trump tried to buy nfl team - league saw him as "scumbag huckster"

Even an average "accountant" should understand that the USFL was a high risk for loss prior to Trump owning a team.

So what if he wanted to use his ownership in the USFL as leverage or experience to gain an opportunity to buy an NFL franchise? That's called entrepreneurship and capitalism. It's not a surprise Newsweek would be lamenting about that.
Even an average "accountant" should understand that the USFL was a high risk for loss prior to Trump owning a team.

So what if he wanted to use his ownership in the USFL as leverage or experience to gain an opportunity to buy an NFL franchise? That's called entrepreneurship and capitalism. It's not a surprise Newsweek would be lamenting about that.

You need to check the facts.

Trump was the primary reason the USFL failed. It had some tough sledding but the Spring schedule was working.

He forced the owners/league to move to a Fall schedule in order to go head to head with the NFL. Then filed the famous Anti-trust lawsuit which he "won". All of $3.00! Kind of like all that winning he's doing now.
You need to check the facts.

Trump was the primary reason the USFL failed. It had some tough sledding but the Spring schedule was working.

He forced the owners/league to move to a Fall schedule in order to go head to head with the NFL. Then filed the famous Anti-trust lawsuit which he "won". All of $3.00! Kind of like all that winning he's doing now.

He "forced" the owners to move the schedule..........bahahahahaha
He "forced" the owners to move the schedule..........bahahahahaha

Sorry....I should have said coerced.

Either way, he was the primary cause of its failure.

Just pointing out that your comments were misinformed. It wasn't failing and was actually holding its own with the Spring schedule which included TV contracts with ABC and ESPN.
Rozelle didn’t know that’s why they were meeting. I interviewed a guy who was at the meeting and he was like, “Rozelle said to him, ‘You will never be an owner in the NFL. As long as I’m affiliated with the NFL or my family is affiliated with the NFL, you will never have a team in the NFL.’” Because they just saw him as this scumbag huckster. He was this New York, fast-talking, kind of con-man. You know? He was just a huckster and they didn’t really want that.
”I could have bought an N.F.L. team,” he continued. ”There were three or four available – that still are available, including, of course, the Dallas Cowboys.

”I could have bought an N.F.L. club for $40 million or $50 million, but it’s established and you would just see it move laterally. Not enough to create there.”

”I feel sorry for the poor guy who is going to buy the Dallas Cowboys. It’s a no-win situation for him, because if he wins, well, so what, they’ve won through the years, and if he loses, which seems likely because they’re having troubles, he’ll be known to the world as a loser.”

Jones’ Cowboys are now worth an estimated $4 billion, the most valuable sports franchise in the entire world according to Forbes.
Sorry....I should have said coerced.

Either way, he was the primary cause of its failure.

Just pointing out that your comments were misinformed. It wasn't failing and was actually holding its own with the Spring schedule which included TV contracts with ABC and ESPN.

"Coerced?" Hahahaha. I am not misinformed at all. Yet another made up premise and political hit job. Supposedly one "dumb" owner (Trump) "coerced" many other "smart" business people, huh??? Well apparently the league was indeed doomed from the start based on this assertion. They must not have been so "smart" to not understand how it would impact their business negatively. Frankly, it sounds more like many owners anticipated the future challenges of maintaining fan interest in (subpar talent) football year round and rolled the dice to steal some market share and exposure.

That's the thing about Monday morning quarterbacking decades after the fact. Anyone thinks they could have run the business differently. Had the USFL remained on the spring schedule and still failed (which most likely would have occurred) hacks like those in this article (and probably you) would be claiming Trump was the cause for failure due to his inability to "coerce" owners to compete in the fall.
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”I could have bought an N.F.L. team,” he continued. ”There were three or four available – that still are available, including, of course, the Dallas Cowboys.

”I could have bought an N.F.L. club for $40 million or $50 million, but it’s established and you would just see it move laterally. Not enough to create there.”

”I feel sorry for the poor guy who is going to buy the Dallas Cowboys. It’s a no-win situation for him, because if he wins, well, so what, they’ve won through the years, and if he loses, which seems likely because they’re having troubles, he’ll be known to the world as a loser.”

Jones’ Cowboys are now worth an estimated $4 billion, the most valuable sports franchise in the entire world according to Forbes.

Not even Jerry Jones anticipated what the sport team valuations would go to. Jerry has made a comment to a colleague that looking back at the time of his purchase, had he passed on the cowboys purchase and bought up the depressed Dallas real estate market at that time, he would probably be worth $40 Bil.

He just loved football more and took the chance.

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