You saw it and ignored it. Otherwise, you're trying to make us believe that you're the only person on herdnation that doesn't get alerts on a thread in which you posted. Liar.
Moron, those things come up any time somebody likes a post of yours, anyone comments in a thread you've posted in, etc. They don't just pop up when somebody quotes your post. Go look at any thread. Most of them turn into discussions different than what you posted about. I, and I am sure plenty of others, don't look at the alerts. If you roll over the notifications, it shows you the first three. To see the others, you have to click on it which takes you to another page. I don't take the time to do that. If I see somebody has quoted my post in the first three notifications (which can be seen without clicking to another page), I'll see. If it simply says "Big Moron" responded to a thread which you posted in, I usually ignore it since most threads take on a different life.
As I said, had I gone back to look at that thread, I would have mocked wv-fan for trying to take a jab at my mentality while butchering basic grammar.
And I'm not misrepresenting anything.These bills allow, however rare, for a baby to be killed just before or just (at least in NY's case) after birth. That's murder, plain and simple, and you support it. .
I've said this again, and I mean it in the most respectful way possible, but you simply don't have the intellect to read/understand a bill, read/understand a justice's opinion, etc. You get your points from Facebook memes and websites like and think the things you read are accurate.
You just said that you aren't misrepresenting anything, then immediately follow that with a claim that it's legal to kill a baby after it is born in NY. That's not anything even close to what the law does. You're right - you aren't misrepresenting. You are blatantly fvcking lying.
Seriously, in what bizarro world did you reach that conclusion? Really, answer what source or bizarre thinking led you to believe such a foolish comment.
Excuse me but I have two children and it most certainly is one of the first steps in birth.
But it isn't birth, moron. Having sex is also a first step in birth . . . nine months earlier. Women can start dilating days/weeks before actual birth. Dilating does not mean anything close to birth. They are entirely different.
Uh, yes it is. You know a lot of random shit, but this isn't one of them.
Jesus, this is the dumbest shit ever. Moron #2, dilating is NOT birth! It's not even close. Again, dilation can start numerous weeks before giving birth!
The magical vagina, where if you get your head through the cervix and enter it you somehow turn instantly sentient and have rights. But by god if you’re 38 weeks old, could easily live outside the womb, and that cervix isn’t quite dilated enough you’re fuc*ed.
We’re talking about minutes and centimeters here.
Correct, because the fetus isn't born. If something isn't born, it is given a birth certificate? Why not? Because it isn't born.
You guys simply can't claim abortion of something that isn't born yet is wrong yet also support
in vitro or the morning after pill.
@big_country90 @mlblack16. @ohio herd , tell me again that dilation is the same thing as birth. Find any medical professional who claims that dilation is the same as birth. They are entirely different. Dilation can happen weeks before actual birth.