Cheeto has a yuge . . . I mean YYYUUGE history of lying, misrepresenting, and making gross exaggerations. A big part of his campaign and presidency has focused on him claiming that any negative news about him is "fake news."
So, when it's shown that he is the creator of this fake news, it is a legitimate issue. When leaders of our allies mock him based on his lies and exaggerations, it is a legitimate issue. When he denies similar types of stunts in the past that he is accused of, yet does this, it's a legitimate issue. When he has some of these fake covers taken done right before the story hits, it shows it to be a legitimate issue even to him. When the president of the United States is making fake magazine covers and trying to present them as being actual covers, it is a legitimate issue.
You're no better than the morons who are obsessed with him. You can go around claiming all you want that you only cared about keeping Clinton out. In reality, your defense of everything cheeto does proves that your wish wasn't simply to keep her out, but to support and get him in.
my defense of everything? LULZ! link? my vote was all about keeping her out, nothing more, nothing less. personally, i think he's a shit-show for a POTUS, but still better than being "with her". fvck that corrupt cvnt. hell of it is, i liked ole wild bill. man crush all the way. only problem i have with him is being "with her". but, he understands the political positives of staying with the bitch. hell, if she'd have only listened to him instead of scoffing him prior to the election, chances are she would be POTUS. but, what the hell would he know, not like he was prez at anytime in the past, amirite?
with all trumps lying, exaggerations, and misrepresentations, he stays a step ahead of the bozo lib media, and it's glorious to watch. pay close attention to what's happening with the whole russia investigations, fbi, etc. there's a guy on the main board that has this shit down, posted a bunch of gibberish that is now coming to pass. ranged from CNN/NYT/WP posting fake stories and why, prediction of mccabe being removed (currently in the process, i think) and why, why CNN hired pulitzer prize winning journalists from the NYT and subsequently firing them, all kinds of crazy shit that's slowly coming to pass . . . and, none of it's looking good for the libs and trump-haters. trump isn't going anywhere, libs can cry (like we're so use to seeing), bitch, moan, and publish all the fake stories they want. in the grand scheme, before all is said and done, their claims of trump colluding with the russians (which, may i add, should be about hillcvnt, not trump) won't be proven.
i'm telling ya, take off your trump-hate glasses, do a bit of research into how and why all this shit's going down, and suck it up for entertainment, if nothing else. it's a hoot.