Time to have a serious discussion about Fauci.

i am herdman

Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Mar 5, 2006
There is growing evidence that this man is/was dangerous. What was he up to?

Why won't this current administration call him or China out? They really won't call China out.

What did Fauci know? What was he involved in?
Waste of time. I can’t think of one crooked administrator who has been punished. They just move on to being a commentator on MSNBC.
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You mean the one that had a position in which part of her job was policing the ethics of research that Fauci was funding?

That wife?

You mean to tell me she didn't sound the alarm on back-door funding of gain of function reasearch? This is shocking.

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Speaking of coincidence- you know the administration has been silent on all the Balenciaga pedo ads? Did you know that Kamala’s step daughter is a model for them? She got the gig shortly after her step mom was sworn in.
That’s some rifle level narcissism
I do have pictures drawn for me by "fans," but they're scattered in storage somewhere.

The claim about Fauci is not quite as bad as a guy creating fake magazine covers, framing them, then hanging them around publicly accessible areas and perpetuating the belief that they are genuine covers . . . or submitting your lawn to an online contest . . . or constantly harassing a magazine editor in a small, poor city to include your car in the magazine.