Trump takes Kim on his word for Otto warmbier.

Buckytard attempting to claim this was a failure almost guarantees this ends up being a success.

Stay tuned. Buckytard will be hiding from this thread in the coming months.
Yeah it’s not like we gave up sanctions up front in exchange for giving them a nuke in a few years like a certain admin did with another certain state sponsor of terror
You have to place these remarks of the naysayers in proper context. You see, they hate our President more than they love their country and their own personal well being. They applaud the communist, applaud the terrorist, applaud the muslems, and pray for the economy to collapse.

It's sad to see folks be that miserable.
Buckytard attempting to claim this was a failure almost guarantees this ends up being a success.

Stay tuned. Buckytard will be hiding from this thread in the coming months.

"North Korea no loner a nuclear threat." - trump, 2018

"Only I can fix it." - trump, 2016
What’s great is Raleigh liar Herd fan totally misses that trump has already declared a yuge win...... last time they met.
Strange, you would think a pathological liar could smell bullshit.

To be fair, he probably smells it....he just prefers to sell it.
So to summarize Trump takes Putin’s word for it that he did not meddle in the elections, takes the Crown Princes word that he had nothing to do with the koshoggi slaughter and now takes Kim’s word on warmbier. I don’t know if he is the biggest pussy in the world or the shadiest mother fvcker in the world.
To summarize buckytard’s summary:

Why shouldn't the cons take Un's word for not knowing about Otto Warmbier? Un has a stellar reputation for truth and fairness.
So to summarize Trump takes Putin’s word for it that he did not meddle in the elections, takes the Crown Princes word that he had nothing to do with the koshoggi slaughter and now takes Kim’s word on warmbier. I don’t know if he is the biggest pussy in the world or the shadiest mother fvcker in the world.
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