Trump Owns the Economy Now, for Better or Worse


Platinum Buffalo
Feb 23, 2007
The Federal Reserve has abruptly stopped its march toward higher interest rates, as Mr. Trump demanded. The tax cuts he signed in late 2017 are in full swing. His attempt to rewrite the global rules of trade are underway, and he proclaims himself happy with the array of new tariffs he has imposed. His recent comments suggest he is unconcerned about slowdowns in China and Europe, which he considers economic rivals.

But while Mr. Trump points with pride to last year’s economic growth and promises even faster growth to come, there are signs that his most dependable talking point is eroding. On Thursday, the Commerce Department issued a downward revision of its estimates for economic growth in the fourth quarter, pushing one measure of the full year’s growth down as well.

Forecasters outside the White House, including officials at the Fed, expect growth to slow even more this year. Economic data suggests that slowdown is already underway in the first quarter. Manufacturing is losing some of its steam from last year’s rapid growth, and job creation is also moderating. Chief executives of some of the nation’s biggest companies see investment, hiring and sales growth all slowing this year. Three-quarters of business economists say they are more worried about growth undershooting their forecasts than overshooting it, and half have revised those forecasts downward for this year. Stories&pgtype=Homepage
Come on. You know that if the economy tanks it will be Obama's fault. Maybe Hilleary's.
Or Schiff or the media or the Dems or ...
The Federal Reserve has abruptly stopped its march toward higher interest rates, as Mr. Trump demanded. The tax cuts he signed in late 2017 are in full swing. His attempt to rewrite the global rules of trade are underway, and he proclaims himself happy with the array of new tariffs he has imposed. His recent comments suggest he is unconcerned about slowdowns in China and Europe, which he considers economic rivals.

But while Mr. Trump points with pride to last year’s economic growth and promises even faster growth to come, there are signs that his most dependable talking point is eroding. On Thursday, the Commerce Department issued a downward revision of its estimates for economic growth in the fourth quarter, pushing one measure of the full year’s growth down as well.

Forecasters outside the White House, including officials at the Fed, expect growth to slow even more this year. Economic data suggests that slowdown is already underway in the first quarter. Manufacturing is losing some of its steam from last year’s rapid growth, and job creation is also moderating. Chief executives of some of the nation’s biggest companies see investment, hiring and sales growth all slowing this year. Three-quarters of business economists say they are more worried about growth undershooting their forecasts than overshooting it, and half have revised those forecasts downward for this year. Stories&pgtype=Homepage
You’ve got him now!
Was there ever a doubt that if the economy didn't grow by 5%...libs wouldn't be celebrating?

And you still have it wrong! The mocking from the liberal media you kept referencing was about the cheeto administration claim that there would be 3% growth every single quarter for ten years straight, including some other absurd prediction.

I already explained that to you, yet you keep going back to it in an attempt to save face. That thread was the most repeated failures at attempts I can recall on this board. The fact that you kept digging the hole deeper with more illogical arguments and/or straw men topped it off.
And you still have it wrong! The mocking from the liberal media you kept referencing was about the cheeto administration claim that there would be 3% growth every single quarter for ten years straight, including some other absurd prediction.

I already explained that to you, yet you keep going back to it in an attempt to save face. That thread was the most repeated failures at attempts I can recall on this board. The fact that you kept digging the hole deeper with more illogical arguments and/or straw men topped it off.

And you still have it wrong!

Nope. You didn’t explain anything. My original assertion was that a 5% growth economy would be “bad news” for libs if it ever happened. “UHHHHHH OOOHHHHHH”.

The initial mocking was of you attempting to inject Obama into the thread (your first attempt at a reply to me) and then later claiming Krugman (and others) as an example of unbiased/non-liberal ideologue economist.

Hey. If you want anymore proof of this...let’s use your usual justification for opinion support vs who actually got “destroyed”.

“Like count”.

It’s pretty clear you got snubbed again. Aside from bucky talking about Tudors, no one really paid you much attention (the usual these days). You should feel fortunate at least Dtard is showing up here for moral support now.

Keep up the good fight.
And you still have it wrong! The mocking from the liberal media you kept referencing was about the cheeto administration claim that there would be 3% growth every single quarter for ten years straight, including some other absurd prediction.

I already explained that to you, yet you keep going back to it in an attempt to save face. That thread was the most repeated failures at attempts I can recall on this board. The fact that you kept digging the hole deeper with more illogical arguments and/or straw men topped it off.


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