Trump now leading in NV.

I'm pretty skeptical about polls in general but, damn! Trump was supposed to lose by "double digits". He wasn't "spending enough time in swing states!"

I guess we will have to see what the debates do for the candidates.
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I guess we will have to see what the debates do for the candidates.

Hillary will "win" the debates. No matter what happens that will be the media angle. And it will be right. She will be more wonkish, know more details, etc. Is that really going to convince someone who is undecided? I think the only undecided voters are ones that are deciding if they should NOT vote for Trump. She isn't drawing anyone new into the fold. For her it's all how many nursing homes abd ghettos they can get the vans to.

The whole thing is how will Trump act. He has a fine line to walk, his supporters want him to come right out and call her a lying cvnt.
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Hillary will "win" the debates. No matter what happens that will be the media angle. And it will be right. She will be more wonkish, know more details, etc. Is that really going to convince someone who is undecided? I think the only undecided voters are ones that are deciding if they should NOT vote for Trump. She isn't drawing anyone new into the fold. For her it's all how many nursing homes abd ghettos they can get the vans to.

The whole thing is how will Trump act. He has a fine line to walk, his supporters want him to come right out and call her a lying cvnt.
Trump will get Hillary flustered for sure and if she gets tonstammering or heaven forbid coughing it's game over.
"Wonkish" won't help her case considering the fact she's a proven liar IMO. "Wonkish" is what supposedly makes republicans boring and unelectable. So if you are's that suddenly the media will promote "wonkish" as a valuable trait to have.
Her bigger issue aside from her perpetual lying is her failure to "connect" with people. She's got the charisma of a house plant. I imagine you feel like you've come down with pneumonia once you leave one of her public speaking engagements.
I would love to see the real Hillary, the one who belittles and berates her staff, Secret Service detail, basically everyone in private, come out at the debate. Would be funny as hell if she just blurted out "shut the F*ck up! Don't you know who I F*cking am?", then had a seizure. She's a bad, evil person.
I would love to see the real Hillary, the one who belittles and berates her staff, Secret Service detail, basically everyone in private, come out at the debate. Would be funny as hell if she just blurted out "shut the F*ck up! Don't you know who I F*cking am?", then had a seizure. She's a bad, evil person.

i have a feeling the "non classified" emails that the FBI was subpoenaed today to release (Jason Chaffetz is the f'g man) will contain this kind of embarrassing stuff. one congressman already said that stuff was much worse and more damning than anything else. Julian Assange has said the same. there was already a book written by a former secret service agent in the Clinton White House that talked about how horrible she was to people. now we will get to see it from her own fingers...
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I would love to see the real Hillary, the one who belittles and berates her staff, Secret Service detail, basically everyone in private, come out at the debate. Would be funny as hell if she just blurted out "shut the F*ck up! Don't you know who I F*cking am?", then had a seizure. She's a bad, evil person.

This might win it for her if she does. I'd expect it. She's gonna have to get tough and fight to energize enough of her favorable demographics to blow this thing open like she was supposed to from the outset.

She'll get on there and roar about how Trump is only for dinosaur rednecks who hate the poor, the women, the blacks, the Mexicans, the Muslims, the sick, etc, etc, etc. That's her task at hand. To energize the same guilt ridden bunch to vote in droves like they did for Obama.

Should be an easy game for her to win really. If she somehow loses this, it's a choke job of WVU/Pitt '07 proportions.
She'll get on there and roar about how Trump is only for dinosaur rednecks who hate the poor, the women, the blacks, the Mexicans, the Muslims, the sick, etc, etc, etc. That's her task at hand. To energize the same guilt ridden bunch to vote in droves like they did for Obama.

This is what she and her media drones have been promoting since day 1. It's not working. Its not working because Trump is out hustling her and out working her. People can say what they want about Trump but the guy is not a quitter. The typical (repub) political hacks are quitters. Fold up and quit the first time they hit resistance or see the first negative story in the news. Afraid of their own shadow. People generally like confidence, and confidence is more contagious than the "apology tours" we usually see by Washington DC snobs.

The Hillary team and media hacks, who are supporting her campaign, simply don't know how to respond to someone who doesn't coil in fear when they start spreading their bullshit.
I have been amazed at how Trump has met with and continues to reach out to people who "hate" him. I think it's been great that he went to Mexico, and in almost all of his speeches he mentions how the Democrats have failed African Americans and he actually throws out facts to show how little Femocratic policies have helped them. Now do I think it's going to cause a huge percentage of blacks to vote for him, no, but I guarantee you Hillary is not going to have near the advantage that Obama had with African Americans and if that percentage changes say 10% in a close election that could be the tipping point.

Raleigh is absolutely right they have crucified Trumps character (racist, sexist, homophobe) in the media and Trump continues to flip the media the bird, stay on message and work his butt off and if you believe the polls it is making a difference.

I wasn't a fan of Trump and was voting for him as an anti Hillary vote. But the more things he lays out the more he grows on me. In the past I thought he was going to lose in a landslide but I actually now think he actually has a chance to win. Not a huge chance but at least a chance.
This might win it for her if she does. I'd expect it. She's gonna have to get tough and fight to energize enough of her favorable demographics to blow this thing open like she was supposed to from the outset.

She'll get on there and roar about how Trump is only for dinosaur rednecks who hate the poor, the women, the blacks, the Mexicans, the Muslims, the sick, etc, etc, etc. That's her task at hand. To energize the same guilt ridden bunch to vote in droves like they did for Obama.

Should be an easy game for her to win really. If she somehow loses this, it's a choke job of WVU/Pitt '07 proportions.

WVU/Pitt was the biggest choke job ever.

I think Trump has a puncher's chance and this race will tighten up. But, there are too many guilt ridden people now and too many on the dole.
Polls out today show him up in Iowa and Florida, too. They are also showing him now tied in N.C. and closing the gap in Va. to 2 points.
People need to keep repeating this sentence:

"The normal rules of politics do not apply to Donald Trump, but they do to Hillary Clinton."

None of the GOP candidates ever learned that.

If Hillary tries to be "wonkish" in the debate he'll get a rise out of her, to bait her to do something that will hurt her in the way the sentence above notes.
Guys if the media told the truth Trump would be up by at least 10 points no doubt. If he does not win you can bet that Soros rigged the voting machines or Obama was handing out voter registration cards to 1,000's of Islamic- ISIS sympathizing Syrian refugees who just received a free Obama phone and food stamps.
But, there are too many guilt ridden people now and too many on the dole.

That's what I think.

I will go vote for Trump and see what happens, but this is one of those things I'll have to see to believe that he has a chance to win. About like watching Alabama. I can't believe they lost unless I see it. Even then I'm not too sure.