Trump Hires Wedding Planner to Lead HUD

Y.A.G Si Ye Nots

Platinum Buffalo
Mar 7, 2010
Home Wrecker
I see no issue with this. It is always wise to keep a wedding planner close. You never know when your stripper-wife will leave you, forcing you to get married for a fourth woman.

This woman has no housing experience. She lies about having received a J.D. (the university claims she left after two semesters), lies about attending Yale (the university claims no record of her), and now she is head of the largest regional HUD office with the responsibility of billions of dollars.

Good hire, deplorables?
That "community organizer" was a state senator for 8 years and a U S senator for 4 years. The "reality show personality" has less experience than a community organizer.
That's as bad as making a community organizer or reality show personality POTUS. . .

That's as dumb as saying that Mark Zuckerburg is poor. Sure, as a child, he probably had a very small bank account. That doesn't mean he is poor now.

Obama's election wasn't "making a community organizer" POTUS. He had far more experience in politics after that stint.
That's as dumb as saying that Mark Zuckerburg is poor. Sure, as a child, he probably had a very small bank account. That doesn't mean he is poor now.

Obama's election wasn't "making a community organizer" POTUS. He had far more experience in politics after that stint.
Bill Ayers gave him his best OJT.
That's as dumb as saying that Mark Zuckerburg is poor. Sure, as a child, he probably had a very small bank account. That doesn't mean he is poor now.

Obama's election wasn't "making a community organizer" POTUS. He had far more experience in politics after that stint.

And it's equally dumb to say that Trump was simply a reality TV star.
42. Abraham Lincoln

In 1860, his qualifications were one term in Congress, an unremarkable stint in the Illinois House of Representatives, and a strong but ultimately unsuccessful Senate campaign. He became President mostly because he agreed with the party orthodoxy more than William H. Seward.
42. Abraham Lincoln

In 1860, his qualifications were one term in Congress, an unremarkable stint in the Illinois House of Representatives, and a strong but ultimately unsuccessful Senate campaign. He became President mostly because he agreed with the party orthodoxy more than William H. Seward.
True. When elected Lincoln wasn't greatly qualified.
I'm just glad you recognize that the community organizer/token black guy was more qualified to become president than abraham lincoln, despite obama being born in kenya.
Btw, as you note, she wasn't made "head of HUD," she was made head of it's largest regional office, making your thead title misleading.
Btw, as you note, she wasn't made "head of HUD," she was made head of it's largest regional office, making your thead title misleading.

Why do you even try?

I didn't say "head of HUD" like you incorrectly quoted me as saying. Why are you lying? If your point had any validity, you wouldn't have to lie and falsely attribute quotes to me.

What my title reads is "to lead HUD." That's exactly what she is doing. She is leading its biggest regional office. She is one of their top leaders.

If an article states that Eli Manning is "to lead the Giants" to a championship this year, does that mean he is the ultimate authority/leader of the Giants ahead of the head coach, owner, GM, etc.?

Now, apologize to the board for your stupidity. Then, apologize directly to me for fabricating quotes and attributing them to me, moron.
I misquoted your title. My mistake.

It is, however, still misleading as written. Lead means "to be in charge or command of." Head is a synonym of lead. The title reads as though she was tapped to be in charge of all of HUD. She wasn't.
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I misquoted your title. My mistake.

It is, however, still misleading as written. Lead means "to be in charge or command of." Head is a synonym of lead. The title reads as though she was tapped to be in charge of all of HUD. She wasn't.

Michael Jordan led the Bulls to many NBA championships. Do you disagree? Was he "in charge" of the Bulls or were the owner, GM, and coach more in charge of them? Exactly.

There is nothing wrong with the title. You can try misquoting me again to try and make your invalid argument.
You're so full of shit, you leave skidmarks behind with every step.

You should be easily able to refute my last analogy if that were the case. But you can't. So, I recommend reverting back to your last strategy of fabricating quotes to attribute to me in order to make an argument.

At least that way, people who lack reading comprehension (which is a lot of this board) will not notice your fabrication and think you made a valid argument. Your latest strategy - not being able to refute anything and simply claiming one to be "so full of shit" - doesn't fool even the worst readers on this board.
You're just way to good at the interwebs for me.

*"to a fourth woman"


*"for a fourth time"

No, don't try editing my grammatically correct comments.

Cheeto, like many men, doesn't give a shit about getting married. He's just as content banging his live-in girlfriend and not having to deal with financial ramifications of getting married, having to go through a wedding, etc. Like many men, Cheeto gets married for the woman since she wants to.

Therefore, if he gets divorced, he would then end up getting married for a fourth woman in the future.

You lose AGAIN! Tell me again how Jordan didn't lead the Bulls to multiple NBA championships.
No, don't try editing my grammatically correct comments.

Cheeto, like many men, doesn't give a shit about getting married. He's just as content banging his live-in girlfriend and not having to deal with financial ramifications of getting married, having to go through a wedding, etc. Like many men, Cheeto gets married for the woman since she wants to.

Therefore, if he gets divorced, he would then end up getting married for a fourth woman in the future.

You lose AGAIN! Tell me again how Jordan didn't lead the Bulls to multiple NBA championships.

As a neutral observer, the title of the thread was misleading. The person is question is not leading HUD. They are leading a HUD Regional Office. Big difference.
While I disagree that you are a neutral observer, I do agree the title is misleading.
As a neutral observer, the title of the thread was misleading. The person is question is not leading HUD. They are leading a HUD Regional Office. Big difference.

Somebody doesn't know the definition of the word "neutral." She is leading HUD, just like Jordan led the Bulls (even though the owner, GM, and coaches have more power), just like Tim Cook is leading Apple (even though Art Levinson, Chairman of the Board, has more ultimate power), and just like you lead your household (even though we all know your wife has you by the balls and has the ultimate authority).

While I disagree that you are a neutral observer, I do agree the title is misleading.

You can't even be honest with yourself about your sexuality, yet you think you're being honest now?

full of logical and grammatical gymnastics,

Of all people, I don't need to manipulate logic or grammar. Do you really want to revisit your last attempt in calling me out and see how awful of an outcome that was for you? You're getting to be like Fat Boy. You just never learn.
No, don't try editing my grammatically correct comments.

Cheeto, like many men, doesn't give a shit about getting married. He's just as content banging his live-in girlfriend and not having to deal with financial ramifications of getting married, having to go through a wedding, etc. Like many men, Cheeto gets married for the woman since she wants to.

Therefore, if he gets divorced, he would then end up getting married for a fourth woman in the future.

You lose AGAIN! Tell me again how Jordan didn't lead the Bulls to multiple NBA championships.

Exhibit A ^^^

Point. Set. Match.
Regional Administrator. Where is she on this org chart? You thread title was for shock value and it was an Epic Fail. Most anyone knows what you were trying to do. I call 'em as I see 'em. You were after shock value.

She reports to Ben Carson.

HUD is organized in 10 Regions. Each Region is managed by a Regional Administrator, who also oversees the Regional Office. Each Field Office within a Region is managed by a Field Office Director, who reports to the Regional Administrator. Staff who answer the main office telephone will be able to respond to or direct your calls to the appropriate person.


You predict that I'm going to do something after I've already done it, then claim "victory" because you predicted I'd do something after I did it?

You're truly a special one, huh?

Wrong again, champ.

You said "I don't need to manipulate logic or grammar." I showed where you did exactly that in this very thread when you tried to explain away (really poorly, I might add) your incorrect use of the word "for" in the OP.

Go ahead and admit that (1) you're thread title was misleading/wrong, and (2) you incorrectly typed "for a fourth woman."
She reports to Ben Carson.

That's a huge coincidence! What are the chances that a neurosurgeon who recently ran for president has the same exact name as a guy who has immense experience in public policy, public finances, and urban housing? That's odd.

If I didn't know any better, I would think that the buffoon that we have in office gave Dr. Ben this position simply because he thought public urban housing means a lot of blacks on welfare and knew that Dr. Ben was black.
Go ahead and admit that (1) you're thread

I can't have a reasonable discussion with somebody who doesn't know the difference between "to" and "too" and now "your" and "you're."

Read above for how these examples are entirely different than a simple misstroke on a keyboard.

GK, do any of your middle school students want to earn some extra money by tutoring this guy? I will pay the fee for him.
Where is she on this org chart?

Please show me where Jordan was on this Bulls hierarchy of leadership:

Majority Owner/Chariman
Minority Owner 1
Minority Owner 2
Minority Owner 3
Minority Owner 4
Vice-President 1
Vice-President 2
Vice-President 3
General Manager
Assistant GM
Director of Basketball Administration
Head Coach
Associate Head Coach
Assistant Coach 1
Assistant Coach 2
Assistant Coach 3
Assistant Coach 4
Director of Basketball
Director of Player Personnel

Clearly, it looks like Jordan didn't lead the Bulls to any titles.
I can't have a reasonable discussion with somebody who doesn't know the difference between "to" and "too" and now "your" and "you're."

Read above for how these examples are entirely different than a simple misstroke on a keyboard.

GK, do any of your middle school students want to earn some extra money by tutoring this guy? I will pay the fee for him.

I teach 4th grade grammar and reading.

I think it's fair to distinguish between those who make grammar mistakes because they don't proofread and edit and those who do so because they don't know. I'm pretty sure that everyone posting on this thread knows the difference between:


I go back and edit (silently) mistakes I make all the time. I made them because I was more interested in my response than I was checking my grammar. I've noticed mistakes from everyone. I don't judge unless there's a pattern.

The mistakes made on this thread aren't coming from anyone who wouldn't know to correct them if they reread what they wrote. That being said, we do have a few posters who need some work.
If you legit think I don't know the difference between "to" and "too," or "your" and "you're," you obviously haven't been paying attention. Both of my mistakes were obviously the result of pounding out a post on a tiny keyboard and not proofreading it - same as yours. My whole point in bringing your miscues to light was to point out the hypocrisy in playing grammar police. Everyone here makes typing/grammar mistakes - probably because they don't really give two shits enough to go back and re-read what they type.
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