Trump said there was a vaccine coming soon. That being said,

i am herdman

Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Mar 5, 2006
I am not sure that I am going to take it. I won't be the first in line put it that way. You all can. Let me know how it goes.

But, my Uber driver the other day, a man from Pakistan, said it best. You have to vaccinate the whole world and or it won't do any good. Just takes one person or two to spread it. Then, what do we do shut the whole word down when there is COVD 22? Old boy mad sense. I am with him. I am not going to take it first.

They test a whopping 94 people and pooof it works, the Monday after they say Biden won the election.
Good days ahead, with ending the climate change problem, ending fracking, Iran getting another plane full of cash, and a future middle east war over oil. I don't know your Uber driver though. I'm not sure I can trust a Paki, but I have to deal with them a few times a week, since they own all the convenience stores.
Always take advice from the liar in chief and Pakistani uber drivers. You can't go wrong.
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Good days ahead, with ending the climate change problem, ending fracking, Iran getting another plane full of cash, and a future middle east war over oil. I don't know your Uber driver though. I'm not sure I can trust a Paki, but I have to deal with them a few times a week, since they own all the convenience stores.
He showed up and I needed the ride. Thank God, he didn't stink. You know the Indians(not American) hate the Pakistanis.

Anyway, there is no way around the middle east oil thing. All so we can keep a collection of loud mouth hippies happy and say we saved the environment. My enviro freak neighbor will be happy they can still drive their 4 door Silverado while the boys down at Bragg go get their oil.
By the time it is your turn we will know if people drop dead from it.
Well, one of my medical people said she is reluctant to take it. She agrees with me
Dropping dead shouldn't be the problem. Might make your dick fall off or kidney stop working.

Knowing my luck, I would get the fresh shipment from China.
By the time it is your turn we will know if people drop dead from it.
I am by no means an anti-vaxer, but I am not holding my hand up to be a alpha/beta tester for the vaccine, nor am I eager to be one of the first to get it after it is released to the general public.
I am by no means an anti-vaxer, but I am not holding my hand up to be a alpha/beta tester for the vaccine, nor am I eager to be one of the first to get it after it is released to the general public.
me either. **** that.