Doesn’t matter whatever figure you want to throw out. A tax free figure is just that. 60k in tax free income is 60k in....income.
Exactly. And when trying to make a comparison with somebody else's pre-tax income, it is illogical to not account for what that tax free figure would be as taxable income. If not, you're comparing apples to oranges.
When looking at pre-tax income, like Banker was doing, you don't mix in pre-tax income with tax free income. Then, you get stuck with a total and not know how much is taxable (if any) and how much isn't.
Again, this isn't rocket science. Even you can understand it. You're just trying to argue.
It makes perfect sense. When talking about “salaries” or “incomes” most are comparing/referring to an overall income $ amount. Deciphering out taxable vs tax-free income amounts within the context of this discussion was pointless. It wasn’t even a factor in this conversation either until you felt it necessary to raise the net income amount on McCain’s public service income by grossing up an additional 30k (that never existed).
No. Banker was trying to say that McCain had a low salary compared to his net worth. In doing so, he greatly under estimated McCain' salary by about 200%. You don't say "Oh, he had a $140,000 salary that was taxable, plus $60,000 that was untaxable, plus book and real estate earnings."
To make it easy, you estimate his $170,000 salary (not the incorrect earlier number), his $60,000 tax free income which would be about $90,000 pre-tax, and simply add those. The end figure would be the same, but you could simply say an income of about $265,000 instead going through each breakdown.
What Rifle is missing is that even if you take his bogus number, a person making $265,000 a year, or whatever, doesn't accumulate a $21MM net worth. Especially when you consider that amount reflects "end of career earnings" and is not reflective of average lifetime earnings.
What delusional fvcking world do you live in? My bogus number? You're the one who was off by 200%! God damn, you said his earnings were $140,000, when in reality, his tax return shows earnings of about $410,000. Yet you claim my number was bogus?
What you are missing is that his wife is worth hundreds of millions of dollars. McCain could have saved every single cent of his income and still led a wealthy life, easily getting his fortune to the estimate $21 million.
For both you and Liarherdfan, answer this:
If a person has a $265,000 income, what would his annual take home pay be?
If a person has a $170,000 income, plus a tax free $60,000 pension, what would his annual take home pay be?
As you both will have to admit, the figures are very close, which proves my point.