
As long as Democrats keep this shit up & individuals have the right to vote in private, expect the divide to get worse.
As long as Democrats keep this shit up & individuals have the right to vote in private, expect the divide to get worse.

That's the kicker right there. I wouldn't be surprised for the left to cook up a scheme calling for public voting records.

Think about the regular people you know who are full-on lefties. The "normal" ones. Literally every "normal" leftist I know is a trial lawyer, gay or a minority. And then there's rifle. The rest of them are either retarded or just plain crazy.

Does anyone here have a normal friend who supports this shit? I'm genuinely curious.
That's a strong observation Rox. Really makes me think Rifle may just be trolling. I understand not supporting Trump, but the rest of it makes no sense. These little antifa cucks actually think overthrowing the system is smart? A bunch of trust fund types and mother's basement dwellers think there is something better? They are fighting something they don't understand to replace it with something that haven't even thought about.
I can't decide what made me laugh the hardest. This from the article...

"What's the definition of a racist? A conservative winning the argument."

Or this from Rox...

"Think about the regular people you know who are full-on lefties. The "normal" ones. Literally every "normal" leftist I know is a trial lawyer, gay or a minority. And then there's rifle. The rest of them are either retarded or just plain crazy."
“As you may know, in the first meeting the commission presented 938 cases of convictions for voter fraud,” he recalled. “And yet, you still hear the left either ignoring that fact or pretending that 938 convictions is not a big number.”
