More and more every day since Dems embrace socialismYes...a ton of them.
More and more every day since Dems embrace socialismYes...a ton of them.
Good thing you were wise enough to ignore the IQ requirement, Tier Three.
Sure thing, Mr. LSAT.
Remind me again how many times you've passed a Bar exam?
Yet the Bar, and not the LSAT, is the sole measure by and through which someone is deemed fit to practice law. Weird.
Btw, my favorite Yags law story is the one re: the 2nd Amendment and the Federalist Papers. Priceless.
rifle's entire defense of his argument is predicated on the assumption that steel workers have a low IQ. I stand by my statement that there should be an IQ test and one should have to own real property to vote.
Rifle demonstrates his ignorance yet again by not being able to differentiate between IQ and education.
This situation is clearly different - one with legal ramifications. A month ago, Cohen was "honorable" and "honest." Now, that same person claims that he has always know Cohen was a habitual liar.
That's not talking out of both sides of his mouth (not his "face," like you claimed, which is not the saying). That's simply lying to extremes on both sides in order to avoid legal problems.
More and more every day since Dems embrace socialism
Jesus Christ, unionism is based on socialistic theory.
that's why it' such a trick...…..I know numerous union people who support trump and repubicans now and those type of people moved to Trump in the past election. I don't know if it's they'd rather have jobs than representation if lucky enough to get job OR the fact they just are not going in with the far left agenda.
I guess I just assumed we all knew that as they are part of the group like the Reagan Democrats. maybe you aren't as up on political issues as I thought.
You are a moron if you think joe smuck union worker public or private in the southeast or mid west is down for all thus leftist crap. Maybe you will figure it out trumps second term idiot
I’m drinking and flying ....and typing on phone, you still missed it on union workers but nice fall back to rifles playbookIt never fails: you call someone a moron in a post riddled with spelling and grammar errors.
It also never fails that you and other mentally deficient posters resort to "moron" when you realize you are too fvxking stupid to asnwer a simple question. I'll ask again, inbred: What exactly is "the far left agenda"?
And too answer your question let’s just leave it at open boarders and big gov
Did I really need to tell you?
And too answer your question let’s just leave it at open boarders and big gov
Did I really need to tell you?