "mental health" of the mother might be disturbed.
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You saw it and ignored it. Otherwise, you're trying to make us believe that you're the only person on herdnation that doesn't get alerts on a thread in which you posted. Liar.

Moron, those things come up any time somebody likes a post of yours, anyone comments in a thread you've posted in, etc. They don't just pop up when somebody quotes your post. Go look at any thread. Most of them turn into discussions different than what you posted about. I, and I am sure plenty of others, don't look at the alerts. If you roll over the notifications, it shows you the first three. To see the others, you have to click on it which takes you to another page. I don't take the time to do that. If I see somebody has quoted my post in the first three notifications (which can be seen without clicking to another page), I'll see. If it simply says "Big Moron" responded to a thread which you posted in, I usually ignore it since most threads take on a different life.

As I said, had I gone back to look at that thread, I would have mocked wv-fan for trying to take a jab at my mentality while butchering basic grammar.

And I'm not misrepresenting anything.These bills allow, however rare, for a baby to be killed just before or just (at least in NY's case) after birth. That's murder, plain and simple, and you support it. .

I've said this again, and I mean it in the most respectful way possible, but you simply don't have the intellect to read/understand a bill, read/understand a justice's opinion, etc. You get your points from Facebook memes and websites like and think the things you read are accurate.

You just said that you aren't misrepresenting anything, then immediately follow that with a claim that it's legal to kill a baby after it is born in NY. That's not anything even close to what the law does. You're right - you aren't misrepresenting. You are blatantly fvcking lying.

Seriously, in what bizarro world did you reach that conclusion? Really, answer what source or bizarre thinking led you to believe such a foolish comment.

Excuse me but I have two children and it most certainly is one of the first steps in birth.

But it isn't birth, moron. Having sex is also a first step in birth . . . nine months earlier. Women can start dilating days/weeks before actual birth. Dilating does not mean anything close to birth. They are entirely different.

Uh, yes it is. You know a lot of random shit, but this isn't one of them.

Jesus, this is the dumbest shit ever. Moron #2, dilating is NOT birth! It's not even close. Again, dilation can start numerous weeks before giving birth!

The magical vagina, where if you get your head through the cervix and enter it you somehow turn instantly sentient and have rights. But by god if you’re 38 weeks old, could easily live outside the womb, and that cervix isn’t quite dilated enough you’re fuc*ed.

We’re talking about minutes and centimeters here.

Correct, because the fetus isn't born. If something isn't born, it is given a birth certificate? Why not? Because it isn't born.

You guys simply can't claim abortion of something that isn't born yet is wrong yet also support in vitro or the morning after pill.

@big_country90 @mlblack16. @ohio herd , tell me again that dilation is the same thing as birth. Find any medical professional who claims that dilation is the same as birth. They are entirely different. Dilation can happen weeks before actual birth.
I've said this again, and I mean it in the most respectful way possible, but you simply don't have the intellect to read/understand a bill, read/understand a justice's opinion, etc. You get your points from Facebook memes and websites like and think the things you read are accurate.

You just said that you aren't misrepresenting anything, then immediately follow that with a claim that it's legal to kill a baby after it is born in NY. That's not anything even close to what the law does. You're right - you aren't misrepresenting. You are blatantly fvcking lying.

Ok rifle. You can play the "I'm smart and you're dumb" routine all you want. I don't get information from memes. You're the one who has been notorious for doing that.

And I didn't say dilating was the same as birth. I said it was one of the first steps in birth. Once again, Mr Reading Comprehension can't comprehend what he's reading.
@big_country90 @mlblack16. @ohio herd , tell me again that dilation is the same thing as birth. Find any medical professional who claims that dilation is the same as birth. They are entirely different. Dilation can happen weeks before actual birth.

You and Greed MUST be related. Both of you resort to arguing semantics and name calling whenever you're discussing something in which you're not very knowledgeable. Granted, it doesn't happen nearly as often with you as it does with your Uncle.
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I don't get information from memes. You're the one who has been notorious for doing that.

You've made this claim before, but you cannot name a single time where that has happened let alone being "notorious" for it. Hell, I post a damn meme if I see something that I feel worthy.

It's like the same claim you make about me messing up math. You throw a bunch of shit against a wall, hope any of it sticks, then run back to the bathroom to find more shit without waiting to watch all of it slide to the floor.

And everyone who reads this board is used to it by now. You make these absurd claims about me being "notorious" or frequently doing something, but you can't show a single time of me doing them.

And I didn't say dilating was the same as birth. I said it was one of the first steps in birth. Once again, Mr Reading Comprehension can't comprehend what he's reading.

It's not the case about me having reading comprehension issues. It's the case of you not being able to follow an argument, like usual.

Here is what I said: "A mother dilating isn’t a baby being born." You quoted that of mine, then started off your response with "Excuse me." When you use that phrase, it is commonly meant to imply that you disagree with something. You try so hard to refute or argue with the validity of anything I say that it makes you look dumber than usual.

If you disagreed with the statement of mine that you quoted ("A mother dilating isn't a baby being born"), then what would the purpose be of you responding with "Excuse me"? Exactly. Learn to write; learn to follow and form and argument.

This repeated pattern not only shows you to be a blowhard, but it also shows you to be a fool. Each time you get caught bullshitting, you try claiming I am the one at fault. Example: in this thread, you claimed that you aren't misrepresenting anything by claiming that it is now legal in NY to kill a baby shortly after it is born. Yet when called out on how absurdly stupid your claim is, you hide from it and claim I am the one who gets my information from memes and bogus sites (with absolutely no examples to provide). Now, are you going to support your absurd claim or will you try accusing me of doing what you are actually exposed as doing?

You and Greed MUST be related. Both of you resort to arguing semantics and name calling whenever you're discussing something in which you're not very knowledgeable. Granted, it doesn't happen nearly as often with you as it does with your Uncle.

You have to be kidding me. This isn't semantics- not even slightly. Dilating is not giving birth. They are entirely different. Do you have to dilate in order to give birth vaginally? Sure. Does dilating, many times, start to happen weeks before birth? Entirely. Hell, doctors will measure dilation for weeks leading up to due date. That would be like telling a woman she gave birth because her stomach is getting bigger while pregnant.

I said "A mother dilating isn't a baby being born." You then said "Uh, yes it is." It's not even remotely the same. As I said, dilating is no more the same thing as giving birth than an egg being fertilized is. It is all a part of the birth process, both of which take between days and months to happen prior to birth. And that isn't semantics. It is basic fvcking knowledge.
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You've made this claim before, but you cannot name a single time where that has happened let alone being "notorious" for it. Hell, I post a damn meme if I see something that I feel worthy.

It's like the same claim you make about me messing up math. You throw a bunch of shit against a wall, hope any of it sticks, then run back to the bathroom to find more shit without waiting to watch all of it slide to the floor.

And everyone who reads this board is used to it by now. You make these absurd claims about me being "notorious" or frequently doing something, but you can't show a single time of me doing them.

It's not the case about me having reading comprehension issues. It's the case of you not being able to follow an argument, like usual.

Here is what I said: "A mother dilating isn’t a baby being born." You quoted that of mine, then started off your response with "Excuse me." When you use that phrase, it is commonly meant to imply that you disagree with something. You try so hard to refute or argue with the validity of anything I say that it makes you look dumber than usual.

If you disagreed with the statement of mine that you quoted ("A mother dilating isn't a baby being born"), then what would the purpose be of you responding with "Excuse me"? Exactly. Learn to write; learn to follow and form and argument.

This repeated pattern not only shows you to be a blowhard, but it also shows you to be a fool. Each time you get caught bullshitting, you try claiming I am the one at fault. Example: in this thread, you claimed that you aren't misrepresenting anything by claiming that it is now legal in NY to kill a baby shortly after it is born. Yet when called out on how absurdly stupid your claim is, you hide from it and claim I am the one who gets my information from memes and bogus sites (with absolutely no examples to provide). Now, are you going to support your absurd claim or will you try accusing me of doing what you are actually exposed as doing?

You have to be kidding me. This isn't semantics- not even slightly. Dilating is not giving birth. They are entirely different. Do you have to dilate in order to give birth vaginally? Sure. Does dilating, many times, start to happen weeks before birth? Entirely. Hell, doctors will measure dilation for weeks leading up to due date. That would be like telling a woman she gave birth because her stomach is getting bigger while pregnant.

I said "A mother dilating isn't a baby being born." You then said "Uh, yes it is." It's not even remotely the same. As I said, dilating is no more the same thing as giving birth than an egg being fertilized is. It is all a part of the birth process, both of which take between days and months to happen prior to birth. And that isn't semantics. It is basic fvcking knowledge.

Dilation is the beginning stages of a mother going into labor, which ultimately leads to birth. It doesn't matter if you want to argue about dilation sometimes occurring weeks before birth. Your argument with this is nothing more than a trivial detail. Oh, dilation isn't the same as crowning? Congratulations Professor Dickweed, on providing such thought provoking insight. If there's any issue with delivery, being born, or however else a liberal like you wants to play with words, the baby can be taken by way of C-section. @big_country90 was making the point that a fetus could be terminated, even if a mother allowed it to develop all the way to dilation, which can include a perfectly healthy, viable fetus, capable of surviving on its own the moment it shoots out its momma's pussy.

The potential of purposefully taking the life of an otherwise healthy human being is where the concern lies.
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Dilation is the beginning stages of a mother going into labor, which ultimately leads to birth. It doesn't matter if you want to argue about dilation sometimes occurring weeks before birth. Your argument with this is nothing more than a trivial detail.

It isn't trivial. You argued against my stance that dilating isn't the same as a baby being born. You claimed that dilating is the same as a baby being born. That is so inaccurate no other moron on this board would begin to argue it. It is very common for dilation to occur up to a few centimeters weeks before going into labor. You simply made an absurdly stupid comment and are trying to argue it is semantics, which it absolutely is not.

@big_country90 was making the point that a fetus could be terminated, even if a mother allowed it to develop all the way to dilation, which can include a perfectly healthy, viable fetus, capable of surviving on its own the moment it shoots out its momma's pussy.

That is entirely different than what he claimed. Then, he had the audacity to say he wasn't misrepresenting it. The law doesn't allow for babies to be killed just after birth like he claimed. He was right - it wasn't a misrepresentation, it was a blatant fvcking lie.
This repeated pattern not only shows you to be a blowhard, but it also shows you to be a fool. Each time you get caught bullshitting, you try claiming I am the one at fault. Example: in this thread, you claimed that you aren't misrepresenting anything by claiming that it is now legal in NY to kill a baby shortly after it is born. Yet when called out on how absurdly stupid your claim is, you hide from it and claim I am the one who gets my information from memes and bogus sites (with absolutely no examples to provide). Now, are you going to support your absurd claim or will you try accusing me of doing what you are actually exposed as doing?

My claim was not absurdly stupid. I just had the wrong state. Here is governor black face talking about what could happen to babies after birth if their bill passed.

“So, in this particular example, if a mother is in labor I can tell you exactly what would happen. The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.”

A discussion about what? Who's a better basketball player between Michael Jordan and Lebron James?

The sad thing is, you support this too. You are completely fine with murdering a baby up to birth, so why not immediately after? Can you be any more insane?
My claim was not absurdly stupid. I just had the wrong state.

Your claim WAS and still is absurdly stupid. You didn't just have the wrong state, you had an absolute bullshit lie as your main argument.

This is exactly why I said that you don't have the intellect to be able to read and understand a bill. Go read the damn bill you incompetent boob. It does not say what you claim it does.

Northam's comments, according to his spokesperson, were about nonviable pregnancies; in other words, stillborn babies. Hence his reason for commenting about resuscitation. Regardless, the entire interview seemed to show Northam wasn't aware of the current Virginia abortion laws nor the specifics of this bill. And regardless, again, is that you're trying to take something you thought the governor said about the bill and claimed it was in the bill even though it isn't. It doesn't matter if he wasn't very clear on it, if he butchered what was in it, or if you made yet another error. The fact is that what you claimed was in NY's bill (or Virginia's or any other state's that you want to switch your argument to) is absolutely not in there. In no way does the Virginia or NY bill allow for the killing of a baby that is born alive.

You're wrong so many ways on your damn claim that it's hard to even keep track of it all.

The sad thing is, you support this too. You are completely fine with murdering a baby up to birth, so why not immediately after? Can you be any more insane?

I don't support it, and it is entirely false when you claim that it is in either the NY or VA legislation. Seriously, stop spouting bullshit you read from bogus websites and learn to read a bill. "Can you be any more dumb?"
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If someone murders a pregnant woman, should they be charged with murdering the child as well?
It’s not a child it’s a clump of cells. And honestly only if it is past the point of viability should a separate murder charge be considered.
It’s not a child it’s a clump of cells. And honestly only if it is past the point of viability should a separate murder charge be considered.

So, a murderer probably wants the credit for getting 2 kills, but you would deny them of this?
In an effort to not get personal against people on here that I genuinely like, I rewrote, cropped down and ultimately deleted much of this reply from its original look. To be completely honest, it’s very disheartening to see how anybody can agree with something so abhorrent...but that’s the real world.

The abortion debate is very personal for me because my mother almost died as a result of being pregnant with me. Her doctors suggested she abort me and she flat out refused, telling them that she would die if she had to in order to ensure I was born. There were several complications throughout the pregnancy but, thankfully, we both survived.

I should leave this topic alone for a while because it enrages me so much. I’ll move on.